Unfinished Business

Minutes for the November 7, 2013 Meeting of the
Undergraduate Policies and Curriculum (UPCC) Meeting
Members in attendance: Stan Crowder & Linda Treiber (College of Humanities and Social
Sciences), , Andrew Green- proxy for Penny Verhoeven (Coles College of Business), Kim
Loomis & Marvin Smith (Bagwell College of Education), Michael Dias & Jeremy Gulley
(College of Science and Mathematics), Rebecca Shabo & Jennifer Wade-Berg (Wellstar College
of Health and Human Services), Jamie Bullins (College of the Arts), Jennifer Wade-Berg proxy
for Liza Davis (University College), Carolee Larsen (University College), Linda Treiber proxy
for Gail Scott (General Education Council), Jamie Grimes (Academic Affairs), Hyun Kim
(Library), Ana Edwards (Interim Registrar), Eric Johnson (SGA Representative), Ryan Delaney
(SGA Representative).
Guests: J. C. Smith (Registrar’s Office), Linda Malgeri, Jane Campbell, Stacy Campbell, Justin
Cochran, Hope Baker, Nancy Prochaska, Sandra Pierquet & Deborah Lester (Coles College of
Business), Jennifer Figueroa (Academic Affairs), Susan Rouse (History & Philosophy), Sarasij
Majumder (Geography & Anthropology), Tyra Burton (Marketing and Professional Sales),
Heather Scott & Deborah N. Smith (University Studies)
UPCC Chair Jennifer Wade-Berg called the meeting to order at 12:34.
Dr. Wade-Berg called for a motion to approve the September 26, 2013 minutes with corrections.
The motion was made by Andy Green and seconded by Becky Shabo. The minutes were
unanimously approved.
Unfinished Business:
Coles College of Business
Linda Malgeri presented the second read of BUSA 2150, BUSA 3150, BUSA 4150 and the
Executive Summary and Overview of College to Career Changes related to these courses. Linda
Tribel expressed concern over these courses not being for credit and not being piloted. Jennifer
Wade-Berg asked if these courses could be taken for 1 credit hour. The committee also discussed
the possibility that BUSA 3150 and BUSA 4150 be pre-requisites for upper level courses so that
students would not mistakenly omit these courses.
Linda Tribel responded that other business schools have required similar non-credit courses and
it worked well. Ana Edwards commented that students must take these noncredit courses with
other courses and they could not be taken alone. Jane Campbell stated that there was not an
appropriate course to require pre or co-requisites for these courses.
The motion to approve these courses was made by Andy Green and seconded by Marvin Smith.
The motion passed with 12 yes votes and 4 no votes.
Minutes for the November 7, 2013 Meeting of the
Undergraduate Policies and Curriculum (UPCC) Meeting
Stacy Campbell presented the second read of a Coles Scholar Minor, CSCH 4010, CSCH 4020,
CSCH 4040,& CSCH 4050. The purpose of the program is to ensure that honors students remain
in the honors program and that stellar students that transfer in as junior and students can be
accepted into this scholars program even though they are not in the honors program. Liza Davis
sent a question inquiring how this program integrates with the Honors Program. Stacy Campbell
explained that the program has been structured so that the five Scholars courses can be
substituted for requirements of the University Honors Program (and new Honors College going
forward) so that a student can not only receive the Scholars Minor but also graduate with
University Honors.
The motion to approve this program and courses with corrections to the pre-requisite section was
made by Linda Treiber and seconded by Marvin Smith. The motion passed unanimously.
New Business:
Coles College of Business:
Department of Marketing and Professional Sales
Tyra Burton presented a new Engagement Marketing Minor. The motion to approve this program
for a second read was made by Andy Green and seconded by Eric Johnson. The motion passed
Deborah Lester presented Sports Marketing Minor with letters of support from Keith Tudor,
John Bradberry and Richard Franza. The motion to approve this program was made by Andy
Green and seconded by Linda Treiber. The motion passed unanimously
Department of Management and Entrepreneurship
Stacy Campbell presented a change in the Management Minor. The minor is updated to
correspond with new courses in the department. The motion to approve these changes for a
second read was made by Andy Green and seconded by Kim Loomis. The motion passed
College of Humanities and Social Sciences:
Department of History and Philosophy
Susan Rouse presented PHIL 2700, a new course that will be a requirement for a Philosophy
minor or major. Jennifer Wade-Berg stated that titles should be substituted for names in the ADA
policy of the syllabus and the Absence Policy should be titled Attendance Policy. An online
packet for required readings should be added.
The motion to approve PHIL 2700 with these changes for second read was made by Any Green
and seconded by Linda Treiber. The motion passed unanimously
Minutes for the November 7, 2013 Meeting of the
Undergraduate Policies and Curriculum (UPCC) Meeting
The following changes were requested for the Philosophy minor including eliminating the list of
upper division courses in favor of stating that any upper division course will count toward the
minor and stating which lower division courses may be counted toward the minor. Language
about non-duplicative hours was eliminated to bring the minor into line with University policy
on minors.
The motion to accept these changes for a second read was made by Andy Green and seconded by
Marvin Smith. The motion passed unanimously.
Changes were also presented for the BA in Philosophy program. PHIL 3210 is also added to the
lists of course options within the major concentration. It will also be an option for students
fulfilling the Non-Western requirement. HIST 2206 in Area F will be replaced with PHILO
2270. Area F as it appears in the catalog also fails to list one of the courses students may take for
credit which was approved as part of the major and has been added.
The motion to accept these changes for a second read was made by Andy Green and seconded by
Marvin Smith. The motion passed unanimously
Department of Geography and Anthropology
Sarasij Majumder presented a change in program with course additions for the Minor in Native
American Studies.
The motion to accept these changes with correction of typos for a second read was made by
Linda Treiber and seconded by Andy Green. The motion passed unanimously
University College
Department of University Studies
Heather Scott presented new courses LDRS 3100, LDRS 3500, and LDRS 3700. The suggestion
was made to remove the #7 course objective from LDRS 3500. The LDRS 3100 course master
title needs to be revised to 30 spaces or less. Carol Pope’s name needs to removed from LDRS
3100 and LDRS 3700 syllabi and replaced with her title. Since LDRS 3700 is a hybrid course it
should give guidelines for net etiquette and attendance policy should be adjusted. Resources
should be listed instead of N/A. The addition of these courses will need to be submitted as
change of certificate and change of program.
The motion to accept these changes with corrections for a second read was made by Andy Green
and seconded by Marvin Smith. The motion passed unanimously
Minutes for the November 7, 2013 Meeting of the
Undergraduate Policies and Curriculum (UPCC) Meeting
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Department of History and Philosophy
Susan Rouse presented a change in course for HIST 4488 but the edit will need to go through
Teacher Education Committee first.
Dr. Wade-Berg requested a motion for an online meeting for the purpose of second reads in early
December with a review deadline of 10 days. The motion was made by Andy Green and
seconded by Carolee Larsen. The motion passed unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:50.
Respectfully submitted,
Becky Shabo