New Zealand International Doctoral Research Scholarships

New Zealand International Doctoral Research Scholarships (NZIDRS)
Provisional Supervision Form
To be completed by an appropriate staff member within the candidate’s intended New Zealand University
Department or School
To the proposed department/school:
You have been asked to complete a Provisional Supervision Form for an NZIDRS Candidate.
The New Zealand International Doctoral Research Scholarships (NZIDRS) are funded by the New Zealand
Government and administered by Education New Zealand. The scholarships are highly competitive and cover
full tuition fees and a stipend for up to 36 months. Only a small number of NZIDRS will be awarded this year.
The Provisional Supervision form is an important tool for the NZIDRS Selection Panel in assessing candidates
and awarding the scholarships.
Who should complete this form?
This form should be completed by the person at the candidate’s intended NZ university department/school
who is best able to comment on the candidate’s suitability for doctoral study within that department/school.
This would normally be the Head of School or Associate Dean Postgraduate (or their delegated nominee) and
not the proposed supervisor. A supervisor is only appropriate if the candidate has already commenced their
PhD studies.
How to submit an NZIDRS Provisional Supervision Form
Email: Forms can be sent via email to
Please ensure you include the candidate’s name in the subject of the email.
Forms must be sent from a verifiable, institution email address.
Post: Forms can be posted to Education New Zealand at the address below.
They must be enclosed in a sealed envelope with the author’s signature on the seal.
Address: Education New Zealand, Scholarships Manager, PO Box 12-041, Wellington 6144, New Zealand
Provisional Supervision Forms must be submitted by 15 July (2014)
NZIDRS Selection Criteria
NZIDRS applications are assessed by the Selection Panel based on three main selection criteria. Please keep
these in mind when completing this form;
Academic Merit
Including results achieved, relevant skills and relevant knowledge
2. Positive Impact of Proposed Research
On New Zealand’s economy, in terms of international trade and business development in key sectors
Or, on New Zealand’s population in terms of health and safety
Or on Research and scholarship in the above two areas
The selection panel will also consider the level of innovation shown in the project, the potential for
the research to garner international interest and the extent to which the project encourages
international academic relationships and scholarly collaborations
3. Quality of Research Proposal
Research proposal is well thought out, thoroughly researched and clearly articulated.
Proposal is feasible (within the applicant’s ability; resource support; & can be achieved within funding
timeframe – 3 years)
Thank you for assisting Education New Zealand identify outstanding candidates to take up scholarships under
the New Zealand International Doctoral Research Scholarship Programme. We appreciate your professional
opinion and the time taken to complete the form.
Christine Roberts
Scholarships Manager
Supervision forms are confidential documents viewed only by ENZ staff and the NZIDRS Selection Panel. The contents will not be shared
with NZIDRS candidates under any circumstances.
New Zealand International Doctoral Research Scholarships (NZIDRS)
Provisional Supervision Form
Provisional Supervision Forms must be submitted by 15 July (2014)
Candidate’s Name
Proposed NZ University
Form completed by
Department / School
Position / Title
Email Address
1. Please rate the candidate on the following qualities
Very Low
Very High
Academic merit
Quality of research proposal
Relevant skills and knowledge
Impact of research - Nationally
Impact of research - Internationally
2. The department has the appropriate resources to support this candidate’s research
3. The department is prepared to accept this student for PhD study
4. Do you support the awarding of an NZIDRS to this candidate?
6. Based on your experience of PhD candidates, where does this candidate rank overall?
Top 5%
Top 10%
Top 20%
Below Average
(of PhD candidates you have seen)
7. Please provide an explanation for the assessment you have provided above
Return form to Education New Zealand at or PO Box 12-041 Wellington 6144