Selection A - Danika Barker

Eng 2D1
Literature Circles
Selection B
Alexie, Sherman. “Indian Education,” Blasphemy: New and Selected Stories . New York:
Grove Press, 2012.
Scott, Duncan Cambell. “Ononadaga Madonna”
Diamond, Neil, dir. Reel Injun. Dir. Catherine Bainbridge, Jeremiah Hayes. Domino Film,
Johnson, Brian D. “Hollywood’s Shocking Reel Injuns.” Maclean’s Magazine. February 23,
Infantry, Ashante. “H&M pulls headdresses from Canadian shelves after complaints.”
Toronto Star. August 9, 2013.
Dartt-Newton, Deana. “Adjusting the focus on Twilight’s misconceptions.” Truth vs
Marshall, Lee. “The Twilight Craze: The Rise of Native American Actors in Hollywood.”
Indian Country Today Media Network Staff. “The Real Problem With a Lone Ranger
Movie? It's the Racism, Stupid.” Indian Country Today Media Network. July 8, 2013.
Literature Circle Overview
Over the next few weeks, you will be working with a selection of fiction and non-fiction
pieces in a variety of different media--both poetry and prose-- based on a particular theme
or topic. You will get a chance to read all of the packages before you choose the one that
interests you the most. Once everyone has selected, you will be put in literature circles.
Literature circles should foster rich discussion about each piece. Your ideas and those of the
other members of the group will help you produce quality work.
Each member of the literature circle will submit the following pieces of writing:
3 Journals
2 Responses to Questions
In addition, you literature circle group will give a seminar which will focus on the
particular theme presented in your package.
Suggestions and Reminders
Take rough notes to support the literature circle discussions and your responses to
the required activities.
Look ahead to see the expectations for each selection. It will help you and your
group to focus on the required tasks.
You cannot take the packages home. If you need to review any material, then copy
the web address and access it from home.
All written assignments must be submitted in MLA format.
Everyone must share the presentation time for the group seminar.
Although you are sharing ideas with other members of the group, all marks are
individual. You may choose the same activity as another member of your circle, but
you cannot submit an identical assignment.
Your teacher will be grading learning skills throughout the literature circle
If you are absent for the literature circle sessions, you are expected to speak with
the members of the circle to find out what material was missed. You are still
responsible for you role in the literature circle.
Begin Reading:
The Onondaga Madonna
Scott, Duncan Campbell (1862 - 1947)
She stands full-throated and with careless pose,
This woman of a weird and waning race,
The tragic savage lurking in her face,
Where all her pagan passion burns and glows;
Her blood is mingled with her ancient foes,
And thrills with war and wildness in her veins;
Her rebel lips are dabbled with the stains
Of feuds and forays and her father's woes.
And closer in the shawl about her breast,
The latest promise of her nation's doom,
Paler than she her baby clings and lies,
The primal warrior gleaming from his eyes;
He sulks, and burdened with his infant gloom,
He draws his heavy brows and will not rest.
1]Onondaga: native people originally found in New York and Canada.
Hollywood’s shocking reel Indians
A new documentary chronicles the absurd misrepresentation of native people onscreen
by Brian D. Johnson on Tuesday, February 23, 2010
As Avatar completes its quest for world domination, critics are still circling the wagons,
asking if James Cameron’s visionary epic is revolutionary or retrograde, or both. The
Vatican frets about its creed of nature worship. U.S. Conservatives condemn it as antimilitary eco-liberalism. And the rest of us wonder how the characters in this 3-D marvel
can be so flat. But there are Aboriginal people who have a more personal gripe. The Na’vi
aliens on Pandora are clearly patterned on North American natives, or more specifically
their Hollywood stereotype—noble savages in braids riding bareback with bows and
arrows. And as in Dances With Wolves, their messiah is a white man who goes native.
“Avatar angered me,” says CBC film critic Jesse Wente, an Ojibwa. “You have blue aliens
with tails—why do you have to put feathers in their hair? The Na’vi even do the war
whoop, which is a sound completely manufactured by Hollywood.”
Those persistent Indian clichés are the subject of a new documentary called Reel Injun,
directed by Cree filmmaker Neil Diamond. By turns funny and shocking, it’s a chronicle
of how native people have been absurdly misrepresented onscreen from the days of silent
film to the present. Growing up on a reserve in the James Bay community of
Waskaganish, Diamond, now 41, remembers watching old movies as a kid in a church
basement. “Raised on cowboys and Indians, we cheered for the cowboys,” he says, “never
realizing that we were the Indians.” When he moved south, his new classmates asked this
Cree from the Subarctic if he lived in a teepee and rode horses, because that was the
image of Hollywood’s all-purpose Plains Indian.
With a mix of movie clips and talking heads, Reel Injun unearths some fascinating
examples of inauthenticity. The Indian headband, it seems, was largely a Hollywood
invention—for an actor doing stunts and falling off horses, it kept his wig in place. Indian
dialogue was often just as fake. In one vintage western, it’s just English played
backwards. In A Distant Trumpet (1964), Navajo speak their own language, but after
Diamond heard stories of improv mischief, he had the dialogue translated and found
them saying things like “You are snakes crawling in your own shit!” Some clips are more
sobering. In The Searchers, cowboys uncover an Indian grave and John Wayne shoots
out the eyes of the corpse, saying, “Ain’t got no eyes, he can’t enter the spirit land.” Talk
about rough justice.
When not portraying Indians as bloodthirsty savages, Hollywood idealized them as
unreal icons of a vanishing breed. Traditionally they were white actors in bronze body
paint, such as Anthony Quinn (The Plainsman), Burt Lancaster (Apache) and Chuck
Connors (Geronimo). But even some of Hollywood’s most famous “real” Indians had a
fake pedigree. Buffalo Child Long Lance, star of The Silent Enemy (1930), claimed full
native heritage, but was in fact part-white and part-black; he committed suicide once the
secret got out. Iron Eyes Cody, who played Indians in some 200 films, from Sitting
Bull (1954) to A Man Called Horse (1970), was in fact Sicilian, yet he married an
Aboriginal and believed he was one by the time he died.
Reel Injun also chronicles some of the real Indians who finally fleshed out the Hollywood
stereotype—from Coast Salish Chief Dan George in Little Big Man to Oneida actor
Graham Greene in Kevin Costner’s Dances With Wolves. The authenticity of Costner’s
epic marked a genuine breakthrough, but a number of native critics, including Wente,
view it as a colonial fantasy, a Lakota Lawrence of Arabia, in which Indians still need a
white messiah to set them straight. Only with groundbreaking Aboriginal productions,
like Atanarjuat (2001), do natives finally get to tell their own stories from the inside.
The Hollywood injun may be passé, but he keeps re-emerging in other guises. In
the Twilight movies, the war between white vampires and native werewolves is a twist on
cowboys and Indians. Avatar, Hurt Locker and Inglourious Basterds lead the Oscar race
with 26 nominations combined, and they’re all westerns at heart. Hurt Locker’s hero is
another desert cowboy, walking into Iraq’s badlands surrounded by hostiles. Brad Pitt’s
posse of Nazi hunters in Inglourious Basterds take no prisoners, but in a brutal mix of
genocide metaphors, they do take scalps. And as Pocahontas meets Dances with
Wolves in the thin air of Pandora, Hollywood’s palefaces have re-engineered the reel
Injun as the strangest avatar of all—a red man in blueface.
H&M pulls headdresses from Canadian shelves
after complaints
H&M got complaints that its headdresses, part of the fast-fashion firm’s summer music
festival collection, were offensive to aboriginals.
When Kim Wheeler came across a fashion headdress in a Vancouver H&M, the selfdescribed “proud Ojibway/Mohawk woman who fights against cultural (mis)appropriation”
voiced her displeasure to the nearest sales clerk, then took a picture of the item and attached
it to the email she promptly fired off to
customer service.
Six days later, the fashion retailer
notified the media relations specialist the
product would be removed from its stores
“Feedback from our customers is very
important to us; we never meant to
offend anybody,” said H&M Canada
spokeswoman Emily Scarlett.
Following the long weekend, a result, perhaps, of Wheeler’s missive to her Facebook friends,
the company had logged three grievances about the $14.95 accessory that had been available
in five Canadian branches, including Eaton Centre and Yorkdale, for about a month.
“If it had been one or 100 (complaints), the reaction would have been the same,” said
Scarlett, who noted it was the first time in her seven years on staff that merchandise was
withdrawn due to this type of consumer feedback. The headgear has not wrought controversy
in any other jurisdiction, she said.
The piece, which originated at H&M’s Stockholm headquarters, was part of H&M Loves
Music, a collection of music festival-geared clothing and accessories.
In her letter, Wheeler called the “faux First Nations headdresses” a “grievous oversight of
cultural sensitivity.
“As you may not be aware, headdresses are worn by chiefs in some of our communities, but
not all, as we are not a pan-indigenous culture,” she wrote.
“It is a symbol of respect and honour and should not be for sale as some sort of cute
accessory. . . I hope that you can see how this item is offensive and helps to perpetuate
cartoon-like negative stereotypes of our proud heritage.”
“What I see going on here with H&M is something quite different than the whole ongoing
ding-dong about the Redskins name, for example,” said York University marketing professor
Detlev Zwick. (Native Americans have spent years lobbying to change the Washington, D.C.,
football team’s name).
“A Swedish, fast-fashion designer house considers a relatively free-wheeling variation on
traditional aboriginal headwear entirely unproblematic, because back in Europe it probably
“When you bring this fashion item into a new context, such as Canada, with its troubled
imperial history towards the First Nations, well, the meaning of the same thing changes.
“Now, you very likely would not see H&M make the same mistake with some variation of the
Star of David as (an) accessory for your latest summer jacket, given the use of this symbol by
the Nazis.”
Wheeler plans to remain vigilant.
“It really is about continuing the education of non-aboriginal people,” she said.
“And if we have to keep explaining to them over and over again why it’s wrong, why it’s
culturally insensitive, then I’ll keep doing that.”
The Twilight Craze: The Rise of Native American Actors in
For decades, stereotypes were a common place for Native American roles who were not
even played by the indigenous but rather Caucasians who wore long black wigs and whose
faces were painted with red and brown makeup. Once the public made a demand for more
“authentic” Native Americans, other races filled the parts such as Philippines, Asians and
Latin Americans. Since the arrival of one the most successful box office hits, Twilight, the
question of Native Americans in Hollywood once again rises.
Native American Influences in Twilight
In the sequel to Twilight movie, New Moon, there is a Native American tribe that is
represented, the Quileute tribe, which is able to transform into strong and powerful wolves
who hunt and slay vampires. Some of the actors in this wolf pack are from native American
decent which has paved way for fellow natives to show their acting talents and that there is
a lot of room in Hollywood for the misrepresented roles of Native Americans.
Although some of the Twilight craze has been fueled with some Native Americans
continuing to be upset by their portrayal, many of the twilight actors have become
advocates for the Native Americans and have shed some light on the thoughts of Native
American actors in Hollywood and in Hollywood films. Many stereotypes have portrayed
Natives for years such as their infamous use of feathers, leather and long hair. The Native
American New Moon actors Alex Meraz and Chaske Spencer have confessed that New Moon
is a new type of History in Hollywood concerning Native Americans, where they are finally
able to shed many of the previous Hollywood stereotypes concerning indigenous tribes.
Twilight Controversies Regarding Indigenous Tribes
Is the new Twilight movie, New Moon, free from indigenous stereotypes? No, but
improvements have been made. Plus these young actors are finally encouraging others to
embrace their roots. One large controversy has been that the wolf pack cast of Twilighters
discovered their roots after having been chosen for the role which has outraged the Native
American community. The principal Werewolf, Jacob Black, played by Taylor Lautner
caused a stir of controversy because he learned about his roots after the fact of being cast as
Jacob. Many were doubtful as to his lineage concerning that he found out after being cast in
the role.
However, without this role, these young actors may have never even discovered their family
lineages. Either way, the New Moon movie has certainly opened the door for many Native
American actors who are embracing their new found culture and encouraging others to do
so as well and the Twilight sequel has also changed the way audiences view Native
Americans in film, furthering them from the stereotypes of “old Hollywood.” The Twilight
series, which has a vital role for Native Americans in New Moon and Eclipse, the third
installment of the Twilight Franchise, will most likely be one of the first Native American
influences that young audiences view. Twilight creator, Stephanie Meyer, has given each
character their own unique personalities and traits which show the more human side of
Native Americans, rather than the stereotyped and generalized indigenous view that other
movies have displayed.
A Time of Change
More and more, Native American actors can fight for their rights in Hollywood to be cast in
the roles in which they represent. No longer do these parts need to be filled by others who
most likely do not understand the indigenous roots of the character. Also, considering the
decreasing population of Native Americans and for those who have lost touch with their
indigenous roots, the Twilight movies help audiences to get in touch with their ancestry and
to embrace their culture, no matter how out of touch they have been. In a way, Twilight has
made it cool to embrace one’s indigenous roots rather than to hide any trace as before.
Despite the controversy that Hollywood has caused with its practices of casting, Native
Americans are finally beginning to develop in their roles and story lines in Hollywood films
as shown in Twilight. This movie franchise is a monumental step for indigenous actors in
America. It is also a gateway for non indigenous people to view more accurate indigenous
characters than those of the past, forever changing how the world sees Native Americans
through film.
The Truth Versus Twilight
Misrepresentations Gone Wild
Made famous by the recent pop-culture phenomenon Twilight, the Quileute people have
found themselves thrust into the global spotlight. Their reservation, a once quiet and
somewhat isolated place, is now a popular tourist destination for thousands of middleschool-age girls and their families. In the wake of the popularity of the book and film saga,
the Quileute Tribe has been forced to negotiate the rights to their own oral histories, ancient
regalia and mask designs, and even the sanctity of their cemetery.
Quileute responses to the Twilight book and film series have been as diverse as the
community itself. Some have enjoyed the newfound public interest in their culture, while
others find the whole story and all the attention distasteful. And still others are not
interested in the hype and see this phenomenon as a phase that will fade soon enough.
In collaboration with the Quileute Tribe, this site seeks to inform Twilight fans, parents,
teachers, and others about the real Quileute culture, which indeed has a wolf origin story, a
historic relationship with the wolf as demonstrated in songs, stories, and various art forms,
as well as a modern, multi-dimensional community with a sophisticated governance system.
We also hope to offer a counter narrative to The Twilight Saga’s stereotypical
representations of race, class, and gender, and offer resources for a more meaningful
understanding of Native American life and cultures.
The High Price of Fiction
The phenomena of the Twilight series has had vast economic benefits for Summit
Entertainment, Stephenie Meyer, the tiny town of Forks, Washington, and even Nordstrom
department stores, but the Tribe whose culture was represented for background fodder in
the teenage love story, has seen little benefit. In addition to shedding light on the
appropriation of Quileute culture, we wish to expose how the Twilight saga has presented a
skewed version of modern Native American life and to offer visitors to this site an
alternative perspective with links to resources for a more meaningful understanding of
Indians in the modern era.
Native Women of Twilight
As the Quileute wolf pack drives most of the drama in Twilight, especially
in Eclipse and Breaking Dawn, the few Native women, particularly Emily Young and Sue
Clearwater, may provide the most insight—not to actual roles of Native women on the
reservation—but into Meyer's ideas of Native women's roles. These two characters
demonstrate prevalent stereotypes and provide examples for the very topics Native
feminists address in their scholarly work.
Passive and Subservient Native Women? Total Fiction!
Emily Young is the most prominently
featured Native female character
in Twilight as fiancée to Sam Uley,
alpha of the wolf pack. In this role she
is also implicitly the caretaker of all
the wolves/boys. Emily, as a
subservient to Sam, exemplifies not a
traditional role of women in the Native
family, but rather a more sexist
Western gender role.
Native women, in contrast, are often
leaders and decision-makers in the
household rather than solely the cooks
and caretakers of the men. Today,
women are often prominent leaders on Tribal Councils (such as the current Quileute
Chairwoman, Bonita Cleveland), teachers, and activists in their communities. Women's roles
have historically been equal to the roles of men and this holds true today.
A troubling message of the Twilight saga is the disfiguring scar that covers the right side
of Emily's face, a scar caused by Sam's
violent and uncontrollable nature.
Since none of the Cullens are scarred
in this way, the image of domestic
violence as an accepted part of Native
relationships is a possible
interpretation. The frightening reality
is that contemporary Native American
women represent the highest statistic
of domestic violence victims and
deaths (Smith, 116-132).
To portray Sam's abuse of Emily—
regardless of his intention or his
remorse after the fact
as part of the commitment of
imprinting or blind love, is irresponsible. Furthermore, that Emily claims the scars were the
result of a bear attack in order to cover for Sam exemplifies the author's total disregard or
ignorance of real Native issues. In addition, a young woman on a reservation would have the
support of her family and community around her—while Emily is portrayed as having
nobody in her social circle but a group of hot-tempered, young men.
Elder(?) Woman Leader—Only in the Absence of Her Man
An even more marginal Twilight character, Sue
Clearwater represents the quiet dignity of a Native
elder and a leader in the community. Alex Rice, the
lovely actress chosen for the role of the dignified
elder and mother of two teens in Twilight, played a
teen herself as Sacagawea in the National Geographic
film, “Lewis and Clark: Great Journey West (2003)”
only eight years ago. Based on these numbers, by the
greatest stretch of mathematical imagination, the
actress might be in her mid-twenties at the oldest.
Yet Summit Entertainment found her to be the best
candidate for the role (and the only portrayal) of an
elder woman. Her role in the saga becomes important
as her husband Harry Clearwater dies: Sue
automatically takes his place on the Tribal Council in
his absence. While this may allude to the rise of
Native women in power (Pember, 11-12), The
Twilight Saga, in this chain of events suggests that the
widow or widower of a Council member assumes
Council responsibilities only upon the death of their spouse. This is false.
If this were a real scenario, Sue Clearwater could have indeed been voted onto Council
because of her knowledge of the culture, adherence to traditional values, and standing in the
community—but to portray her as stepping in for her husband oversimplifies Tribal
political processes and shows the author's ignorance of contemporary Native life, Quileute
or otherwise.
While women in leadership roles might seem relatively progressive according to Western
standards, Native women have always maintained roles of authority, taking responsibility
for preserving values and culture within the family and among the community (Ibid). The
role of Sue Clearwater quickly shifts away from a leader on Council to a more passive and
domestic role as a caregiver to the needy character Charlie Swan.
Top: Emily serves snacks to wolf-pack boys. (Image: Summit Entertainment)
Middle: Tinsel Korey as Emily in "New Moon." (Image: Summit Entertainment)
Bottom: Alex Rice as "Sacagewea." (Image: National Geographic Television)
The Real Problem With a Lone Ranger Movie? It's the
Racism, Stupid
July 08, 2013
The hysteria over Johnny Depp as Tonto is (probably) in its dénouement: The Lone Ranger
opened to terrible reviews and disappointing box office numbers, and American Indians
who didn't like the idea of Depp as a Native icon were to some extent vindicated. There will
be some pieces to pick up and some lessons learned, but a lot of questions have been
Here's one that is still up for debate: Was the Lone Ranger story simply too much of a relic
from less enlightened times? Was the whole shooting match, as Jason Bailey writes at
Flavorwire, "too racist to reboot"?
Bailey notes that, despite Depp's lip service to a Tonto who would break with tradition, the
character as played still "maintains the most culturally damaging element of the role, his
definite article-free dialogue, with lines like, 'Do not touch rock. Rock cursed.'" Bailey
describes the plotline of The Lone Ranger as a narrative that has been "twisted ... into
pretzels" to try not to be racist -- and yet still is. The entire concept of the Lone Ranger and
Tonto -- a team up that was historically unlikely, to put it mildly -- might just be
unredeemable. Bailey brings up Shakespeare's play The Merchant of Venice, which was
made into a major film as recently as 2004, and says "maybe we just don’t need to tell this
story anymore, since it — though a classic, and an important piece of literature, etc. etc. — is
deeply, unavoidably, problematically anti-Semitic."
In a long interview posted to the Moviefone Canada site, Jesse Wente of the Toronto
International Film Festival grants that those involved with the film may very well have
intended to empower Tonto, but ended up with a character that is less progressive than the
Native sidekicks played by Chief Dan George in The Outlaw Josey Wales(1976) and Gary
Farmer in Dead Man(1995). And ultimately, Wente said, there is just a problem with the
traditional Western. "Because of the nature of the Western, its ties to the idea of nationhood,
particularly in the U.S.," he said. "These stories were, with Manifest Destiny, fundamental
nation building [myths] for the U.S. If you think about the classic era of the Western, from
the early '30s to the '50s, it came when the States was still a very young country and still
needed to tell itself the story of its own origins, and this was the story it told. Unfortunately,
it was told at the expense of the first inhabitants of this land because it altered the history,
the truth of what happened. To me this film recalls a lot of those issues."
An article at suggested that "the issue isn’t so much the casting as it is the
character." Adrienne Keene of Native Appropriations pointed out that Tonto is,
unfortunately, one of just a few Native people -- real or fictional -- that non-Indians know of.
The risk is that his quirks or character traits may be applied to an entire race: "Without an
accurate pop-culture idea of a real-life Native American in moviegoers’ heads, Tonto is less
of an individual character than he is a key piece of the popular image of a large and diverse
population. The stereotype is particularly detrimental for its fantastical elements, [Keene]
believes: when a real group of people seems as mystical as say, werewolves, in every popculture depiction of the group, it gets hard to pay any attention to the real people who are
alive today and have real issues and achievements of their own."
In a piece for Slate entitled "Johnny Depp’s Tonto: Not as Racist as You Might Think. But Still
Kind of Racist," Aisha Harris was more forgiving than others, but still couldn't get past the
limitations of the source material. "Depp’s attempt to be a 'warrior' role model to all the
American Indian kids lucky enough to watch him save the day fails—and for the simple
reason that the original material is too entrenched in an essentially racist ideology."
It appears that, despite the filmmakers' intentions, The Lone Ranger did not reinvent Tonto
or the Tonto-Ranger dynamic -- and perhaps it's because America has simply moved on. Is
there any reinventing of Unce Remus from Song of the South, or Chop Chop from the old
Blackhawk comic books? Arguably not. While a Native actor such as Adam Beach (often
mentioned as a better fit for Tonto) might have been a more pleasing casting choice, in this
case Depp's insistence on playing Tonto actually saved a Native actor the awkwardness of
trying to sell viewers a story they were never going to buy.
A. Readings and Literature Circle Meetings
1. Ensure you have read all the selections in this package.
2. Write point form notes on each of the pieces in this package. Write about the feelings,
thoughts, and ideas you experienced as you read each piece. Use specific references from
the text to support your view. For each selection, you need to be prepared to share at least 2
observations (with supporting details) and one discussion question.
3. Share your responses with the group. Your teacher will give you more specific
instructions for the actual literature circle meetings. Discuss and debate. As you listen to
the opinions of the other group members, you may return to your notes and make any
revisions you deem necessary.
B. Journal Responses
Choose three of the texts from this package and write a formal journal response for each
(see the rubric at the end of this package for more details). You may find that the ideas from
the group helped you form an opinion or changed your feeling entirely. That’s just fine.
This is a time for you to reflect on these issues before you continue working on the rest of
the package. Submit these three journals in good copy. You cannot use these three
selections for the next activities.
C. Questions
1. You must choose two texts to complete questions for. You cannot choose the same
texts you chose for your journal submissions. Each response should be around 500
words (approximately 2 pages typed, double-spaced). Use specific references from the text
for support. Use parenthetical referencing, please.
2. Take turns discussing your choices and responses with members of the group. Use their
ideas to help create a meaningful response. Everyone in the circle needs to help each other.
3. Once everyone has rough drafts of the two responses, exchange papers and perform a
peer edit.
4. Submit your two responses in good copy.
First a note on terminology in Canada:
Aboriginal is an all-encompassing term that includes Inuit, First Nations (Indians),
and Métis.
"First Peoples" is also an all-encompassing term that includes Inuit, First Nations
(Indians) and Métis.
Aboriginal and First Nations are NOT interchangeable terms.
"Aboriginal" and "First Peoples" ARE interchangeable terms.
Inuit is the contemporary term for "Eskimo".
First Nation is the contemporary term for "Indian".
Inuit are "Aboriginal" or "First Peoples", but are not "First Nations", because "First
Nations" are Indians. Inuit are not Indians.
1. Alexie, Sherman. “Indian Education,” Blasphemy: New and Selected Stories . New York:
Grove Press, 2012.
1) Provide an example of how Alexie uses repetition in this short story. What literary
purpose do you think it serves. Is it effective? Why or why not?
2) The teachers in this story are cruel and vindictive at worst and weak-intentioned
but naïve at best. Agree or disagree using specific examples from the text.
3) Alexie often uses juxtaposition to show the difference between the main character’s
school-world and his real life. Provide an example of this and explain what the
juxtaposition helps to highlight about these two different worlds.
4) Provide an example of irony from this short story and explain what makes it ironic.
5) In a paragraph, explain your personal response to the story. What is the overall
impression it leaves you with?
Knowledge /10
Thinking /10
Communication /10
2. Scott, Duncan Campbell. “Ononadaga Madonna”
1) In this poem, Scott paints a portrait of a woman holding a child. While there is no
action in this poem, there is a great deal of conflict being depicted. Explain this
conflict. Who or what is the conflict between?
2) What do you think Scott’s attitude is toward the subject of this poem? Explain which
words or phrases helped you draw this conclusion.
3) There are several words and phrases in this poem that illustrated stereotypical
views of First Nations people. Identify and explain three of these words or phrases.
4) The title of this poem contains a reference to a particular kind of painting. Do a
Google search for “Madonna with Child” to see examples. Then explain the
significance of the title.
Knowledge /10
Thinking /10
Communication /10
3. Diamond, Neil, dir. Reel Injun. Dir. Catherine Bainbridge, Jeremiah Hayes. Domino Film,
2009. Selected clips.
Johnson, Brian D. “Hollywood’s Shocking Reel Injuns.” Maclean’s Magazine. February 23,
1) In Reel Injun Diamond’s thesis is that Hollywood has manufactured the image that
most non-Aboriginal people identify as being “Indian.” Identify three specific
examples of this stereotypical representation.
2) What is so problematic about the way Hollywood has represented Aboriginal
people? (Explain in well-developed paragraph making specific reference to the
article or film clip.)
3) Johnson makes the case that modern movies like Avatar and Twilight are just
reimagined versions of the old stereotypical cowboy and Indian westerns. Is this a
valid argument in your opinion? Why or why not?
4) Critic, Jesse Wente thinks that while Dances with Wolves represents a breakthrough,
it is still problematic. Explain both the pros and cons of this film.
5) How does the author create both unity and coherence in the opening and closing
paragraphs? *
* Unity means the writing is 'unified'. When each word and sentence seems to be leading its reader
towards a greater understanding of the overall theme or controlling idea, then the writing is said to
be unified- it exhibits unity. Coherence means that each part of the writing appears to be 'connected'
and heading towards a single conclusion or goal. Coherent writing appears to flow naturally and
seamlessly in both style and sense.
Thinking /10
Communication /10
4. Infantry, Ashante. “H&M pulls headdresses from Canadian shelves after complaints.”
Toronto Star. August 9, 2013.
1) This is a news article. Create a chart and identify how the article answers the 5Ws
plus H (Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?)
2) How is the information in the article organized? Use evidence to support your
3) The article states that Kim Wheeler “fights against cultural (mis)appropriation.” Do
a little research and learn more about the idea of cultural appropriation. What does
it mean? If I wore a pair of moccasins I bought from an Aboriginal craftsperson is
that cultural appropriation? Cite your sources.
4) H&M isn’t the only company to be accused of cultural appropriation recently. Do
some research on Urban Outfitters and cultural appropriation.
5) There’s a lot of debate about this issue. Some people say that it’s just fashion and not
a big deal. Others claim that it’s disrespectful and shows a lack of understanding
about Aboriginal culture. What do you think?
Knowledge /10
Thinking /10
Communication /10
5. Marshall, Lee. “The Twilight Craze: The Rise of Native American Actors in Hollywood.”
1) This is an article that was originally posted on a fan blog rather than a book, or news
source that has been carefully edited before publishing. There are a number of small
errors in the piece in terms of capitalization and punctuation. There are also many
sentences that are confusing either due to construction or poor word choice.
Identify three confusing sentences and explain why they are confusing (you can’t
just say the sentence is too long).
2) Using the rubric below, indicate the level in each category you think this writer has
achieved. Then provide constructive comments: strengths, weaknesses, next steps.
(Write comments on the lined paper with the rest of your answers please.)
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Demonstrates limited
knowledge and
understanding of content. Is
this research or opinion?
Demonstrates adequate
knowledge and
understanding of content.
Writer has done some
research and understands
elements of this topic.
Demonstrates considerable
knowledge and
understanding of content.
Writer has clearly done
research and understands
most elements of this topic.
Demonstrates excellent
knowledge and
understanding of content.
Writer has clearly done
thorough research and
understands all elements of
this topic.
Support is present but may
not be sufficient. Paragraph
order makes no sense.
Support helps thesis.
Paragraphs are
inconsistently organized.
Support is well- chosen and
supports thesis. Paragraphs
are organized fairly clearly.
Supporting points are
thoughtfully chosen and
supports thesis. Paragraphs
are organized clearly.
Numerous errors in spelling,
grammar, verb tense, and
punctuation. May appear to
be a rough draft. Contains
multiple formatting errors.
Ideas lack clarity in
More than 5 small errors
and some major errors in
spelling, grammar, verb
tense, and punctuation.
Contains a number of small
formatting errors. Ideas are
expressed clearly.
More than 5 small errors in
spelling, grammar, verb
tense, and punctuation.
Mostly demonstrates proper
MLA format. Ideas are
expressed clearly and
Minimal errors in spelling,
grammar, verb tense, and
punctuation. Demonstrates
proper MLA format. Ideas
are organized and expressed
clearly and sufficiently.
Analysis only at surface level
Analysis mostly at surface
Analysis goes beyond the
surface meaning.
Writer ignores or misses the
more complex issues
Writer draws conclusions
that go beyond the obvious
Analysis goes well beyond
the surface meaning. Writer
draws conclusions that go
well beyond the obvious
Writer failed to address
complex issues.
3) In spite of the faults in this writing, do you find the author’s argument convincing?
Why or why not?
Knowledge /10
Thinking /10
Communication /10
6. Dartt-Newton, Deana. “Adjusting the focus on Twilight’s misconceptions.” Truth vs
1) This article comes from an American museum’s website. What is the purpose of the
site according to the article? To what extent do you think the author achieves this
2) In the introduction how does the writer indicate (indirectly) that her site is a
credible source of information?
3) What further evidence do you see in the article that suggests that it might be a
credible source of information?
4) Summarize three main critiques that the author makes about the Twilight movie
franchise. Do the critiques seem valid? Explain your answer.
Knowledge /10
Thinking /10
Communication /10
7. Indian Country Today Media Network Staff. “The Real Problem With a Lone Ranger
Movie? It's the Racism, Stupid.” Indian Country Today Media Network. July 8, 2013.
1) In this article, the author (who is only identified as being a member of the ICTMN
staff—not that uncommon) summarizes a number of points made by other movie
reviewers. One writer (Bailey) states that some historical texts contain too much
racism to remake them in a culturally sensitive way. What do you think? Can we still
learn from and appreciate a text while acknowledging the racism in it? Is there a
difference between a pop culture story like The Lone Ranger and Shakespeare’s The
Merchant of Venice?
2) Adrienne Keene points out that the issue isn’t so much that Johnny Depp was cast as
Tonto, but the character of Tonto himself. Summarize her concern about Tonto.
Make a connection to something else you’ve read or seen in this package.
3) When we think of stereotypes we often think of negative traits being applied to a
whole group of people, but stereotypes are generalizations—they can be positive or
negative in nature. What are some of the “positive” stereotypes about Aboriginal
people? Explain why these “positive” stereotypes are still damaging.
Knowledge /10
Thinking /10
Communication /10
D. The Seminar
Divide the group so that each member has one of the following roles:
The Manager:
With the assistance of the group, you will oversee how the seminar is organized. What’s the
thesis or controlling idea? What should the hook be? How do we prove or argue the thesis?
How should the middle sections be organized? Who is responsible for each section? How
should it end? What is the universal application?
You need to submit a 1 page point form outline of your seminar before your group presents.
The Creator:
With the assistance of the group, you are the one who sees how this can be presented so it is
an audio/visual masterpiece. You should be familiar with presentation software. You need
to see the big picture. You need to see how each person’s part contributes to the whole
presentation. Your technical skill will pull everyone’s idea together.
The Connector:
You see connections: text to text, text to self, text to world. You often find yourself saying,
“Hey, this reminds me of . . .” Your job is to think how other pieces of non -fiction or
fictional literature, poetry, film, or personal experience connects to your thesis. This person
will probably be responsible for the hook and/ or close. This person should be a reader of
all types of literature and media, including daily news reports.
The Researcher:
You enjoy searching databases, journals, and magazines in order to delve deeper into a
particular topic. You will work closely with the connector and help the group with their
research on this topic. You are responsible for writing the Works Cited page.
Everyone: No matter what your role, your group must pull the individual parts
together to create a group seminar of 12-15 minutes.
Everyone must have equal presentation time
Consult the rubric to ensure all requirements have been met.
Suggested Steps
Organize your seminar using key-hole structure.
Creating the thesis.
1) How did your group feel about the topics presented in “Imagine-Native”?
2) Your thesis may be the answer to all or one of these questions: Has Hollywood evolved in
its portrayal of First Nations, Inuit, and Metis people? Or are they still relying on
stereotypes? Why are stereotypes about Aboriginal peoples damaging? Based on the media,
what kind of an image of Aboriginal peoples do people see? What is the problem with this?
3) Write a thesis statement. Your thesis will guide your presentation.
1) How will you build the seminar? What should go in the introduction? What is the hook?
How will the introduction lead to thesis?
2) What are your supporting arguments for the thesis? This will be the body of your
seminar. How are you going to order these? (Chronological? In order of importance?)
3) How about the conclusion? Remember the three parts: restate thesis, summarize
arguments, and end with a universal application. End with a bang, not a whimper, please.
Begin the preparation. Ensure you work as a group. Support each other. Assign duties.
Write the outline. Prepare the script. Rehearse. Ensure everything is in working order
including props/technology for audio/visual aids.
Presentation Day.
Journal Rubric
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Limited knowledge of
content, literary devices/
stylistic elements, bias
Some knowledge of content,
literary devices/ stylistic
elements, bias
Good knowledge of content,
literary devices/ stylistic
elements, bias
Excellent knowledge of
content, literary devices/
stylistic elements, bias
“Seems like you’re struggling
with this. Let’s review the
key ideas.”
“Might need to review things
like literary devices or bias.”
“Great work! You might have
one or two little things to
improve on.”
“It’s like you’re an expert on
Limited supporting details
for each point.
Some supporting details for
each point.
Good supporting details for
each point.
Excellent supporting details
for each point.
Superior organizational
skills. Insightful critical
Superior organizational
skills. Insightful critical
Superior organizational
skills. Insightful critical
Superior organizational
skills. Insightful critical
“I need more examples to
support your ideas. I’m
having trouble
understanding your ideas.
Don’t take everything the
author says at face value”
“I need a few more examples
to support your ideas. It was
a bit confusing. I need you to
think a little more critically.”
“Your journal doesn’t leave
me with many questions, and
I can see you’re questioning
what you read.”
“Your journal doesn’t leave
me with any questions, and I
can see you’re really
questioning what you read.”
Several mechanical errors.
Limited paragraph
development Poor sentence
structure. Major issues with
MLA format.
A number of mechanical
errors. Some paragraph
development Mostly
accurate sentence structure.
Some correct use of MLA
A few mechanical errors.
Good paragraph
development Accurate
sentence structure. Good
use of MLA format
Virtually no mechanical
errors. Excellent paragraph
development Sophisticated
sentence structure.
Excellent use of MLA format
“Good proofreading, but you
missed a couple things. Good
use of state illustrate,
“Great job proofreading and
using the state, illustrate,
explain model.”
“Did you proofread this? You
need to state, illustrate,
“You might have a few
comma splices or run-ons,
but overall I can understand
your ideas. Remember to
state, illustrate, explain.”
Limited use of knowledge of
content and literary devices
to draw conclusions and
make connections
Some use of knowledge of
content and literary devices
to draw conclusions and
make connections
Good use of knowledge of
content and literary devices
to draw conclusions and
make connections
Excellent use of knowledge
of content and literary
devices to draw conclusions
and make connections
“No mention of any
terms/ideas studied in class.
Your response is a bit
simplistic. Dig a little
“You didn’t specifically
mention terms/ideas
discussed in class but you did
make some connections.”
“You mentioned a few
terms/ideas discussed in
class and applied them to
what you’re reading. You
raised some interesting
issues and made connections
to other things you’ve read
or seen.”
“Wow! You specifically
mentioned a number of
terms/ideas discussed in
class. You’ve gone above and
beyond in terms of making
connections and using
literary devices. You raised
some intriguing issues.”
Seminar Rubric
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Demonstrates limited
understanding of
Demonstrates some
understanding of
Demonstrates good
understanding of
Thesis unclear or may
be absent.
Seminar contains a
Seminar contains an
arguable thesis.
understanding of
Details demonstrate
limited or incomplete
understanding of texts
Details demonstrate
some understanding of
texts read.
Attempts to go beyond
the obvious to
demonstrate deep
understanding of texts
Presentation seems
unrehearsed and
poorly organized.
Presentation shows
some evidence of
rehearsal and some
organization. (May
have issues with one
or more: props, delays,
Presentation shows
evidence of rehearsal
and is well organized.
Some use of details
from the text to
support thesis.
Good use of details
from the text to
support thesis.
Presenters are
sometimes difficult to
hear, make limited eye
contact. Some “ums,
uhs” or nervous
giggles. Need notes.
Audio/visual elements
absent or do not
enhance presentation.
Presenters attempt to
speak clearly, attempt
to make eye contact,
speak with some
expression. Some
“ums, uhs” or nervous
giggles. May need
Presenters speak
clearly, attempt to
make eye contact,
speak with expression.
Very few “ums, uhs” or
nervous giggles.
Limited ability to make
connections between
different texts read
and explain the
differences and
similarities between
Some ability to make
connections between
different texts read
and explain the
differences and
similarities between
(Multiple issues with
props, delays, pacing)
Limited use of details
from the text to
support thesis. Details
may be irrelevant or
(eg/ props ready,
minimal delays, good
timing and pacing)
Audio/visual elements
enhance presentation.
Audio/visual elements
somewhat enhance
Good ability to make
connections between
different texts read
and explain the
differences and
similarities between
Seminar contains a
clear, arguable thesis.
Goes beyond the
obvious to
demonstrate deep
understanding of texts
Presentation is highly
polished is very well
organized (eg/ props
ready, no delays,
excellent timing and
Excellent use of details
from the text to
support thesis.
Presenters speak
loudly and clearly, at a
comfortable pace,
make eye contact,
speak with expression
and enthusiasm. Very
few “ums, uhs” or
nervous giggles.
Audio/visual elements
enhance presentation.
Excellent ability to
make connections
between different texts
read and explain the
differences and
similarities between