Transactions of the Saint Petersburg University of

Requirements to execution of the manuscripts submitted for publication in Saint
Petersburg Academy of Management and Economics Journal “Transactions of
Saint Petersburg Academy of Management and Economics”
The manuscript of paper accepted for consideration in respect of publication in our journal
should meet the requirements, as described below, to the content (clause 1) and execution (clause
2), and have a requisite set of accompanying documents (clause 3).
1. Requirements to the content of manuscript.
1.1. Content of the paper submitted to the Journal "Transactions of Saint Petersburg
Academy of Management and Economics" should be original, not printed earlier
elsewhere, and suitable for the journal’s subject orientation — one of the following lines
 economic theory;
 structural and institutional policy;
 production: factors, management;
 finances and banking;
 law and social sphere;
 philosophy and sociology;
 education;
 students’ research efforts;
 country and the world: statistics;
 academic life: plans, events, documents.
1.2. Manuscript should contain the following requisite elements:
 headline part of the article:
а) heading of one of the columns as per clause 1.1,
b) key words (up to five words or word combinations reflecting the basic content
of the article that will be used by Internet retrieval systems),
c) bibliographic index UDC,
d) information on the author(s),
e) title of the article,
f) the author’s (authors’) opinion on topicality of the scientific problem studied
and purpose of the article;
 the author’s (authors’) proposals on solution of the problem giving expository
treatment to the ideas, views, approaches, and methods supported by
calculations, facts, and statistics;
 summary of studies indicating the degree of novelty (what distinguishes the work
done from earlier studies, including those carried out by other authors);
 list of references.
2. Requirements to execution of the manuscript.
2.1. In the scope, the manuscript may range from 0.4 to 1.2 author's sheet (1 author's sheet
includes 40 000 signs, spaced, or 22–23 sheets as per clause The manuscript’s text
should be executed by MS Word. In this case, set the following parameters: hereunder).
2.2. The manuscript’s text should be executed by MS Word. In this case, set the following
 paper size — А4;
 margins: left margin — 2.5 cm, the other margins — 2 cm each;
 font: Times New Roman, type size — 14;
 line-to-line spacing — double;
 paragraph indent — 0.9 cm,
 automatic text justification — by width;
 automatic hyphenation — “on”,
 pagination — below, right.
2.3. Illustrations (drawings, plots, plans, histograms, diagrams, photographs) in the text are
called figures and must be executed as per clause 6.5, GOST 7.32-2001. Each
illustration must be inserted in the text of article (directly after the first reference in the
text), provided with the name of figure and its sequence number, and stored as a separate
file attached to the text of article. In such cases:
 the file name should include: label Figure, a sequence number of figure and
filename extension;
 histograms, diagrams and plots should be made by using MS Excel and stored
under the names Figure_№___.xls;
 vector drawings should be made by using Corel DRAW, Visio, Adobe
Illustrator (translate texts into curves; for possible proofreading, attach the
type files used in drawing figures);
 save the scanned photos and raster drawings in tif (for gradations of grey —
300 dpi, for black-and-white — 600 dpi) under the names Figure _№.tif. The
original picture size should be at least as the one published in the article;
 save the illustrations borrowed from Internet in the original format;
 the text should contain a reference to each figure, such as (Figure 5.)
2.4. Tables should be executed as per clause 6.6, GOST 7.32-2001. Simple tables can be
compiled by using MS Word, and complex tables by using MS Excel. In the latter case,
a separate file created in MS Excel should be attached to the article. Place above each
table its heading, such as, Table 1 — Comparative Analysis. The text of article should
contain a reference to each table.
2.5. Type formulae as per clause 6.8, GOST 7.32-2001. To type formulae, use MS Equation
with the following settings:
 ordinary symbol size — 12 pt,
 large index — 10 pt,
 small index — 9 pt,
 large symbol— 18 pt,
 small symbol — 10 pt.
Formulae in the article should be continuously numbered by Arabic numerals in
parentheses in the extreme right position on the line.) References in the text to serial
numbers of formulae should also be given in parentheses.
2.6. Footnotes (definition) should be typed in MS Word. In such cases, continuous
numbering by Arabic numerals should be chosen.
2.7. Place at the end of the paper the list of references, indicating in the body of the text
references to all sources included in the list. The list should contain bibliographic data
on all publications mentioned in the paper, and should not contain references to papers
that have not been mentioned in the text. Bibliographic data entered in the list, should
comply with GOST 7.1-2003. Data on cited publications should be given as references
appear in the text. A footnote should contain a serial number of the source in the list of
references in square brackets. If necessary, indicate page numbers, e.g., [14, p. 112].
2.8. The manuscript that generally includes all the elements mentioned in clauses The
manuscript’s text should be executed by MS Word. In this case, set the following
parameters:-Place at the end of the paper the list of references, indicating in the body of
the text references to all sources included in the list. The list should contain
bibliographic data on all publications mentioned in the paper, and should not contain
references to papers that have not been mentioned in the text. Bibliographic data entered
in the list, should comply with GOST 7.1-2003. Data on cited publications should be
given as references appear in the text. A footnote should contain a serial number of the
source in the list of references in square brackets. If necessary, indicate page numbers,
e.g., [14, p. 112]., will submitted to the Publishers as a file under the title Test.doc,
executed in MS Word.
3. Requirements to a set of documents submitted to the Publishers.
3.1. For each of the prospective articles, a set of electronic documents (files) should be
submitted to the Publishers. These are:
 manuscript file (see clause 2.8);
 accompanying letter file (application letter for publication of manuscript)
(Appendix 2);
 abstract file, 3–4 lines. In this case, the name (names) of the author (authors),
title of the paper and content of abstract should be typed in the Russian and
English languages;
 information on the author file (Appendix 3). In this case, if there are several
authors, a separate file should be provided for each of the authors.
The documents listed above should be sent by the author (one of the coauthors) to the
Publishers’ site.
3.2. Along with electronic documents, the author(s) should send by traditional post:
 an application letter in hard-copy form signed by all authors (Appendix 1);
 a signed letter in hard-copy form providing information on the author. If there
are several authors, information on each of the authors will be provided in a
separate document.
1. Text of the article, illustrations, and accompanying documents shall be
sent to the editorial office by e-mail:
2. If the requirements stated above have not been carried out in full, an
email showing the faults detected will be sent to the sender of
electronic version of manuscript. If the faults are not corrected within a
month, the article is removed from consideration and further
correspondence on this matter ceases.
3. Manuscripts submitted to the editorial staff and accompanying
documents will not be returned.
4. If you have any questions, please call by editorial office phone (812)
251-34-84, and on other matters — by phone (812) 251-30-38.
Accompanying Documents
Appendix 1
To Editor-in-Chief of the Journal
"Transactions of Saint Petersburg Academy of
Management and Economics"
190103, St. Petersburg, ul. Kurliandskaya, 5,
room 422
Application Letter
Please publish the paper ______________________________________
(indicate the title)
in the Journal "Transactions of Saint Petersburg Academy of Management and Economics."
Date designated for defense of a dissertation — __________ .1
I (we) guarantee payment for publication in due time.
Text of the manuscript on ___ sheet(s).
Information on the author(s) on 1 sheet, each copy — ___ sheet(s).
Abstract on 1 ___ sheet.
Photos and figures to be scanned, ___ sheet(s), in each copy. Copy 1 and 2.
All Appendices — to the address only.
Author(s) of the article:
place of employment of the first
academic degree and rank
place of employment of the
second author
academic degree and rank
place of employment of the third
academic degree and rank
Full name
Full name
Full name
« __ » _________________ 200_ .
Only for candidates whose dissertations were accepted for defense.
Appendix 2
To Editor-in-Chief of the Journal
" Transactions of Saint Petersburg Academy of
Management and Economics"
Application Letter
Please publish the paper ______________________________________
in the Journal "Transactions of Saint Petersburg Academy of Management and Economics."
Date designated for defense of a dissertation — __________ .
I (we) guarantee payment for publication in due time.
1. Text of the manuscript, 1 file (Manuscript.doc).
2. Abstract, 1 file (Abstract .doc).
3. Information on the author(s), _____ file(s).
(Author 1.doc, Author 2.doc, Author __.doc).
4. Source files of figures, _____ file(s).
(Fig. 1.xls, Fig. 2.tif, Fig. 3.jpg, Fig. 4.gif, Fig. ___.___,).
5. Source files of tables, _____ file(s).
(Table 1.xls, Table 2. xls, Table ___ . xls).
All Appendices — to the address only.
Author(s) of the article:
place of employment of the first
academic degree and rank
place of employment of the
second author
academic degree and rank
place of employment of the third
academic degree and rank
Full name
Full name
Full name
« __ » _________________ 200_ .
Appendix 3
Details of the Author
1. Family name _______________________________
2. Name _______________
3. Patronymic ____________________________
4. Date of defense of a dissertation and the last date after which paper may not be
published ____________________________________________________________
5. Title of the paper _____________________________________________
6. The author’s place of employment ________________________________
7. Position __________________________________________________
8. Academic degree ______________________________________________
9. Academic rank _______________________________________________
10. Personal address _____________________________________________
__________________________________ home phone _________________
11. Business address ______________________________________________
__________________________________ office phone __________________
12. Mobile phone ________________________________________________
13. E-mail ____________________________________
Details of research manager or contact information (for VIP):
Full name of research manager __________________________________
Position ____________________________________________________
Academic degree ________________________________________________
Academic rank _________________________________________________
Contact phone _____________________________________________
Postal address ________________________________________________
E-mail ________________________________________
signature _____________________
« __ » _________________ 200_ .