Minutes - Holy Spirit Lutheran Church

Holy Spirit Lutheran Church
Church Council Meeting Minutes
March 17, 2015
1. Meeting called to order at 6:35 pm.
Present: Kevin Cannon, Jim Clark, Pastor Paul Hansen, Michael Harris, Zach Nance,
Fred Schrumm, Ann Taylor, Greg Trunoske, LaShone Manning.
Absent: Michele Beck, Janet Saterlie. Guest: None.
a. Opening devotions: Kevin.
b. Thank you cards: Joe and Penny Hauser, for leading the recent grief workshop. Devra
Betts, for putting together the Advent and Lenten devotional booklets.
2. Agenda Approval: Jim moved to accept the agenda, Ann 2nd. Motion passed.
a. Auto Consent Items: None.
3. Review/Approval of February Council Minutes: Ann moved to accept the February minutes,
Zach 2nd. Motion passed.
4. Review/Approval of February Treasurer’s Report: Michael reviewed the finances through
the end of February. Ann moved to accept the report, Jim 2nd. Motion was approved.
5. Strategic Plan Review: Pastor Paul reviewed some outreach items. As part of our follow-up
on the leadership retreat in January, a free car wash is being planned to help connect with
neighbors in the community. The State of Nevada may budget some money for additional
preschool education, which might be an opportunity that would interest the congregation.
Holy Spirit also received a letter from the Girl Scouts looking for a place to host a troop.
Pr Paul plans to follow-up on this request to get some additional information.
6. Old Business
a. Email Votes: None.
b. Team Information Sharing: The Fellowship Team has been commended on the great
soups being provided before the Wednesday Lenten services, and provided
assistance during the Family Promise visit. The Fellowship Team also will help with
setup for the memorial service for Jill Chenicek’s son. The Stewardship Team is
looking at ways to work other than by email and when it comes time to pledging.
c. Staff Compensation Discussion: There was some additional discussion about minor
changes to the staff compensation policy, but the council did not have enough
information to reach a resolution. Pastor Paul moved to table the discussion until
the April council meeting, Zach 2nd. Motion was approved.
d. Council Terms: The council will be looking for two candidates to replace outgoing
council members and possibly a new youth representative. The youth will vote for
their rep. Pastor Paul nominated the outgoing members, Ann and Fred, as the
nomination committee to line up new candidates. Michael 2nd. Motion passed.
e. Air Conditioning Replacement: Terry West provided a proposal for replacement of
the AC unit that was stolen in late January. Pastor Paul moved to authorize the
$1000 deductible to be taken from the Dedicated Building Equipment Fund, Ann 2nd.
Motion was approved. Greg Trunoske and his brother-in-law have offered to build
cages to enclose the exterior AC units. The council gratefully accepted this generous
offer. Kevin Cannon also volunteered to assist if needed.
7. New Business
a. Facility Usage Requests: (1) The Silver State Toll and Decorative Painters group has a
request to use the Fellowship Hall for a painting workshop on the second Saturday
of each month (20 to 25 people, 10 am to 5 pm). Jim moved to allow the group to
use the west half of the Fellowship Hall (with the east half being needed for the
Saturday Zumba group) during their requested time through the end of November,
with the Sunday School area as an alternative, Ann 2nd. Motion passed. The council
acknowledged the additional effort setting up the barrier would place on the
custodian, but was not aware of another option that would work well at this point.
(2) Narcotics Anonymous has requested use of the Fellowship Hall on one of three
Saturdays in June or July from 10 am to 4 pm. Jim moved to approve this on 6/27,
Ann 2nd. Motion passed. (3) The Miniature Enthusiasts group has requested the
Fellowship Hall for 40 people on April 8th and 9th, 2016 (Fri 5 pm to 9 pm, Sat 8 am to
5 pm). Jim moved to approve, Kevin 2nd. Motion was approved.
b. Audit Team Report: Michael summarized the Audit Team report. The team reported
that finances were being handled well and encouraged all to keep up the good work.
c. Family Promise MOU: FP requested a signature on a document describing our
partnership with them. Pastor Paul reported that he had signed and returned it.
d. Order of St Luke Fundraiser: Lee Brand would like to sell rough crosses for $3.00 to
raise funds for a conference in October. Pastor Paul moved to approve this on dates
to be arranged and to purchase 50 crosses to give to new members using $75 from
Dedicated Memorial and $75 from Outreach, Michael 2nd. Motion passed.
e. June Congregational Meeting Schedule: Pastor Paul moved to schedule this meeting
for 11:45 am on Sunday, June 21st, Michael 2nd. Motion was approved.
f. Bethlehem Wood Carvings Visit: Pastor Paul moved to approve this group to sell
carvings on the weekend of September 26th and 27th, Ann 2nd. Motion was approved.
g. Air Mattress: Some feedback came after the recent Family Promise visit that the air
mattress provided for the overnight hosts did not provide great support. Fred
volunteered to look into what other options might be cost-effective.
8. Ministry Coordinator’s Report: Ann moved to accept, Michael 2nd. Motion approved.
9. Music Minister’s Report: Jim moved to accept, Ann 2nd. Motion approved.
10. Pastor’s Report: Ann moved to accept, Greg 2nd. Motion approved.
11. Next Council Meeting, Devotions & Snacks: April 21st @ 6:30 pm, Zach Nance.
12. Next Executive Committee Meeting: April 14th @ 6:30 pm.
13. Adjournment and Closing Prayer: Ann moved to adjourn, Pastor Paul 2nd. Motion approved.
Meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
LaShone Manning
Recording Secretary