Webinar Q&A - National Center on Intensive Intervention

NCII District Webinar Q & A
Question: Can participants be sent the PowerPoint?
Answer: Yes, participants will be sent the PowerPoint as well as a link to the archived webinar.
Question: We have a single elementary, middle and high school in our district, will we meet the
Answer: Specific questions about district qualifications will be discussed during interviews, but this
would not necessarily disqualify a district.
Question: Are buildings that are currently implementing RtI and PBIS practices appropriate candidates
for the the TA program?
Answer: Yes. We find that RTI and PBIS both provide a good framework for the implementation of
intensive interventions. However, selected sites do not have to be implementing RTI and PBIS in order
to be selected. We can develop individualized TA plans to meet schools where they are in this process.
Question: Is there any data or information on previous districts and their success.
Answer: Randomized controlled trials of individualized instruction (also called data-based
individualization or experimental teaching) have been conducted. Findings from these studies support
that individualized instruction can be effective for improving learning outcomes for students who were
previously non-responsive.
Question: Are the primary teachers of focus those that work with special education students or is there
freedom in the program to provide support to teachers who work with students who are at risk?
Answer: The primary teachers that are the focus of TA support are not limited to special education
teachers. This may include specialists, interventionists, or other teachers who work with students who
are at risk and who would be delivering interventions. However, teachers of students with disabilities
must be included in this group.
Question: How would we judge success of this program or the outcomes?
Answer: To judge success of this program, we will evaluate our progress in a number of ways. First, we
will collect student level data 1-2 times per year to monitor growth relative to specific learning goals.
Secondly, we will collect data through periodic surveys of teachers and administrators to measure the
success of our TA goals.
Question: Is there money associated with this grant to cover the costs of professional development?
Answer: NCII will cover the cost of professional development trainings, coaching, and related materials.
Sites will be expected to provide a space for the professional developments as well as time for teachers
to attend.
Question: Approximately how often would teachers/participants be required to attend trainings?
Answer: The frequency with which teachers/participants will be required to attend trainings will be
flexible and individualized as TA plans progress. On average, this may be about once every 2-3 months.
The length of trainings will depend on the individualized schedule that is developed with each district.
Question: Do you have a number of districts you are committed to accepting into this process?
Answer: We plan to work with approximately 12 districts; however this number may change over time
if we receive additional resources. We do have a waiting list of districts to which we would provide
some level of TA support, if additional resources become available.
Question: Is there flexibility in the grade level of buildings you are willing to work with (for example, is a
high school out of the question)?
Answer: Working with middle and high schools is a longer term goal of this center. In our first year
working with district sites, we plan to begin in elementary schools and each year expand to include
middle schools and then high schools.