bulletin - Our Lady of the Mission

SUNDAY 17th January 2016
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Next Sunday is the 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Year C/2
In this church today we come together as a group of
very different people, with a variety of opinions,
experiences and gifts. We unite in the name of Jesus,
and in the power of his Spirit. Here we can glimpse
again something of the glory of God with us.
Parish Priest: Fr Joseph Tran Mob: 0402 048 502
Assistant Priests: Fr Renald Anthony Mob: 0406 557 320
Fr Mark Baumgarten Tel: 93072776
Pastoral Worker: Donna Moxey 0434 637 355
270 Camberwarra Drive
Craigie – WA 6025
Ph : 93072776
Fax: 94024319
Christine, Jenni, Lesley
1st Reading: Isaiah 62:1-5
Isaiah speaks of the extraordinary joy that the Lord
takes in his erring, exiled and failing people. It is a
divine joy expressed in the language of love, marriage
and intimacy.
2nd Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:4-11
St Paul reminds us that in all our differences, and
through all our different ways of expressing the
Gospel, we see the work of the one Spirit, active in our
Office Hours: Mon – Fri 9am –4pm
Email Address: whitford@optusnet.com.au
Parish Website: www.olm.myparish.net.au
Reconciliation: Saturdays 12 noon – 1pm and 5:30pm-6.00pm
Gospel: John 2:1-11
The sign worked at the wedding in Cana is named by
John as Jesus’ first sign, and one that showed the
glory of who he was. It is here, in the family intimacy of
the wedding, and the exchange between mother and
son, that the great gift of God’s presence is revealed.
Missioncare: Donna Moxey 0434 637 355
Antiphon to the Psalm:
Proclaim his marvellous deeds to all the nations.
Lord, you gift us in many different ways. May we never shy away from using the talents with which you
have endowed us.
MASS TIMES 18th – 24th January 2016
Monday 18th January
Tuesday 19th January
Wednesday 20th January
Thursday 21st January
Friday 22nd January
Saturday 23rd January
Sunday 24th January
St Agnes
* Liturgy of the Word and Holy Communion
Fr Joe writes: Wanting Joy?
One of the great tragedies of our individualistic society is our failure to appreciate sufficiently our connections to one
another. Our actions have an effect on others, just as the actions of others have an effect on us, whether we realise it
or not. And of course our actions have an effect on ourselves. We cannot escape these effects. If we do good to
others, we usually experience a sense of joy and harmony within ourselves. This is the way God made us to be. In
this sense, the measure we use for others is the one that comes back to rest on us. The reason for this is that we are
all connected to one another, and so what we do to others will naturally have an effect on us. That effect is willed by
God as a result of the way he made things to be. It is present in all phases of our lives.
It is important for us to be in tune with God, with all His creation including other human beings. The more we are in
tune with the connections uniting all things, the more we are in tune with the way things are. Eat intelligently, and
health will be measured out to you, because there is a connection between good nourishment and good health. That
is reality. Act unselfishly with love, and joy will be measured out to you, because there is a connection between loving
others and the experience of joy. That too is reality. The more we are in tune with reality, the more we will enjoy the
satisfaction in life that God wills us to have.
Let Us Pray: “Lord, please help me to understand that if life doesn’t seem to measure out much joy to me, I
may ask myself how much joy I am measuring out to others”
SUNDAY 17th January 2016
1. Transport Coordinator for MissionCare: A person is needed to fulfil this role for our parish outreach group. If you
would like to know more about the role, please call or email Donna 0434 637 355 or donnamoxey@hotmail.com.
2. Christmas Feedback: The Christmas Masses have been wonderful this year and we welcome feedback to make
our celebrations even better for next year. Please phone or email the parish office, talk to one of our priests or one of
the liturgy Committee members.
3. Healing Mass: Saturday 30th January at 8.30am. If you are suffering from any kind of sickness, physical,
emotional or spiritual, please do come to receive the Sacrament of Healing of the Sick. All others are welcome to join
in prayer for God’s healing power bestows on our loved ones who are not well.
4. Alter Server Training: is on Saturday 30th January 10am in church. Children from 8 year of age on ward are
welcome to join. Existing altar servers are free to come along to help Fr Joe and Fr Renald to train the new ones. As
usual our priests will take all children to the local MacDonald’s in Beldon for lunch.
5. Christmas Decorations: still will be up until end of the month as there are many families coming back from
school holiday. You are welcome to take photos and send to your loved ones.
6. Columban Calendars: are available at the Piety Stall and have been reduced to $7 for a quick sale.
7. Liturgy Committee Meeting: changed to Monday 18th January, 7.30pm.
8. Ministry Fair: This fun-filled 2 days will be held after all Masses on the weekend of Sat 20th and Sun 21st
February 2016. Tables will be set up outside the church. These will be manned by volunteers from ministries run by
our Church. It is a great way to find out how we can help you or how you can help us. We have many groups that you
may be interested in assisting or joining, social, parish service, faith development, community support and youth
groups. The “free” Glory Be café will run, providing a hot cuppa and a yummy cake/slice and there will be an iceblock
for the kiddies as well as a colouring in table. So mark it on your calendar and make sure you come outside after
Mass and join in the fun.
9. Team Members Needed for Ministry Fair 2016: Please contact the parish office if you wish to be part of the
dynamic team that comes together each year for the annual MINISTRY FAIR to be held in our parish over the
weekend of 20th/21st Feb. As well as members of the driving force behind this initiative, the Stewardship Team, we
also call on motivated parishioners to come forward to assist the parish with this important parish New Year event. All
existing and new team members are invited to join our priests at our first meeting in the Main Hall, 7.30pm – 8.30pm
on Wed 20th Jan. The 2nd and final meeting will be held on Wednesday 3rd February, same time in Meeting Room 2. If
you are unable to attend the meeting/s, please let the parish office know and you will be contacted regarding your
availability so that rosters can be finalized. Team members help to set up/pack up and ensure that the event runs
smoothly on the day. With your help, we will have another successful Ministry Fair!!!! Thank you and God Bless.
10. Bottomless Baking: We need lots of baking for our Ministry Fair which is held over the weekend of 20th and
21st February. Please add your name and details to the list at the information desk. Just deliver to the parish hall on
the day. Thank You
11. Columbarium – Application forms are now available for the purchase of Niches in our Columbarium. Niches may
be reserved in advance. Application forms are available from the Parish Office and at the Information Table at the
back of the Church. Please return completed application forms, along with payment, to the Parish Office for
processing. The Tree of Life, where a loved one, who has passed on, can be remembered, will also be available in
the coming weeks. The Columbarium is not yet ready to facilitate the interment of ashes. We are still waiting on the
finalisation of certain procedures. Dates for Interments will be announced in the coming weeks. Lisa 9401 1441 Errol
9304 5094.
12. Acolyte Thank You and Meeting: Fr Joseph, Fr Renald and Fr Mark invite all of our parish acolytes to a BBQ
and short meeting on Monday 8th February at 7pm in the parish centre, as a thank you for your dedication to your
ministry. We would like to see as many as possible attend. Please RSVP by contacting the Parish Office on 9307
2776 weekdays or by writing your name on the list in the church robing room by Sunday, 31st January.
13. Help Needed! Do you live near Madeley and attend Mass at Our Lady of the Mission on Sunday. We have an
elderly parishioner who requires a lift to the 9.30am Mass from her care facility in Madeley. If there are several
families we could work out a roster. If you can assist with this please call Donna Moxey on 0434 637 355.
14. Friendship Group: The Friendship Group will be held on Sunday, 24th January, meeting at Mullaloo Beach for an
evening barbecue. Please contact Alma for further info. Tel. 0414 061 048.
15. Fr Mark’s Birthday: Fr Joe, Fr Renald and the parishioners of Our Lady of the Mission would like to wish Fr
Mark a great big Happy Birthday which was on the 12th January! We are sorry it is a little late but you did keep it
under your hat! Happy Birthday and God Bless.
16. In Care for Our Common Home Environmental Group will meet this Tuesday 19th January at 7:30 pm to in
the parish centre. New members welcome. Sorry contact hasn’t been made earlier but member contact details have
been misplaced. Please contact Pauline by email: eganpaul@bigpond.com with your contact details. For all enquiries
re meeting call Pauline on 94018815.
17. Glory Be Café: opened after the 8am Mass. Do pop down to the hall, enjoy a cuppa and cake for only $2 per
person. Meet your fellow parishioners. Can you spare a little time after the 8am Mass to help in the café? You will be
rostered only once a month, we do need help. Young folk who want to do their Community Service are welcomed to
come and help. Contact Jo 9403 2763.
18. Mandurah Christmas Lights Cruise: Thank you to all who enjoyed the night out and especially to Tom, our bus
driver and to Sacred Heart College for the use of the bus.
19. Chinese New Year: February 12th - Please mark this date in your diaries, it is when we will celebrate Chinese
New Year at the Serenade Restaurant Warwick. It was a great dinner last year, get tickets early making sure we have
a seat. Time 7pm. Cost $35.00 for Adults and teens from 13years. Children 12 & under T B A. Looking for
entertainers for the evening so if you are attending the dinner & you can sing, dance or play an instrument & would
like to entertain please contact Jo. Final sale of tickets Sunday 7th Feb, contact Jo 94032763.
20. Fr Justin's Meditation Group: Restarting 25th January. We follow Fr Justin's Guided Style of meditation to
help enhance our lives. By freeing ourselves from stresses, worries and angers that we hold in our bodies (which are
the major causes of all the depression and sickness we have today). Working on being positive and focusing on all the
good we have in our life, enables us to find the person God knows we are, giving us the tools to take back our lives to
live in good health, love and peace with ourselves, others and God. Meditation has been proven to be one of the keys
to survival in our modern world. It is a private retreat, a key that unlocks the inner doorways to a deeper inner peace,
also brings relaxation to the body, peace to the mind and awakening to the soul leaving you feeling great, and a great
way to meet new people. We meet at the Convent at Mercyville Mondays 1pm-2pm. We have a Thursday evening
group also that meet at my home.7.30pm.-8.30pm. Contact Mary on 94015340 for any further information.
Stewardship Corner
The U.S. bishops’ pastoral on stewardship reinforces today’s reading from 1 Corinthians: “Because its individual
members do collectively make up the Body of Christ, that body’s health and well-being are the responsibility of the
members – the personal responsibility of each one of us. We all are stewards of the Church.”
EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Wednesday 9.30am – 7pm & Friday 9.30am – 7pm.
PRAY FOR THE SICK: We pray for all those in our parish’s Book of the Sick. You are most welcome to add names
to this book in the foyer of the Church. Please cross out when our prayers are no longer needed.
BAPTISMS: We welcome Connor, Archie, Caelan, Jack and Ethan, into God’s family this weekend.
DEATH & ANNIVERSARY: All Masses this week will be offered for Sean Comer, Teresa Donnellan, Bernadette
Burns, Billy Harrison, Peter Kehoe, all our dearly departed loved ones’ Holy Soul and all those recently deceased and
those who have their anniversary around this time.