12.17.15 Minutes

Unitarian Church in Charleston
Vestry Meeting Minutes for 17-12-2015, 5:00pm
Attendance: Judy Manning (JM), Nina Fair, John Klintworth (JK), Frank Hardie, Maureen
Porter, Sue Weller (SW), Erica Hattings-Brodeur (EH-B), Jonathan Lamb (JL), Danny Reed,
Sandra Selvitelli (SSe), and Bill Epes.
Absent: Steve Simon (SSi)
5:00 Call to order—Judy Manning
Opening words—Judy Manning
Leadership Discussion—Danny Reed led a discussion on Leadership which included
asking the three newest members of the vestry to comment on whether they felt more
connected to the church after the past four months of serving on the vestry. Several other
members also spoke on this point. All members were asked to say what their wish was
for the church for the New Year. We agreed we would write our replies for the next
Meeting. Danny read a White-water rafting metaphor for leadership which was right-on.
Consent Agenda--Review and approval of the minutes of December 17, 2015, and the
staff reports. – JL moved to approve all three. NF seconded. Vote was approved. The
Financial Report will be dealt with as a “reply all” email when it arrives.
LED Lights in Gage Hall—An unexpected additional cost on this project arose because
the ballasts for the existing fluorescent lights are not compatible with the LED Lights. Social
Justice Committee has just turned back $1350 they do not plan to spend, so this amount will be
applied to the LED Project.
7. Safety and Security---Judy Manning reviewed the Safety and Security Committee’s plan
based on feedback from the congregation on the topic of an armed police officer as Incident
Coordinator. The Safety Steering Committee proposed the following: table the question of
hiring an Incident Coordinator until Spring. Proceed with Church volunteers in all positions
and refocus on the priority list of safety projects with IC hiring as the last item as it has
always been. Motion to approve was made by NF. Second by EH-B. Vote was approved.
8. Safety and Security Communication—Judy Manning requested editorial feedback on her
letter to the Congregation on the above S&S changes. A few minor edits were made and the
Vestry generally agreed it was excellent and ready for sending out.
9. Funding for S&S Priority List—Endowment Investment Board Payouts to this and last year’s
annual budgets have about $15,000 un-committed. It was proposed that money be moved to a
suspense account and used for the S&S Projects. Erica “so moved” and Nina seconded.
Motion was approved.
10. FEMA Loan—Judy Manning reported on her work to obtain a Disaster Relief loan for
repairs to damage from the October rains and flooding. The loan would be 2.625 % for 30
years. Amount to be determined by FEMA. It was generally agreed to continue the FEMA
application process, and get cost estimates. Frank Hardie suggested a committee be formed to
consider policy for undertaking long-term debt, especially terms as long as 30 years. It was
generally agreed that Judy Manning, Richard Hayes, Bill Finn, Frank Hardie, Danny Reed
and perhaps others would be asked to form this committee, working concurrently with the
progress on the loan application. Frank was asked to invite Bill Finn to provide training in
January for the vestry on the Church’s endowment and rules and procedures of the EIB. The
second Sunday in February was selected as the date for a Congregational Meeting solely for
discussion of the FEMA loan and the Authorization for taking out the loan and expenditures
of over $10,000 for the repairs.
11. Policy Categories—Last Year the organization of the Church Policies was improved by
establishing policy categories. Members of the Vestry volunteered to review a category,
reporting back at the February Vestry Meeting. Use of Buildings and Grounds—Erica and
Nina; Mission of the Church—Sue; Finance—Jonathan and Frank
12. Closing Words—Jonathan Lamb
Meeting adjourned at 6:50 pm.
Respectfully Submitted, Frank Hardie, Secretary