Curriculum Vitae

2140 Hancock St., Laramie, WY 82072  (865) 679-1829 
Master of Library and Information Studies
University of North Carolina at Greensboro, NC
Master of Arts in Geography
Appalachian State University, Boone, NC
Bachelor of Arts in Geography
University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN
May 2015
August 2010
December 2007
University of Wyoming Libraries, Laramie, WY
June 2015 to Present
Assistant Librarian
 Liaison to the College of Business and social sciences departments
 Provide research and reference assistance to UW faculty, students, and staff
 Teach information literacy and library instruction to students in social science subject areas
 Develop and manage subject and class-specific online research guides
 Plan and lead workshops on topics such as GIS, data-finding, and data visualization
 Create online video tutorials and demonstrations on using library resources
Jackson Library, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
August 2014–May 2015
Real Learning Connections Graduate Assistant and Reference Intern
 Served as front-line representative of library at Reference Desk
 Answered reference questions ranging from catalog and database help to research assistance
 Managed UNCG Libraries Twitter, and Facebook feeds and serve on social media committee
 Led instructional workshops on web-GIS tools for library students and interns
 Produced content and video tutorials for library blogs based on GIS themes
Data and Visualization Services, Perkins Library, Duke University, Durham, NC
Fall 2014
GIS and Map Library Intern
 Provided GIS and mapping assistance to Duke University students, faculty, and staff
 Updated and edit GIS and web-mapping LibGuide content
 Led and assisted with workshops on ArcGIS, Google Fusion, Google Earth, and other GIS topics
 Fielded reference questions from students and other patrons in Data and Visualization Services lab
 Developed blog and video tutorials demonstrating basic GIS techniques
Digital Projects, Jackson Library, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Student Technician
 Digitized and process archival material and other primary source documents
 Authored metadata related to UNCG Women’s Veterans Historical Project and other collections
 Uploaded newly digitized collections to web via ContentDM
Philip B. White, P. 2
Department of Library and Information Studies, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Graduate Assistant
 Created web GIS exercises for faculty supervisor’s LIS 631 Technology class
 Provided Youtube video tutorials to accompany class exercises
 Collaborated with faculty supervisor to create new LIS course related to GIS
 Assisted faculty supervisor with data management and manipulation
 Managed all live video web-streaming for LIS Department Speaker Series and other events
White, P., & Crumpton, M. (in press). Connecting real learning with social media ROI. The Bottom Line:
Managing Library Finances.
White, P., Soulé, P., & van de Gevel, S. (2014). Impacts of human disturbance on the temporal stability of
climate-growth relationships in a red spruce forest, southern Appalachian Mountains, U.S.A.
Dendrochronologia, 32(1), 71–77. doi:10.1016/j.dendro.2013.10.001.
van de Gevel, S., Hart, J., Spond, M., White, P., Sutton, N., & Grissino-Mayer, H. (2012). American
chestnut to northern red oak: a forest dynamics study in the Blue Ridge Mountains, North Carolina,
U.S.A. Botany, 90(12), 1263–1275. doi:10.1139/b2012-100
White, P., van de Gevel, S., & Soulé, P. (2012). Succession and disturbance in an endangered red spruceFraser fir forest in the southern Appalachian Mountains, North Carolina, USA. Endangered Species
Research, 18(1), 17–25. doi:10.3354/esr00431
White, P., Grissino-Mayer, H., van de Gevel, S., LaForest, L., & Deweese, G. (2011). Climatic response of
oak species across an environmental gradient in the southern Appalachian Mountains, U.S.A. Tree Ring
Research 67(1), 27–37. doi:10.3959/2009-1.1.
White, P. (2014). Using maps as an interactive presentation tool. Duke University Friday Visualization
Forum, 7 November, 2014, Durham, NC.
White, P., Ellis, S.P., & Wu, H. (2014). Bookmobile mapping: examining current locations and potential
expansion points in Wake County, NC. University of North Carolina at Greensboro School of Education
Student and Faculty Research Forum, 28 March, 2014, Greensboro, NC.
White, P., van de Gevel, S., & Soulé, P. (2010). The roles of climate and stand dynamics in a postdisturbance red spruce-Fraser fir forest at Roan Mountain, Cherokee and Pisgah National Forests.
Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, 14–18 April 2010, Washington, D.C.
Van de Gevel, S., White, P., Spond, M., & Grissino-Mayer, H. (2009). Chestnut graveyard: forest
succession in the absence of Castanea dentata, Bluff Mountain, North Carolina. Annual meeting of the
Southeastern Division of the Association of American Geographers, 22–24 November 2009, Knoxville,
Philip B. White, P. 3
White, P., & van de Gevel, S. (2009). The dendroecology and disturbance regime of the red spruce-Fraser
fir forest of Roan Mountain, Cherokee and Pisgah National Forests. Annual Southern Appalachian Man
and the Biosphere Conference, 17–19 November 2009, Asheville, NC.
White, P., & Grissino-Mayer, H. (2008). Climate response in southern Appalachian oak species: a
dendroclimatic study. Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, 15–19 April 2008,
Boston, MA.
RUSA Business Reference and Service Section, Membership Committee
University of Wyoming
Faculty Senate, Alternate
American Library Association (ALA)
ALA Reference and User Services Association (RUSA)
RUSA Business Reference and Service Section (BRASS)
Western Association of Map Librarians (WAML)
Career Development Center, Appalachian State University, Boone, NC
Employer Relations Coordinator
 Facilitated over 90 on-campus recruiting and employer visits to Appalachian State University per
 Maintained and developed relationships with 60+ employers who recruited on campus
 Organized and coordinated/co-coordinated two to four career and internship fairs per semester
 Managed and updated the Career Development Center’s online jobs board
 Provided system support to employers using the Symplicity employer portal
 Developed employer surveys and collected and analyzed survey results
 Supervised and trained five student employees and managed front office
Department of Geography and Planning, Appalachian State University, Boone, NC
Research Assistant
 Trusted with day to day operations of dendroecology laboratory and associated research endeavors
 Prepared GIS graphics for personal and advisor’s manuscripts, reports, and presentations
 Successfully initiated and completed master’s thesis research project on Roan Mountain, NC
 Presented guest lectures on ecological topics to undergraduate and graduate student classes
 Led teams of undergraduate and graduate students on field research expeditions
 Taught undergraduate assistants field and laboratory techniques and mentored their progress
Ecological Solutions, Inc. Roswell, GA
Consulting Intern
 Created GIS maps and figures for various environmental assessment reports
Philip B. White, P. 4
Learned field and office assessment techniques associated with natural resource consulting
Delineated wetlands and motored wetland and stream mitigation/restoration sites
Surveyed mitigation bank sites using highly precise GPS and rangefinder techniques
Conducted electroshock aquatic surveying to assess stream and wetland health
Adobe Dreamweaver: proficient
Adobe Illustrator: proficient
Adobe Photoshop: proficient
ESRI ArcGIS: highly proficient
ESRI ArcGIS Online: proficient
Google Earth/Maps/Fusion: highly proficient
HTML, CSS, XML: proficient
Microsoft Office Suite: highly proficient
Statistical Package for the Social Sciences: proficient
WordPress: Highly proficient
School of Education Graduate Research Scholar Award, 2013–14. The University of North Carolina at
Greensboro. In recognition for: Bookmobile Mapping: examining current locations and potential
expansion points in Wake County, NC.
The Tom and Bruce Shinn Native Plant Research Grant, 2009, North Carolina Native Plant Society, to
support field research on red spruce-Fraser fir community of Roan Mountain, NC: $1,000.
Stephen Vacendak Graduate Fellowship in Geography, 2008–09, Department of Geography and Planning,
Appalachian State University, totaling $1,000.