Texas Native Plant Week Proclamation_TEMPLATE

State of Texas
County of ________
Know all men by these presents:
That on this, the ____day of ______ (month) _____(year), the (commissioners
court)(the city council) etc., met in duly called session at the Courthouse (city
council chambers) in __________, Texas, and at said meeting, among other
business, the Court (council) considered the following.
WHEREAS, Texas Native Plant Week was signed as HB 1739 by Governor Rick
Perry on June 19, 2009 and became law on September 1, 2009; and
WHEREAS, Texas Native Plant Week occurs the third full week of October with
the 2015 dates being October 18-24th; and
WHEREAS, Texas Native Plant Week original concept was to promote the
education of native plants into the schools; and
WHEREAS, Texas Native Plant Week is promoted by Native Plant Society of
Texas in seeking to preserve our state’s rich biological heritage for future
generations: and
WHEREAS, the Native Plant Society of Texas is a non-profit organization of
volunteers who work primarily through local chapters around the state: and
WHEREAS, The mission of the Native Plant Society of Texas is to promote
research, conservation, and utilization of native plants and plant habitats of
Texas through education, outreach and example: and
WHEREAS, The __________ Chapter of the Native Plant Society of Texas has a
Native Garden Grant program that provides _____________ (ex. mini-grants to
schools and non-profits for the purchase of native plants and seed to be used in
outdoor class rooms): and
WHEREAS, The ___________ Chapter of the Native Plant Society of Texas has
a _____________ (ex. Landscape Recognition Process that acknowledges the
work of local organizations and businesses who incorporate native and adaptive
plants into their landscapes): and
WHEREAS, Members of the __________ Chapter of the Native Plant Society of
Texas occasionally _____________ (state project particular to your chapter. Ex.
organize seed collecting trips around the area, and they regularly assist the Lady
Bird Johnson Wildflower Center with seed cleaning): and
WHEREAS, The __________ Chapter of the Native Plant Society of Texas
frequently rescues plants that are threatened at construction sites, which are
used for projects, and for plant sales to raise funds that advocate and educate
the public about native plants; and
WHEREAS, The ____________ Chapter of the Native Plant Society of Texas
sponsors ____________ (ex. field trips within Williamson County, creating a
reference of plant lists and data bases for research and inventory purposes): and
Whereas, The ____________ Chapter of the Native Plant Society of Texas is
____________ (state project particular to your chapter. Ex. nearing the end of a
three-year effort to study, identify, and inventory the plants of River Ranch
County Park, which will eventually become a nature based park near Liberty Hill,
Texas); and
Whereas, The ____________ Chapter of the Native Plant Society of Texas is a
key partner in ____________ (Ex. providing guided nature hikes at the Parks &
Recreation Department’s “Take a Hike Day” held annually at River Ranch County
Park): and
NOW THEREFORE, the ____________ (County Commissioners Court or city
council or other governing body) herby resolves to recognize the outstanding
achievement of the __________County Chapter of the Native Plant Society of
Texas and hereby acknowledge the outstanding contribution the Chapter has
made to the community and to ________ County.
Resolved this _____day of _______. _______year
Signature and title
Signature of County Clerk