Meeting Minutes April 25, 2011 - Greenwood

The Tower Club meeting was held on Monday, April 25, 2011 at 6 PM at Cambridge Hall. The meeting
was called to order by Mike McWhorter, President of Tower Club Greenwood. The agenda was
dispersed. Minutes from last club meeting were approved.
Financial report- As of Monday, April 25, 2011, there is $4483.51 in the Endowment Account, $6386.54
in the Project Account, and $667.40 (less this meeting’s expenses) in the Events Account. The Total of all
Accounts Balance is $11,537.45
Old Business
Membership- Membership year is based on the calendar year of January to January, unless membership
dues of $25.00 were paid in December of 2010. President McWhorter was proud to announce that
membership has grown substantially. As of April 25, 2011, there is a total of forty (40) Tower Club
Greenwood members. He also noted that there were only thirteen (13) members in January 2011. He
informed the group that membership recruitment continues and that current members should
encourage Lander University graduates to join.
Campus Beautification Project- On April 9, 2011, the Greenwood Tower Club members, Young Alumni
Council, Delta Sigma Theta, and Phi Kappa Phi clubs joined together to plant flowers in the main
entrance side of Williamston Residence Hall. This group consisted of eight (8) alumni, twenty one (21).
students, Lander University grounds superintendent, Frank Sells, Ralph Patterson, and Marge Ball. The
Tower Club Greenwood purchased the plants (this cost of $1031.00 was taken from the Tower Club
Project Account)
“Fun” Raiser-The 2011 “Fun” Raiser will be a Music Festival to be held at the Cabana at Grand Harbor on
Lake Greenwood. The date for this event will be Sunday, August 28, 2011. The time will be announced at
a later date. Debbie Dill, Lander University’s Assistant Alumni Director, informed the group that there is
a need for sponsors to provide food for the Music Festival. She also informed the group that there will
be a Disc Jockey instead of a live band. Suggested Disc Jockeys were Curtis Harkness, Travis Moore and
Art Youngblood. Tickets are $20.00 and profit from this event will go towards student scholarships.
Debbie Dill estimated that the cost of the food will be $500.00 and the Disc Jockey charge will be
$300.00 to $400.00. This event will be promoted by Alumni tickets sales, broadcasts on Sunny 103.5,
posts on Greenwood Today’s website, and also posts on the digital billboard at the Lander University
Sports Complex. The digital Billboard will also be used to promote and recruit Tower club membership.
Traveling Vietnam Memorial Wall- The Vietnam Memorial Wall exhibit will be displayed on the campus
of Lander University on September 8-11, 2011. The Tower Club Greenwood will sponsor a Concessions
area during this event. Suggested items to be sold were bottled water and soft drinks. Volunteers will be
needed for this project. Jeff May suggested that student athletes assist with this event. More
information will be shared as event plans are finalized.
New Business
Freshman “Move In”- Freshman “Move In” will be Saturday, August 27, 2011. Volunteers are needed to
prepare “Goodie Bags,” assist with student transition , providing directions, etc. Chandler Darling
estimated that there will be approximately 700 new students beginning in the Fall of 2011.
Lander University Graduation- Lander University’s graduation ceremony will be held on Saturday, April
27, 2011. Alumni are asked to meet in the lobby of the Arena at 11:45AM to shake the hands of the
New Alumni Shirts- Members were given the newly designed Alumni T-shirts to wear to promote Lander
University. These T-shirts were also given during the Senior Picnic, during the “Lander on the Road”
social held at The Capital City Club in Columbia, SC, and during the Alumni Board Meeting which was
held on April 16, 2011.
The next meeting will be held on Monday, August 22 at 6PM. Notices will be given closer to this date.
Members present were as follows:
Lorraine Angelino, Don Bergman, Audine Bergman, Chandler Darling, Olgethia Louden, Debbie Dill, Bill
Garvin, Steve Grogan, Pamela Morton, Jeff May, Mike McWhorter, Debrah Miller, Sid Moore, Myra
Refreshments were provided. Meeting Adjourned at 7:45PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Olgethia Louden, Secretary