Application/Co-Applicant Information

Hoppy Hearts Rabbit Rescue
Adoption Application
Kaylie MacIntosh: 519-859-1211
Pat Chatterson: 519-983-3962
Please e-mail back to or hand to a representative of Hoppy Hearts
Rabbit You Are Applying For:
HHRR Representative Name & Date:
Application/Co-Applicant Information
Last Name:
First Name:
Last Name:
First Name:
Apt #:
Postal Code:
Home Phone:
Cell Phone:
Other (
E-mail Address:
Do you Own?
How long have you lived at this address?
Any plans to move in the near future?
Does your Landlord/Condo board allow rabbits?  Y
Landlord’s/Condo board’s name:
Does your City’s by-law allow you to have rabbits?
Landlord’s/Condo board’s phone:
How did you find out about Hoppy Hearts?
Family/Household Information
Number of adults in the household:
Have all the adults in the household agreed to this adoption?
 Yes
Number of children in the household:
Ages of children:
Have the children had pets before?
Do you expect your current family situation to change?
Is anyone in the household allergic to pets or hay?
Why would you like to adopt an animal from us? (Check all that apply)
Companion for self
Companion for child
Companion for another pet
Companion for another household member
Other (explain)
Pet Information
Have you had pets in the past or do you currently have pets? Please tell us about them
Spayed/Neutered Where are they?
 M F
Have you ever given an animal away or relinquished an animal to a shelter?
If yes, what were the circumstances?
Name of Veterinary Clinic
Contact Number:
Rabbit Care
Have you owned a rabbit before?
Where are they?
Please describe the type of housing you will be providing for the rabbit.
Where will the rabbit stay when you aren’t home?
How many hours of free-roam time will they receive each day?
How many hours per day on average can you spend with the rabbit?
How much money per month do you expect to spend on a rabbit?
Who will care for the rabbit if you go on vacation?
Under which circumstances would you return the rabbit the HHRR?
 Too costly
 New baby/pet
 Aggression
 Moving/School
 Medical reasons
 Not enough time
 Behavioural issues
 not fully litter trained
 Other (explain)