DBQ essay outline

The Aztec DBQ Essay Outline
Name __________________________________________ Class period _________________
Societies, like individuals, often have a dark side and a bright side, some good with some bad.
This is true of the Aztec Civilization. The Aztec Civilization was at its height from 1350-1519. Located in
Central Mexico, the Aztec empire capital city was Tenochtitlan. At its height, there were more than 10
million people in the Aztec Empire. When Historians view a society, like the Aztecs, they want to
accurately (truthfully) and fairly represent the society.
(insert thesis)
One reason historians should emphasize ______________________________ when discussing
the Aztecs is because of ________________________________________________________. (insert
(Explain what that means next) ___________________________________________________________
(insert inference) ______________________________________________________________________
(insert argument) ______________________________________________________________________
The Aztec DBQ Essay Outline
Another reason historians should emphasize ______________________________ when
discussing the Aztecs is because of ________________________________________________________.
(insert quote)
(Explain what that means next) ___________________________________________________________
(insert inference) ______________________________________________________________________
(insert argument) ______________________________________________________________________
The last reason historians should emphasize ______________________________ when discussing the
Aztecs is because of ________________________________________________________. (insert quote)
(Explain what that means next) ___________________________________________________________
The Aztec DBQ Essay Outline
(insert inference) ______________________________________________________________________
(insert argument) ______________________________________________________________________
Conclusion: 3-4 sentences
Summarize the essay
Restate the thesis