journal complexity

MA Junhai
Department of Industrial Engineering Professor
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Research:the direction of the professional research 1.
Simulation and experiment calculation of Financial and
Economic complex system 2. Chaotic Economic and
Financial Reconstruction and prediction of time series 3.
Complex supply chain modeling and its application
【Education & Working Experience】
Since 2001
University Specialty
Beihang University, Applied
Tianjin University, School of
Mechanical engineering
Southeast University, Control
Science and Engineering,
Management Science and Engineering
Colleger of Management & Economic
Tianjin University
Degree/ Position
Postdoctoral Research
【Academic Part-time Jobs】
[1] Decision consulting experts of Tianjin Government
[2] Member of Economic and Information Expert Committee of Shandong province
[3] Executive director of Complex Systems Research Committee of China
[4] Director of Econometric Association of Tianjin
【Research projects and results】
Published nearly 60 journal articles over the past decade in the international top-level
periodicals(SCI Source Journal), of which six in 1 district, eight in 2 district, twenty-five in 3 district,
more than twenty in 4 district; ten in SSCI(Double counting), one of research workers who earlier
in the management of complex economic and financial system research at home. one of research
workers who earlier in economic, financial reconstruction of chaotic time series, many papers were
cited over 191 times, and a single highest cited more than 28 times in SCI in recent years,was cited
over 360 times in CSCD.
1. Junhai Ma, Yanqin Liu.Exact solutions for a generalized nonlinear fractional Fokker_Planck
equation. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 2010(11)515-521。SCI,JCR-1,Impact Factor
2. Junhai.Ma,L-L.Mu. Analysis of a Game Model with Nonlinear Demand Functions for Real Estate
Market, International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation. 2010(11)10:831836. (JCR-1, Impact Factor 3.1)
3. Junhai Ma, Tao Sun , Lixia Liu.The inherent complexity in nonlinear business cycle model in
resonance. Chaos,Solitions and Fractals,37(2008) 1104-1112 ( SCIE:301IS,JCR-2,Impact Factor
3.315 )
4. Junhai Ma , T.Sun and Z.-Q. Wang .Hopf Bifurcation and Complexity of a Kind of Economic
Systems. International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation 2007 Vol. 8, No.3
347. ( SCI:211EL,JCR-1, Impact Factor 3.1)。
5. Junhai Ma, Ya Qiang Cui , Lixia Liu.A study on the complexity of a business cycle model with great
excitements in non-resonant condition. Chaos,Solitions and Fractals 2009(39)2258-2267(Number
Search of SCI:443DZ,JCR-2,Impact Factor 3.315 )
6.Junhai Ma , Lixia Liu. Multivariate Nonlinear Analysis and Prediction of Shanghai Stock Market.
Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society.Volume 2008, Article ID 526734, 8 pages
doi:10.1155/2008/526734 ( SCIE: 314CC, SN 1026-0226, JCR-3, Impact Factor 1.577)
7. Junhai Ma and Lingling Mu.Complex Dynamics in a Nonlinear Cobweb Model for Real Estate
Market. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society . 2007(2007)29207, ( SCIE:211NC , JCR-3, Impact
Factor 1.577).SSCI: 211NC。
8. Junhai Ma , YunFeng. The Study of Chaotic Behavior in Retailer’s Demand Model. Discrete
Dynamics in Nature and Society.Volume 2008, Article ID 792031, 12 pages
doi:10.1155/2008/792031( SCI : SSCI: 381YG, 1026-0226: JCR-3, Impact Factor 1.577)
9. Junhai Ma , Wei-Zhuo Ji. Complexity of repeated game model in electric power triopoly Chaos,
Solitons and Fractals . 2009(40)1735-1740(SCI,JCR-2,Impact Factor 3.315)
10. Junhai Ma,Qin Gao,Stability and Hopf bifurcations in a business cycle model with delay .Applied
Mathematics and Computation. 2009(215)829-834(SCI,JCR-3,Impact Factor 1.124).
11 Junhai Ma and Xiaosong Pu. Complex Dynamics in Nonlinear Triopoly Market with Different
Expectations . Discrete Dynamics in Nature and SocietyVolume 2011, Article ID 902014, 12 pages
(SCI: 870WN,JCR-3,Impact Factor 0.967)
12 Junhai Ma, Qi Zhang, Qin Gao Stability of a three-species symbiosis model with delays .
Nonlinear Dyn (2012) 67:567–572(SCI: 855DN,JCR-3,Impact Factor1.741)
13 Junhai Ma and Qin Gao Analysis on the chaotic motion of a stochastic nonlinear dynamic
system International Journal of Computer MathematicsVol. 87, No. 14, November 2010, 3266–
3272 (SCI: 682MZ,JCR-4,Impact Factor0.489)
14 Junhai Ma, Mu Ling Ling,Improved piece-wise linear and nonlinear synchronization of a class
of discrete chaotic systems,International Journal of Computer Mathematics Vol. 87, No. 3, March
2010, 619–628(SCI: 535ZY,JCR-4,Impact Factor 0.489)
15.Junhai Ma , Qi Zhang,Qin Gao Stability of a three-species symbiosis model with
delays .Nonlinear Dyn (2012) 67:567–572 JCR-3 区,Impact Factor1.741)
16.Junhai Ma,Lingling Mu.Dynamic Analysis on the Game between Land Supply and Housing prices.
International Journal of Computer Mathematics
2008(85)6:983-992.(SCI: 314GF
SSCI:314GF,JCR-4,Impact Factor0.489)
17.Junhai Ma,Jiwei Zuo. Chaos Control on a Repeated Model in Electric Power Duopoly.
International Journal of Computer Mathematics 2008(85)6:961-967. (SCI: 314GF JCR-4,Impact
Factor 0.489)
18.Junhai Ma, Hamza I. Bangura. Kind of financial and economic system's omplexity analysis
research under the condition of three parameters change circumstances Nonlinear Dyn (2012)(SCI,
JCR-3,Impact Factor1.741)
19.Junhai Ma, Junling Zhang .Research on the Price Game and the Application of Delayed Decision
in Oligopoly Insurance Market Nonlinear Dyn (2012)(SCI,JCR-3,Impact Factor1.741)
20.Junhai Ma, Junling Zhang . Price Game and Chaos Control among Three Oligarchs with Different
Rationalities in Property Insurance Market.Chaos (2012)(SCI,JCR-3,Impact Factor2.081)
【Research projects】
1. The research of Prediction and noise removal of complex chaotic time series
systems. National Natural Science Foundation of China. Information Division. Project Grant No.
60641006. Dates: 2007.1~2007.12. Project Leader
2. The research of Reconstruction and control of complex chaotic time series dynamic
systems. National Natural Science Foundation of China. Information Division. Project Grant Dates:
2003.1~2005.12. No. 70271071. Project Leader
3. The research of Reconstruction and control of nonlinear dynamic system based on
Chaotic time series in the middle and high score. Dates: 98.1~2001.12. No.69874004. The first
4. Non-linear reconstruction of chaotic time series dynamical system. National
Natural Science Foundation of China. Information Division. Project Grant Dates: 1996.1~1999.12.
No. 19672043. The first participants
5. The research of a class of delay, fractional management of complexity of power
systems. Doctoral Fund of Ministry of Education. Dates: 2010.1-2012.12. Project Leader
6. Based on the nonlinear, fractional order economic, financial power of the complexity of the
system. National Natural Science Foundation of China. Information Division. Project Grant No.
61273231. Dates: 2013.1~2016.12. Project Leader
1. The first level candidates of 131(Across the century) talent Project of Tianjin for the first
2. Get Tianjin Youth Science and Technology Award for the sixth at may 2001 (2002)
3. July 2002 received the third prize of Tianjin Natural Science (2002)
4. January 2002 received Tianjin " Tenth Five-Year Plan" meritorious service medal;
5. June 2002 to obtain the state special government allowance;