Scott Tenenbaum
Course Description
The leadership class is designed for students who are working in a leadership capacity in student government,
student activities, and community activities. A minimum grade of a "B" is standard. Students will study general
principles required for becoming good leaders and will develop and coordinate a wide variety of school activities.
Considerable time will be spent outside of the classroom where students will have practical experience in
leadership. Enrollment in leadership class is a requirement, and limited to students elected as student body officers and class officers, as well as those students appointed as executive council members. These students make
up the Silverado Student Council, which is the primary governing organization of the school. They represent the
student body and hold the interest of the student body as their primary concern.
As a member of the Silverado Leadership Class/ Student Council, you must represent your school with the
utmost dignity and integrity at all functions at all times. You must set an example to the student body at all times
by following all the rules and by having exemplary behavior.
Course Scope
The purpose of the one-year course is to train student leaders in the various aspects of leadership. Time will be
used in and out of class for performance of tasks associated with their leadership responsibilities. This course
will count for one elective credit and may be repeated for additional elective credits.
Course Goals
1. To develop personal goals and organizational goals.
2. To develop personal skills necessary for leadership positions.
3. To perform effectively in small groups in class and during activities.
4. To develop and demonstrate communication skills.
5. To develop and apply public relation skills.
6. To plan and implement time management skills.
7. To recognize and apply basic knowledge of meeting procedures.
8. To promote a positive school climate.
9. To support club and organization activities.
To transfer knowledge and skills learned in class to school and community projects.
11. To develop skills in problem-solving as they apply to student government.
12. To have a fun and positive year.
Course Outline
1. Learn the organization and purpose of leadership.
2. Define leadership positions and responsibilities.
3. Study and practice parliamentary procedures.
4. Develop goals and objectives for the year.
5. Research future planning of activities and fundraisers.
6. Define and evaluate leadership theories.
7. Plan and implement elections, Homecoming, assemblies, and other activities.
8. Learn successful group dynamics.
Course Cadre Grading Rubric
CCSD Regulation 5121, Student Progress: Grading, Section II:
“The Clark County School District reports student achievement for all subjects in secondary schools (grades six
through twelve) and computes grade point averages using the following symbols and scale:
Excellent: 90-100%
Above Average: 80-89.9%
Average: 70-79.9%
Below Average: 60-69.9%
Failure : 59%-0%
Grades for each Quarter:
Group work, Notebook, and Agenda: 25% of grade. Notebooks and agenda will be checked
periodically. Correct spelling and grammar should be used. Group work will be graded daily and
Participation in Committees: 25% of grade. Participation in Homecoming, fall, winter, spring,
Hawkfest, and banquet committees.
Class Committee Participation: 25% of grade. Participation in weekly class committee
meetings and assignments (see class log).
Major Activities and/or Tests: 25% of grade. Participation in sign-makings, assemblies, and etc…
Semester Grades:
Your semester grade will be determined using the following weights: each quarter will count 47% while
the semester exam will count 6%.
Makeup Work:
CCSD Regulation 5113, Attendance Enforcement, Section VII entitled Makeup Work: “Teachers shall provide
an opportunity for a student to make up missed work due to any absence, and students shall be held
accountable for the work. When a student is absent, however, the educational experiences lost during that
absence might be irretrievable because the instruction and interaction in the instructional setting cannot be
duplicated through makeup work.
After any absence, a secondary student is required to initiate contact with the teacher(s) to obtain appropriate
makeup work within three school days immediately following the absence. Once contact has been made with
the teacher(s) specific makeup work must be completed and returned to the teacher(s) within a reasonable
length of time, to be determined by the teacher and communicated to the student/parent or legal guardian.
The makeup work must be returned to the teacher(s) by the specified due date if it is to be acknowledged.
Students shall be allowed a minimum of three (3) days to complete makeup work.”
Lack of participation and completion of make-up work as a result of a student’s non-attendance in class or at
an activity may impact his/her grade in a negative way. All make-up work including homework and tests must
be completed within three school days after the absence or credit will not be given. All make-up work must be
stamped, signed, and dated by the teacher or credit will not be given.
CCSD Regulation 5113, Attendance Enforcement, Section I entitled Student Tardiness: “Student tardiness is a
serious disruption to the educational process. Tardiness interferes with time to teach and infringes on the
educational rights of other students.” Students will be expected to follow the Silverado High School Tardy
Policy and Procedures.
Classroom Procedures and Policies
1. Enter room quietly. You should be in your seat when the bell rings.
2. Students are expected to be on time—students who arrive late will receive a tardy and be subject to
the consequences under the tardy policy. Students arriving 30 min. late are considered absent.
3. Homework will be collected and graded by the teacher, and stored in notebooks by the student.
4. Students must take notes during lecture days. Planners and notebooks should be out during
parliamentary meetings. Activity days will begin after instruction from SBO president or instructor.
5. Extra credit can be earned for extra duties on activities.
6. Tests are given when needed to evaluate lectures and homework. Quizzes are very rare, but may be
given unannounced.
7. Students are expected to act appropriately whether or not they are under the direct supervision of the
teacher. Students are often working in both the cafeteria and the classroom at the same time, or they
may be out in the school community. The instructor can only be in one place at a time, therefore,
students are expected to behave appropriately at all times.
8. Students are not allowed out of the leadership classroom without permission or from any other class
unless a pass has been issued or an activity sheet has been distributed to the other teachers.
9. Work habits and behavior should always have a high sense of duty and responsibility.
10. Leadership Council is governed by the Silverado High School Constitution, but the rules are from the
teacher, CCSD Activity rules, and the Student Handbook.
Students will be able to check their current grade on Parentlink on Friday of each week. They may also check
Parentlink for any student council “news” items, or any updates to our calendar. Parents may establish their
own Parentlink accounts in order to access their child’s grades. Any questions regarding parentlink can be
directed to the main office.
Note to Parents:
Student Council is a class and an extracurricular activity. This class requires time outside of class, which can be
graded. It is the responsibility of the parent/student to keep track of schedules and make-up work when