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Observe and summarize information about microorganisms.
 Examine and illustrate size, shape, and structure of organisms found in an environment such as pond
Microorganisms Review, Part I
Bacteria (Bacterium singular)
 All bacteria are single-celled organisms (something that’s alive).
 Can belong to Kingdom Bacteria or Archae.
 Archae live in nuclear reactors, geysers, and hot pots found at Yellowstone, etc.
 Bacteria are found everywhere.
Sources: Pictures 1 & 2 - University of California at Davis; Picture 3 – New Zealand Electronic Tech Center
Observe and summarize information about microorganisms.
 Examine and illustrate size, shape, and structure of organisms found in an environment such as pond
 Come
in three shapes.
Round (coccus [plural cocci])
Rod (bacillus [plural bacilli] )
Spiral (spirillum)
 Some bacteria are consumers.
 Consumer – must find and consume
food to survive [animal-like].
 Some bacteria are producers.
 Producer - a living thing that makes
food from simple substances and
sunlight [plant-like].
Source: Learning with Online Exercises in
Soil Science
Protozoans (Protozoa/Protista)
 All are single-celled organisms.
 Found in water.
 Can be consumer or producer.
 Major types of protozoan.
 Amoeba
 Is the simplest form of protozoan.
 Moves using pseudopods (False feet).
 Has no set shape.
(Source: Biology Teaching & Learning Resources)
 Clear.
 Is a consumer.
 Eats algae, bacteria, other protozoan, dead plant or animal matter.
 Euglena
 Oval shaped.
 Is green.
 Is a producer.
 Can also be a consumer.
 Moves using a whip-like flagellum (flagella plural).
(Source: Biology Teaching
& Learning Resources)
Observe and summarize information about microorganisms.
 Examine and illustrate size, shape, and structure of organisms found in an environment such as pond
 Oval shaped.
 Translucent.
 Moves using cilia (hair-like structures
(Source: Biology Teaching & Learning
around body)
 Consumer.
 Eats algae, bacteria, other protozoan, dead plant or animal matter.
 Algae
 Plant-like
 Primarily green
 Can also be brown or red.
 Produce 50% of the oxygen we breathe.
 Primary source for organisms living in
 Free-floating (go-with-the-flow).
 Range from single-cell to 100 meters long.
 Live in water.
 Spirogyra
 Simple plant.
 Producer.
 Free-floating (go-with-theflow).
 Has no form of
movement. Only
moves with the flow
of the water.
(Source: Minnesota State
Legislature Youth website)
Source: Biology Teaching & Learning Resources
Fungi (fungus singular)
 Consumer.
 Eat by absorbing food.
 Get food from soil, wood, decaying organic (once living) matter, and living
plants/other organisms.
 Can be from single-celled to largest organism alive.
 Can’t move.
Observe and summarize information about microorganisms.
 Examine and illustrate size, shape, and structure of organisms found in an environment such as pond
 Decomposers.
 Feeds on and breaks down dead plant or animal matter.
 Examples.
 Mushrooms.
 Truffles.
 A mushroom like fungus
that grown underground; primarily found in
Europe; a highly valued food.
 Lichen
 Fungus often found as
white or yellow patches on old walls, etc.
Microorganisms Notes Review Worksheet, Part I
1. Bacteria are…
a. single-celled.
b. multi-celled.
2. Bacteria belong to which Kingdom?
a. Plantae
b. Moneran
c. Animalia
d. Fungi
3. Bacteria come in which shapes?
a. Rod
b. Round
c. Spiral
d. All of the above
Observe and summarize information about microorganisms.
 Examine and illustrate size, shape, and structure of organisms found in an environment such as pond
4. What is the difference between a consumer and producer?
a. Both have to find their own food.
b. A consumer has to find and consume its food; a producer makes its own food.
c. Both can make their own food.
d. A producer has to find and produce its food; a consumer makes its own food.
5. Protists are found in…
a. soil only.
b. both soil and water.
c. water only.
d. the air only.
Match the facts with the correct protozoan. (Answers may be used more than once.)
______ 6. This protozoan is green.
A. Amoeba
______ 7. This protozoan has no shape.
B. Euglena
______ 8. This protozoan is both a consumer and producer.
C. Paramecium
______ 9. Moves using cilia.
______ 10. Moves using a flagellum.
______ 11. This protozoan is clear.
______ 12. This protozoan moves using pseudopods.
13. Algae can be…
a. brown.
b. green.
c. red.
d. all of the above.
14. Algae produce what percentage of the oxygen we breathe?
a. 25%
b. 50%`
c. 75%
d. 100%
15. Algae are a primary source of good for water organisms.
a. True
b. False
16. Algae move using…
a. cilia.
b. flagella.
c. go-with-the-flow (free floating).
d. psuedpods.
Observe and summarize information about microorganisms.
 Examine and illustrate size, shape, and structure of organisms found in an environment such as pond
17. Algae are found in…
a. soil only.
b. both soil and water.
c. water only.
d. the air only.
18. Fungi are...
a. consumers.
b. producers.
19. Fungi are decomposers (feed on and break down dead plant or animal matter).
a. True
b. False
20. An example of a fungus is a…
a. cup of ice cream.
b. serving of corn.
c. mushroom.
d. a bolt of cloth.
It’s Still Pretty Simple: Kingdom Protista (Protozoan)
Cell Structure
Protozoans do have a nucleus and it’s surrounded by
a nuclear membrane. They are called eukaryotes, which
means “true nucleus.” They also have cell organelles that
help the nucleus perform all the life processes.
Number of Cells
Most Protozoans are single-celled organisms. A few are made up of two or more cells.
Kinds of Movement
Some Protozoans do not move at all, but many of them are able to move. Some protists
use psuedpods, or false feet. The cell in this type of protists is able to change its shape. It is
able to extend some of the cytoplasm to make a fake foot or two. The feet are able to push or
pull the cell along.
Observe and summarize information about microorganisms.
 Examine and illustrate size, shape, and structure of organisms found in an environment such as pond
Other protists move using tiny, hair-like structures called cilia. The cilia are found on
the outside of the cell. They are able to move very quickly back and forth, moving the protists
along through water or another liquid.
Finally, some protists move using flagella. These are simple, whip-like structures that
propel the protist through its environment.
Some protists are producers and have chloroplasts and chlorophyll. Others are
Is it a Protist or Not?
Any organism that has these specific characteristics is a Protista. If it doesn’t have
these characteristics, it’s not a Protista.
1. Guess what? I have found some new organisms. I think they should be classified as either
Moneran or Protist, but I’m not sure. Look at the following characteristics and see if you can
decide which kingdom they should be in.
a. When I look at one of the organisms in the microscope, I notice a tiny nucleus inside
the cell. A membrane surrounds the nucleus.
This organism should be classified as a Moneran Protist
b. When I look at the next organism, I notice it has more than one cell. I don’t see any
tissues or organs, but the group of cells seems to be one organism, not a colony.
This organism should be classified as a Moneran Protist
c. This organism is moving. I notice that it is a single cell, with a flagellum. I cannot tell
if this organism has a nucleus or not.
This organism should be classified as a Moneran Protist Could be either
Observe and summarize information about microorganisms.
 Examine and illustrate size, shape, and structure of organisms found in an environment such as pond
d. This is a simple organism with chloroplasts in its cell. It makes its own food.
This organism should be classified as a Moneran Protist Could be either
This organism is most likely a: Moneran Protist
Protozoan Posters
Your assignment is to make three posters about three different protozoans. The
three protozoans are:
a. Amoeba
b. Paramecium
c. Euglena
1. Using the fact sheet, draw a picture of each protist on the appropriate poster.
2. Provide the following information about each protozoan:
How it moves
Where it lives
What it eats
What eats it
6. Cut your paper so it will fit on the construction paper. Glue the report on the
construction paper.
Observe and summarize information about microorganisms.
 Examine and illustrate size, shape, and structure of organisms found in an environment such as pond
Protozoan Fact Sheet
Color – Clear.
Shape – Irregular (always changing).
Size - .03 inches.
Moves Using – Pseudopods (false feet).
Lives – Fresh water at the bottom of pond or
 Eats – Algae, bacteria, other protozoans, dead plant
or animal matter.
 Eats It – Zooplankton, other protozoans.
Color – Green.
Shape – Oval.
Size - .002 inches.
Moves Using – Flagellum (flagella plural).
Lives – Marine and fresh water.
Eats – Makes own food; can also eat green algae.
Eats It – Water Fleas, fish, and other aquatic animals.
Color – Pale.
Shape – Oval.
Size - .003 to .01 inches.
Moves Using – Cilia.
Lives – Fresh water.
Eats – Algae, bacteria, other
protozoans, dead plant or animal matter.
 Eats It – Didinium, amoeba, Euglena, rotifers, copepods, and other small animals that live
in water.
Observe and summarize information about microorganisms.
 Examine and illustrate size, shape, and structure of organisms found in an environment such as pond
Color - ________________________________________________________
Shape - _______________________________________________________
Size - ________________________________________________________
How does it move? _______________________________________________
Where does it live? ______________________________________________
What does it eat? _______________________________________________
What eats it? __________________________________________________
Observe and summarize information about microorganisms.
 Examine and illustrate size, shape, and structure of organisms found in an environment such as pond
Color - ________________________________________________________
Shape - _______________________________________________________
Size - ________________________________________________________
How does it move? _______________________________________________
Where does it live? ______________________________________________
What does it eat? _______________________________________________
What eats it? __________________________________________________
Observe and summarize information about microorganisms.
 Examine and illustrate size, shape, and structure of organisms found in an environment such as pond
Color - ________________________________________________________
Shape - _______________________________________________________
Size - ________________________________________________________
How does it move? _______________________________________________
Where does it live? ______________________________________________
What does it eat? _______________________________________________
What eats it? __________________________________________________
Observe and summarize information about microorganisms.
 Examine and illustrate size, shape, and structure of organisms found in an environment such as pond
Microorganisms Review, Part II
Bacteria (Bacterium singular)
 Beneficial uses of bacteria.
 Provides nitrogen for plants.
 Fixes the soil (changes the nitrogen to a form the plant can use).
 Get minerals from ores.
 Used to make plastics and laundry detergents.
 Help make antibiotics.
 Food production.
 Yogurt
 Sauerkraut
 Pickles
 Olives
 Chocolate
 Cheese
 Soy Sauce
 Harmful effects of bacteria.
 Cause Diseases (<1% of bacteria cause diseases)
 Three ways to get disease.
 Through air (breathe in).
 Through touch.
 Eating contaminated food.
 Examples of bacterial diseases.
 Dental caries (cavities).
 Strep throat.
 Salmonella.
 Typhoid fever.
 Causes disease in farm animals.
 Causes metal to rust and wear away.
 How to treat/prevent diseases.
 Vaccinations.
 Antibiotics.
 Wash hands after using bathroom or whenever dirty.
 Cook food properly.
 Store food properly.
 Cover mouth when sneezing, coughing.
Protozoans (Protozoa/Protista)
 Harmful effects of Protozoans.
 Cause diseases
Observe and summarize information about microorganisms.
 Examine and illustrate size, shape, and structure of organisms found in an environment such as pond
 Giardia (diarrhea and abdominal pain)
 Amebiasis
 Don’t drink untreated water
 Benefits of algae.
 Used in …
 livestock feed.
 cosmetics.
 prescription drug production.
 identifying possible environmental problems.
 food production.
 Sushi.
 Ice cream.
 Pudding
 Salad dressing.
 Syrup.
 Primarily used as a thickener.
 Harmful effects of algae.
 Algal blooms.
 Certain types of algae grow rapidly.
 Grow large enough to form visual patches.
 Can deplete oxygen in water.
 Blocks sunlight.
 Can release toxins dangerous to animals and humans.
Fungi (fungus singular)
 Benefits of fungi.
 Used to make chemicals used in manufacturing.
 Produce antibiotics (example – penicillin).
 Clean the environment.
 Food production.
 Cheese
 Mushrooms
 Yeast
 Truffles
 Soy sauce
 Harmful effects of fungi.
 Causes 70% of all crop diseases.
 Diseases in humans.
 Respiratory (lung) diseases (example – pneumonia).
 Athlete’s foot.
 Ringworm (makes a raised round circle that looks like it was caused by a worm).
Observe and summarize information about microorganisms.
 Examine and illustrate size, shape, and structure of organisms found in an environment such as pond
Highlights in the History of the Study of Microorganisms
 Microorganisms not known until 1670’s.
 Had to have a microscope first.
 Invented in 1595 by Zacharias Janssen
 Was considered a toy for the rich.
 Anton Van Leeuwenhoek 1670’s
 Improved the microscope so much he’s considered the father of the
 First looked at water under a microscope
 Discovered small animals.
 Called them “animalcules” (small animals)
 Probably were bacteria
 Edward Jenner 1790’s
 Developed the first vaccine
 Noticed that milk maids who had cowpox did not get smallpox
 Injected cowpox in volunteers
 They did not get smallpox
 Ignaz Semmelweis and Oliver Wendell Holmes 1840’s
 Women were dying after giving birth from Child Bed Fever
 Semmelweis and Holmes suggested washing hands between
 When hands were washed, Child Bed Fever almost
 Joseph Lister 1860’s
 Many patients got sick and died after operations.
 Lister proposed disinfecting operating room and instruments between operations.
Louis Pasteur 1860’s
 People believed life arose “spontaneously.”
 Mice came from grain bags.
 Pasteur proved that life had to come from existing life.
 Proposed that germs caused disease.
 Developed pasteurization. (Rapidly heating something to kill germs.)
Observe and summarize information about microorganisms.
 Examine and illustrate size, shape, and structure of organisms found in an environment such as pond
 Robert Koch 1880’s
 Germs cause disease
 Sir Alexander Fleming 1928
 Discovered the “miracle drug” penicillin
(Picture sources: Janssen – Math/Science Nucleus; van Leeuwenhoek – Mrs. Zell’s Website; Jenner – BBC; Semmelweiss –
Human Disease and Conditions; Holmes – http://www.general-anesthesia.com; Lister http://telem.openu.ac.il/courses/c20237/listeria-g.htm; Pasteur – Wikimedia Commons; Koch – http://raw-milk-facts.com;
Fleming – http:// www.xtec.es)
Microorganisms Notes Review Worksheet, Part II
If the statement about bacteria is true, select true; if it is false, select false.
_____ 1. Provides nitrogen for plants.
A. True
_____ 2. Cannot be used to make antibiotics.
B. False
_____ 3. Cause metal to rust.
_____ 4. Can do nothing to soil.
_____ 5. Does not cause disease in animals.
_____ 6. Over 90% cause diseases.
7. Identify how we can get a disease.
a. Through air
b. Through touch
c. Eating contaminated food
d. all of the above.
Match the disease with the microbe that causes it.
_____ 8. Amebiasis
A. Bacteria
_____ 9. Athlete’s foot
B. Fungi
Observe and summarize information about microorganisms.
 Examine and illustrate size, shape, and structure of organisms found in an environment such as pond
_____ 10. Dental caries (cavities)
C. Protist
_____ 11. Giardia
_____ 12. Ringworm
_____ 13. Salmonella.
_____ 14. Strep throat
_____ 15. Typhoid fever
16. Which is not a way to prevent diseases?
a. Antibiotics.
b. Cook food properly .
c. Not washing your hands.
d. Store food properly.
Identify the food with the microbe that is used to make it.
______ 17. Cheese
A. Algae
______ 18. Chocolate
B. Bacteria
______ 19. Ice cream
C. Fungi
______ 20. Olives
D. Both bacteria and fungi
______ 21. Pickles
______ 22. Sauerkraut
______ 23. Soy sauce
______ 24. Yeast
______ 25. Yogurt
Match the scientist with his accomplishment.
_____ 26. Sir Alexander Fleming
A. Invented the microscope.
_____ 27. Oliver Wendell Holmes
B. Discovered microbes (called them “animalcules”).
_____ 28. Zacharias Janssen
C. Developed the first vaccine.
Observe and summarize information about microorganisms.
 Examine and illustrate size, shape, and structure of organisms found in an environment such as pond
_____ 29. Edward Jenner
D. Suggested washing hands between patients. (This choice is used
_____ 30. Robert Koch
E. Disinfecting operating rooms and instruments between operations.
_____ 31. Anton van Leeuwenhoek
F. Proposed germs caused disease; developed pasteurization.
_____ 32. Joseph Lister
G. Proved germ theory (germs cause disease).
_____ 33. Louis Pasteur
H. Discovered penicillin (“the miracle drug”).
_____ 34. Ignaz Semmelweis
History of Microorganisms Timeline
Using your notes, complete the timeline showing the major discoveries in the history of
microorganisms. On the line, make a mark and write the year the event happened. Above the
line, identify the name of the person who made the discovery. Below the line, write what the
person discovered or did.
Observe and summarize information about microorganisms.
 Examine and illustrate size, shape, and structure of organisms found in an environment such as pond
Observe and summarize information about microorganisms.
 Examine and illustrate size, shape, and structure of organisms found in an environment such as pond
Observe and summarize information about microorganisms.
 Examine and illustrate size, shape, and structure of organisms found in an environment such as pond
Beneficial and Harmful Effects of Microbes
Identify the beneficial use with the microbe.
_____ 1. Cheese
A. Algae
_____ 2. Chocolate
B. Bacteria
_____ 3. Cosmetics.
C. Fungi
_____ 4. Get minerals from ores
D. Bacteria and Fungi
_____ 5. Help make antibiotics
_____ 6. Ice cream
_____ 7. Livestock feed.
_____ 8. Mushrooms
_____ 9. Olives
_____ 10. Pickles
_____ 11. Pudding
_____ 12. Salad dressing.
_____ 13. Sauerkraut
_____ 14. Soy Sauce
_____ 15. Yeast
_____ 16. Yogurt
Observe and summarize information about microorganisms.
 Examine and illustrate size, shape, and structure of organisms found in an environment such as pond
17. Identify a way you could get a disease.
a. Through air (breathe in)
b. Eating contaminated food
c. Through touch
d. All of the above
Match the disease or harmful effect with the microbe.
_____ 18. Amebiasis
A. Protozoan
_____ 19. Athlete’s foot
B. Bacteria
_____ 20. Causes 70% of all crop diseases
C. Fungi
_____ 21. Causes disease in farm animals
D. Bacteria and Fungi
_____ 22. Causes metal to rust and wear away
_____ 23. Dental caries (cavities).
_____ 24. Giardiasis
_____ 25. Pneumonia
_____ 26. Ringworm
_____ 27. Salmonella.
_____ 28. Strep throat
_____ 29. Typhoid fever
Observe and summarize information about microorganisms.
 Examine and illustrate size, shape, and structure of organisms found in an environment such as pond
Microorganisms Notes Review Worksheet, Part I - Key
1. Bacteria are…
a. single-celled. (2 choices)
2. Bacteria belong to which Kingdom?
b. Moneran
3. Bacteria come in which shapes?
d. all of the above
4. What is the difference between a consumer and producer?
b. A consumer has to find and consume its food; a producer makes its own
5. Protists are found in…
c. water only.
B 6.
This protozoan is green.
A 7. This protozoan has no shape.
B 8. This protozoan is both a consumer and producer.
C 9. Moves using cilia.
B 10.
Moves using a flagellum.
C 11. This protozoan is translucent.
A 12. This protozoan moves using pseudopods.
13. Algae can be…
d. all of the above.
Observe and summarize information about microorganisms.
 Examine and illustrate size, shape, and structure of organisms found in an environment such as pond
14. Algae produce what percentage of the oxygen we breathe?
b. 50%
15. Algae are a primary source of good for water organisms.
a. True (2 choices)
16. Algae move using…
c. go-with-the-flow (free floating).
17. Algae are found in…
c. water only.
18. Fungi are...
a. consumers. (2 choices)
19. Fungi are decomposers (feed on and break down dead plant or animal matter).
a. True (2 choices)
20. An example of a fungus is a…
c. mushroom.
It’s Still Pretty Simple: Kingdom Protista (Protozoan) - Key
Is it a Protist or Not?
Any organism that has these specific characteristics is a Protista. If it doesn’t have
these characteristics, it’s not a Protista.
1. Guess what? I have found some new organisms. I think they should be classified as either
Moneran or Protist, but I’m not sure. Look at the following characteristics and see if you can
decide which kingdom they should be in.
Observe and summarize information about microorganisms.
 Examine and illustrate size, shape, and structure of organisms found in an environment such as pond
a. When I look at one of the organisms in the microscope, I notice a tiny nucleus inside
the cell. A membrane surrounds the nucleus.
This organism should be classified as a Moneran Protist
b. When I look at the next organism, I notice it has more than one cell. I don’t see any
tissues or organs, but the group of cells seems to be one organism, not a colony.
This organism should be classified as a Moneran Protist
c. This organism is moving. I notice that it is a single cell, with a flagellum. I cannot tell
if this organism has a nucleus or not.
This organism should be classified as a Moneran Protist Could be either
d. This is a simple organism with chloroplasts in its cell. It makes its own food.
This organism should be classified as a Moneran Protist Could be either
This organism is most likely a: Moneran Protist
Microorganisms Notes Review Worksheet, Part II - Key
A 1. Provides nitrogen for plants.
B 2. Cannot be used to make antibiotics.
A 3. Cause metal to rust.
B 4. Can do nothing to soil.
B 5. Does not cause disease in animals.
B 6. Over 90% cause diseases.
7. Identify how we can get a disease.
d. all of the above.
Observe and summarize information about microorganisms.
 Examine and illustrate size, shape, and structure of organisms found in an environment such as pond
C 8. Amebiasis
B 9. Athlete’s foot
A 10. Dental caries (cavities)
C 11. Giardia
B 12. Ringworm
A 13. Salmonella.
A 14. Strep throat
A 15. Typhoid fever
16. Which is not a way to prevent diseases?
c. Not washing your hands.
D 17. Cheese
B 18. Chocolate
A 19. Ice cream
B 20. Pudding
B 21. Pickles
B 22. Sauerkraut
D 23. Soy sauce
D 24. Yeast
B 25. Yogurt
H 26. Sir Alexander Fleming
Observe and summarize information about microorganisms.
 Examine and illustrate size, shape, and structure of organisms found in an environment such as pond
D 27. Oliver Wendell Holmes
A 28. Zacharias Janssen
C 29. Edward Jenner
G 30. Robert Koch
B 31. Anton van Leeuwenhoek
E 32. Joseph Lister
F 33. Louis Pasteur
D 34. Ignaz Semmelweis
History of Microorganisms Timeline - Key
1595 – Zacharias
Janssen invents the
Observe and summarize information about microorganisms.
 Examine and illustrate size, shape, and structure of organisms found in an environment such as pond
1670’s – Improved the
microscope, discovered
bacteria and protozoans.
1790’s – Edward Jenner
develops first vaccine.
1840’s – Ignaz Semmelweis
recommended washing
hands between patients.
Observe and summarize information about microorganisms.
 Examine and illustrate size, shape, and structure of organisms found in an environment such as pond
1860’s – Joseph Lister
proposes disinfecting
operating room &
instruments between
1860’s – Louis Pasteur
proposed germs cause
diseases; developed
1928 – Sir Alexander
Fleming discovered the
“miracle drug” penicillin.
1880’s – Robert Koch
proves germs cause
Beneficial and Harmful Effects of Microbes - Key
D 1. Cheese
B 2. Chocolate
A 3. Cosmetics.
B 4. Get minerals from ores
D 5. Help make antibiotics
A 6. Ice cream
A 7. Livestock feed.
Observe and summarize information about microorganisms.
 Examine and illustrate size, shape, and structure of organisms found in an environment such as pond
C 8. Mushrooms
B 9. Olives
B 10. Pickles
A 11. Pudding
A 12. Salad dressing.
B 13. Sauerkraut
D 14. Soy Sauce
C 15. Yeast
B 16. Yogurt
17. Identify a way you could get a disease.
d. All of the above
A 18. Amebiasis
C 19. Athlete’s foot.
C 20. Causes 70% of all crop diseases.
B 21. Causes disease in farm animals.
B 22. Causes metal to rust and wear away.
B 23. Dental caries (cavities).
A 24. Giardiasis
D 25. Pneumonia
Observe and summarize information about microorganisms.
 Examine and illustrate size, shape, and structure of organisms found in an environment such as pond
C 26. Ringworm
B 27. Salmonella
B 28. Strep Throat
B 29. Typhoid Fever