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Our Lungs, Our Mob Video Transcript
Tamara: Hi want to know more about lung cancer and the best way to tackle it?
Damo: Check out the facts with us and listen to true life stories from people like Archie Roach
He's been down that cancer road and he's still singing today.
Tamara: You'll see that it's not all bad news. Cause the earlier the lung cancer is found, the
better your chances of living are. So let's go!
Damo: So, what exactly is lung cancer?
Tamara: Lung cancer is a kind of sickness in the lungs. It happens when you have cells in the lung
that aren't normal healthy cells, they're damaged. These cancer cells start growing in the lungs
and then just keep growing.
Damo: Did you know that lung cancer is the most common cause of cancer death in our mob?
Tamara: Sure, but remember the earlier lung cancer is found. the better your chances of living
Damo: People always talking about smoking and lung cancer.
Tamara: Yeah, for good reason. Smoking is the thing that increases your chance of getting lung
cancer the most. It's so risky. And passive smoking, breathing in others peoples smoke. That is
seriously risky too.
Damo: Man it's so important. Gotta give up the smokes.
Damo: What should I look out for to give myself the best chance?
Tamara: You have to know what to look out for. The most important ones are: A new cough that
doesn't go away. One that stays on for weeks. A cough that changes, smokers should really look
out for this one. Being short of breath - you know, not being able to catch your breath. A chest
infection that won't go away. Or coughing up blood.
Damo: So if we know what to look out for, we can look out for each other. Like if we notice
someone with these changes we can talk to them. Let them know it's a good idea to go to the
clinic for a check up.
Archie: I started having these problems around the chest area with breathing. Very short of
breath sometimes when I go out for a walk. I find myself, you know just really sometimes gasping
for breath. If you're starting to show symptoms like shortness of breath and coughing, just
generally all round. Feeling low, feeling bad. You need to go and see your doctor. Have a
thorough medical examination.