PC 6-2-15

June 2, 2015
The regular meeting of the Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals (collectively, the
“Commission”) opened at 7:04PM.
 Commission: Rick Kaminski, Bill Cherico, Anne Brown, Karen Brum, Lee Kafer, Mike
Coleman (Chairman), Jim Allen (Zoning Administrator)
 Applicants: Beverly & Cedric Johnson, Mr. Norniella (possible applicant)
1. Carleigh Rixon (Commission’s Secretary) has taken another job and was not present. The
Chairman provided a tape recorder and took notes for these minutes. The Commission
authorized that an ad be placed in the paper for a new secretary. The Chairman will contact
Jodie and arrange for such.
2. The Commission unanimously approved the May 2015 meeting minutes as corrected.
3. Public Hearing for Application #2015–017 for Cedric R. Johnson to construct a new 30 x 12 x
10 pre-fabricated storage shed @ 203 Messer Hill Rd. (Lot # 154- Tax map #8). It is in RR-5,
Coolidge Homestead Historic Overlay (CHHO). A CU permit is required. Mr. Johnson stated
the building will be inconspicuous and barely visible from the road. No plumbing or electric. It
will be used for storage of lawn mowers and power equipment. It meets setbacks. Neighbors
have been notified. Most of the shed will be behind the house. It will be of similar
architectural features to the house. The original 1960’s vinyl siding will be changed on the
house to match the shed (white & tan). Hearing closed, Mrs. Johnson provided her E Mail.
4. Mr. Noriella asked the commission about his proposed project to remove existing shed & add
a 30 x 15 addition @ Scout Camp Rd. He met with VT ANR- Rivers division (Sasha) &
Zoning administrator (Jim Allen). The state provided a river reparation buffer map and a
FEMA flood plain map & recommended he get an engineer to verify elevation and the exact
location of his project to insure it is outside the buffer. Based on the maps, the project
appears to be outside the stream buffer. Mr. Noriella displayed an Asser’s card marked up
with the proposed addition. The town zoning map is unclear as to the exact relation of his
property and the flood hazard overlay. Board discussion turned to restricting the 30’ proposed
addition to perhaps 20- 25’- offering a greater buffer. The stream setbacks apply. The
Chairman stated- If the project is outside the flood hazard overlay and not in the stream
buffer, a CU permit is not required. The applicant can submit a zoning application with the
maps and a proposed plan of the project. Permit is required for relocation of the shed larger
than 50 SQ, it must also meet setbacks and be outside the feet Zoning administrator can
review and make the decision.
5. The Commission opened deliberations for Application #2015–017 for Cedric R. Johnson’s CU
permit to construct a 13 x 12 x 10 shed. Members unanimously agreed the application and
verbal testimony from the Johnson’s satisfied all application standards under 4.14.1 of the
Plymouth Zoning Ordinance.
6. The chairman recited the Town Plan goals for the Plymouth Notch Historic District &
applicable CU standards that govern the CHHO.
7. The Commission reviewed the criteria in 3.23.3 of the Plymouth Zoning Ordinance.
8. The Commission reviewed the CU criteria in 4.14.2 of the Plymouth Zoning Ordinance.
Discussion turned to compatibility of siding color and future house siding colors. Members
agreed the proposed shed would be proportional to existing house & garage and proportional
to neighbor’s shed; it would be compatible to existing house & street scape; no views would
be impaired; setbacks are met.
9. Karen made a motion to approve Cedric Johnson’s shed, Ann seconded, motion approved
10. Commission discussed the site plan application standard ( The commission felt that
a simple site plan showing relative buildings in proportion to proposed project was adequate
for review. The Johnson site plan was used as an example. They also agreed that large &
more complex projects require more detailed plans.
11. Commission discussed the use of a copy of the Tax map. It helped identify the general
location, abutters list and demonstrated the relationship of the proposal to adjacent land uses.
( &
12. Chairman will contact Ast. Town Clerk to update the current chairman on hearing notices.
13. Commission discussed procedure for correction of minutes. The importance of tracking
changes & members were encouraged to offer corrections.
The meeting ADJOURNED, without opposition.