Introduction - Church of Christ

Jesus and the Seven Churches of Asia – Part 1
Introduction: Jesus the Focal Point
-When it comes to the scriptures, Jesus is the primary focal point: O.T. and N.T.; Patriarchal, Mosaic and
Gospel Ages. This emphasis is most obvious in the Gospel Accounts. Yet, the emphasis continues in the
history of Acts, the writings of the Epistles and in the prophecy of Revelation.
-O.T. – Jesus will come; Gospel Accounts – Jesus has come; remainder of N.T. – He will come again.
-Tonight – and in some lessons to follow, Lord willing – I want to direct our attention to Revelation
-Revelation & Context
-Obviously the book of Revelation can be a challenging book. Due to its symbolism, figurative language
and apocalyptic style, numerous passages have been interpreted in a variety of ways.
-However, let’s notice some helpful bits of information that help establish a proper context.
-Rev. 1:1 – “things that must soon take place”; Rev. 1:3 – “the time is near”
-So, to take the bulk of Revelation and attempt to apply it to modern, current and/or expected future
events is an abuse against the clearly stated context of the book.
-Yes, there are aspects of Revelation (20:12ff) that will remain in the future until time ceases
and the Judgment Day takes place. Yet, the bulk of the book was in the future of the Christians to
whom the letter was written and in our past.
-The emphasis of the book relates to times and conditions under the Roman rule (and perhaps/
probably) the merger of the Roman government with the system of Catholicism (see 2 Thess. 1).
-So, we must handle the symbolism and apocalyptic language with caution and enjoy the benefits
of studying the book – Rev. 1:3.
-Revelation – Jesus Remains the Focal Point
-Rev. 1:1, 22:21 – He is in the first and last verses of the book.
-“Jesus” – Rev. 1:1, 2, 5, 9
-The closing chapter has some “red” letters in it. Yet, the majority of these are found in the opening
portions of the book – chapters 1-3.
-John’s Vision, Jesus and the Seven Churches of Asia
-In the book of Revelation, John tells us what he saw in this vision.
-“I looked” – 11 x in Revelation, “I saw” – 35 x in Revelation
-Rev. 1:9-20 – The introduction to John’s vision.
-But, in addition to the things he saw, John was also given instructions.
-Rev 1:11, Rev. 2-3 – The seven congregations
-Now that we have “set the table” per se, we will focus on the information given regarding these
congregations. However, we will not be focusing on the evaluations – although there are many
lessons to be learned from doing so. Instead, we will be focusing on Jesus’ descriptions of Himself and
what those descriptions reveal - 2:1, 8, 12, 18; 3:1, 7, 14
-Even though we will not get into any of the details upon which this series will focus, we already see
a very important truth – Jesus is to be our focus!
-Think about it. God made Jesus the focal point of His plan. Shouldn’t we do the same!?
Joplin – September 23, 2012 – p.m.