
Water Conservation Chapter Grant
Grant Proposal Form
Please complete proposal form below, including the proposals budget and your chapters IRS tax exempt letter.
Please email all documents to:
Alison Holloran: aholloran@audubon.org and Connie Holsinger: cholsinger@comcast.net.
Proposals must be received no later than February 28, 2014.
Average grant request should not exceed $4,000, and must include an educational component that embraces water
conservation. Special consideration will be given to proposals that reflect a strong community outreach/partnership
component. Also, additional funding consideration will be given to projects with restoration needs (these need to be
local projects in chapter’s area) and assessed on an individual basis.
All projects will be reviewed and grants will be awarded (notification via email) by March 30, 2014 .
Grant Requirements:
1. Grantees must be an Audubon Colorado Chapter/member.
2. Grant proposals must reflect a strong community outreach/partnership component. Such as outreach to local
businesses, community members outside of Audubon, city and county agencies etc.
3. Grantee will work with Audubon Rockies staff in promoting project outcomes and media outreach. (i.e. write a
short newsletter article for Rockies/WRAN newsletter about project, work with Rockies staff on project media
outreach, assist with recruitment of members for WRAN network (i.e. have WRAN materials available at
program/project day)).
Example Projects:
1. Water Law 101 Workshop: Jo Evans (Audubon’s past water lobbyist and outstanding presenter) will present
her “Water Handbook,” a user friendly guide to understanding Colorado Water Law and how to be an effective
advocate for water conservation in your local community and state!
2. Wildscaping 101 Workshop: Be a Habitat Hero! Why wildscape? Learn why and how to provide habitat for
songbirds and pollinators while reducing irrigation needs and saving water. Learn how to create inspiring and
beautiful habitat gardens of all types with a nuts-and-bolts how-to-wildscape talk.
3. River Clean-up: Sponsor a River Clean-up Day, partnering with other non-profits and businesses throughout the
communities. Clean up our rivers and bring awareness of the importance of healthy, clean rivers, habitat diversity
and water conservation to local community. Engage individuals within and outside of Audubon.
4. River Restoration: Engage your community in a small river restoration project within compromised habitats near
local rivers. Restore compromised river reaches, improve river health and create visible local examples of healthy
river systems (Chapters should focus on native plant restoration and elimination of exotic plants). The broader value
of healthy wildlife habitats should be emphasized, including habitat diversity, while building diverse local
Grant Proposal Form
Organizational Information:
Contact name:_______________________
Email address:________________________
Chapter Name:________________________
Mailing Address:__________________________
Tax identification number:____________________
Project Need:
Project Title: ______________________________________________________________
Project Overview (2-3 sentences describing the need or problem being addressed):
Goals/objectives of the project:
Is the project is new or ongoing? If ongoing what is the timeframe of this project?:
Is there community and volunteer involvement/partnerships?:
River/watershed reach to be impacted and how it will benefit from this project, specify avian species where able:
Outreach/Communications strategy: (i.e. what outreach will you employ for this project? I.e. Will you be able to
use existing Chapter website/other social media? Any invitation to local media, local schools, partners, community
officials etc.):
How will the project be evaluated to determine if it addressed the specified need or problem? (i.e. Defined timelines
with measurable conservation outcomes):
Does the project require continued funding for maintenance or expansion? If so, specify plans for continued funding
of the project and if applicable, with stewardship component clearly defined and sustainable funding identified:
Provide anticipated project timeline – short-term (1 year) and long-term (>1 year):
Amount Requested: _________________
Copy of tax exempt letter for organization (attached with proposal)
**Please fill out brief line item budget template (below)
Note: Matching funds (1:1 ratio, in kind will be considered based on direct community involvement (i.e. landscape
company volunteer time or materials NOT chapter member volunteer time )
Project Total
Grant Request Amt.