LEONI supplies radiation resistant multimode fibers for computer

Leoni supplies radiation resistant multimode fibers for computer
Minimised radiation-induced increases in attenuation
Friesoythe, 17 June 2015 – Radiation-resistant multimode fibers by
Leoni’s centre of expertise in fiber, Business Unit Fiber Optics, stand out
with their mechanical stability and consistent functional integrity. Even
when exposed to increased radiation in computer tomography (CT)
scanners, the attenuation of the fibers remains virtually constant. Leoni,
one of Europe’s leading cable manufacturers, supplies its radiationresistant multimode fibers singly, but also in any desired cable variant
such as hybrid cable, breakout versions and in assembled form.
High data rates are generally no problem for glass fibers, but unwanted
radiation-induced attenuation (RIA) occurs in the fiber core during transfer in a
CT scanner due to the existing x-rays. Although the fibers recover after the CT
scan has finished, their transfer performance is compromised during the
Radiation-resistant multimode fibers by Leoni’s Business Unit Fiber Optics in
Jena register lower radiation-induced attenuation readings than other
multimode fibers. They boast not only a high bandwidth, easy handling and
good spliceability, but also an exceptionally small increase in attenuation while
exposed to radiation.
The fibers conform to the standard IEC telecommunication specifications, and
the Fraunhofer Institute INT in Euskirchen verified their radiation resistance
pursuant to TIA/EIA 455-64, the common method to determine to RIA on
optical fibers. This test involves measuring the attenuation increase during
pulsed and continuous radiation. The finding is that, during pulsed exposure to
x-rays, Leoni's glass fibers register radiation-induced attenuation of about 20
dB/km at 1310 nm after one second, while one minute after the impulse the
induced attenuation increase is one of <0.5 dB/km. At continuous exposure
with  radiation (Co-60) to a total dose of up to 1·106 rad/1·104 Gy, the
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radiation-induced fiber attenuation of the tested multimode fibers comes to less
than 40 dB/km at 1310 nm.
In the fiber optics segment, Leoni has a virtually unique portfolio ranging from
fused quartz to preforms and the fibers drawn from this through to fiber optic
cables and complete fiber optic systems, thus serving all value creation stages.
The Business Unit Fiber Optics is able, at all production stages, to lay out its
radiation-resistant glass fibers for their later use and to supply them in different
configurations. The options include, for example, larger coatings of 500 µm or
various fiber core diameters of 50, 62.5 or 100 µm. Integrated in every possible
cable design Leoni can, by adjusting the structure and mix of materials, give
the radiation-resistant cable tension or crush resistance up to 600 N or make it
either extremely flexible or flame-retardant in compliance with IEC 60332-1-2
and IEC 60332-3-22 Cat.A. UL-recognised types pursuant to UL 1651 OFNR
(UL 1666) are also available, as are assembled solutions.
(3,064 characters incl. blanks)
 Related illustration material can be downloaded next to this release at
About the Leoni Group
Leoni is a global supplier of wires, optical fibers, cables and cable systems as well as
related services for the automotive sector and further industries. Leoni develops and
produces technically sophisticated products from single-core automotive cables
through to complete wiring systems. Leoni’s product range also comprises wires and
strands, standardised cables, special cables and cable system assemblies for various
industrial markets. The group of companies, which is listed on the German MDAX,
employs about 70,000 people in 31 countries and generated consolidated sales of
EUR 4.1 billion in 2014.
Contact person for trade press
Contact person for economic press
Birte Wendeln
Marketing Business Unit Healthcare
LEONI Special Cables GmbH
Phone +49 (0)4491-291173
+49 (0)4491-2915173
E-mail birte.wendeln@leoni.com
Sven Schmidt
Corporate Public & Media Relations
Phone +49 (0)911-2023-467
+49 (0)911-2023-231
E-mail presse@leoni.com
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