Role description

Role Title
Committee Member (clinical), Patient Information Committee
Reporting to
Director, Clinical Quality
Vice-President, Clinical Quality
Chair, Patient Information Committee
Duration and Dates of
Three year tenure from date of appointment (reviewed annually)
Purpose and Description of Role
In collaboration with the Committee Chair and the Director, Clinical Quality, Clinical committee
members of the PIC support the committee achieve its objective, and the requirements of the
Information Standard. Namely to produce high quality, accurate, balanced and evidence-based
patient information.
RCOG Patient Information is:
 evidence-based: using formal structured literature review methodology. Where there is a gap
in published evidence, the Patient Information Committee (PIC) employs an informal consensus
approach through group discussion. In line with current methodology the entire development
process follows strict guidance which is both transparent and robust.
 balanced: each document is the product of the whole Patient Information Committee rather
than an individual.
 accurate: accurate interpretation of the evidence is checked with the clinical guideline
developers (source documents).
 impartial: the robust methodology of the source documents ensures impartiality.
 well-written: each document is written in plain English and final edit by our professional
publishing team.
 accessible: all patient documents are freely available from our website to all English speaking
literate users with access to a computer. They are also publicised to RCOG members who may
give print versions to their patients.
 up-to-date: there is a process for regular review of all patient information documents, usually
three years or earlier when new evidence emerges relating to the evidence underpinning the
content. When a document is updated, the previous version is archived.
Main Responsibilities
Council approves the appointment of chairs and committees on an annual basis but the normal
tenure of office for a committee member is three years.
The responsibilities of a committee member include:
Assisting the Chair in the development of content and production of RCOG Patient
Information Leaflets
Leading remotely on the first draft of assigned leaflets in collaboration with agreed lay
member of the committee
Attending the Patient Information Committee meetings four times a year
Assisting the Chair in seeking advice and expertise in relation to patient information
topics from women and from peers not represented on the Committee
Deciding which issues can be dealt with in liaison with the Chair outside of the
Committee and which should be held for discussion by the full Committee.
With support from the Chair and the Director, Clinical Quality, acting as the
media/public enquiry liaison for those patient information leaflets on which you have
been allocated lead/co-author
Making recommendations on future membership and development of the Committee
Key Working Relationships
Liaison with College:
Vice President, Clinical Quality, Director of Clinical Quality and
Business Administrative Manager, Quality & Knowledge.
Committee Chair, Clinical and Lay members of the Committee
External liaison:
External organisations as a source of reference when developing
patient information leaflets e.g. SANDS, BASHH, Lullaby Trust, etc
Time Commitment
The Patient Information Committee meets four times a year.
There will also be significant time commitment outside of the Committee meetings to draft
information, give comment on and make amendments at the various stages of development of
Patient Information and other matters relating to the role as required.
Qualifications / Training
Registered with a licence to practice with GMC, in good standing
Substantive consultant in Obstetrics &/or Gynaecology
Evidence of annual appraisal
At least one fully completed CPD cycle
Evidence of equal opportunities and diversity training within previous 3 years
Formal training or experience in healthcare management
Previous role as clinical manager such as departmental lead/clinical director
Key Skills / Attributes
 Knowledge of the RCOG’s Strategic and Operational Plans
 Good communicator as evidenced by past publications and presentations
Willingness to work remotely between meetings – with an understanding that time will
be limited around clinical commitments/other work
Agreement from host organisation to be released to fulfil roles
Prepared to respond rapidly to issues as they arise
Prepared to undertake work for the College, outside of the committee meetings
Prior experience of a significant leadership role
Detailed knowledge of current NHS and the Health and Social Care Act
Up to date with membership subscriptions
In good standing with the College
Experience in writing Patient Information for women
Experience working alongside patients and the public in an environment of coproduction
Committee Vacancies
President/CEO Directorate
RCOG, 27 Sussex Place
London, NW1 4RG
Contact: Hannah Mackenzie - +44 20 7772 6317
DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS: Wednesday 20th January 2016 – 10.00am
Appendix One
CPD Information
The RCOG CPD Guide can be found here:
Committee Chair/Member
CPD credits are not claimable for the role of Chair or Committee member. However, if within
your Committee role you gain knowledge which enhances patient care or leadership and technical
skills, credits could be claimed under reflective learning.
One credit may be claimed per reflective learning form to a maximum of 25 credits in each 5-year
Committee members examining, setting exam questions, editing journals, publishing papers or
giving formal presentations can claim CPD credits and should refer to the CPD guidance (linked
above) for further information.