RFP User Guide - Virtual Edge Institute

Brought to you by
Technology Solutions Industry Standard RFP
Selecting a solution provider can be daunting and extremely time consuming task. In efforts to help streamline
the process for event producers and solution vendors alike, VEI has created an industry standard RFP to make
this process less overwhelming and more time efficient for everyone.
The goal is to streamline the process for organizations and an efficient way to communicate these needs to
multiple solution providers why creating a comprehensive and easy to read comparative tool to help select the
best provider for your needs. At the same time, it provides consistent client and event information for the
vendors to be able to quickly provide estimates and responses for each RFP.
We realize each event and solution provider has unique needs and attributes. Throughout the template you
are able to personalize, ask specific questions and provide additional specialized information.
How does it work?
The industry standard excel template is broken into three steps.
1. RFP Client Information – to be completed by organizations looking for solutions providers including:
organization details, contact information, event details, type of event(s), and specific information for
each event (date, location, goals, event history, projected attendance, number or sessions,
requirements, etc.)
2. Solution Matrix – the second tab is to be completed by each solution provider submitting a proposal. It
includes the organization details, contact information, company profile, case-studies/client referrals,
team details, type of event/services they hosts and a detailed checkbox matrix of the functionality of
their solution with space to add descriptions. In addition, the solution can provide additional attributes
not already mentioned, answer specific client requirements and questions, pricing breakdown and a
place to itemize additional important attachments.
3. Client Grid – the third tab is the client grid. This section allows each organization the opportunity to
flag their team’s priorities. It also they gives you a systematic way to review the results of each solution
vendor side-by-side. The template has space for up to three vendors, however, you can expand the
template to best meet your needs. The goal of this grid to give you a working tool to discuss the
solutions, identify those that best align with your needs and quickly identify additional information
required or demo needs to help with your selection process.
Best of luck! We hope this template is a great resource for your team. If we missed any major areas or you
have suggestions on how to improve the template, please share your thoughts with the VEI team at
info@virtualedge.org, we would love to hear your ideas.
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