Worksheet - Tidewater Community College

Course Representative Worksheet Guide
Once your course is ready for review you will be directed to MyQM to complete the “Course
Representative Worksheet.” The first four items are prepopulated. Your responses to questions 5-30
will help the review team be more effective when reviewing your course.
In an effort to simplify completing the worksheet the following Microsoft Word copy is provided as a
guide to assist with completing the Course Representative Worksheet located in the QM Course
Review Management System (CRMS). The information in red is provided to assist you in completing
the task. The comments in red are general suggestions to assist you in completing the task. It serves
as a guide, not a directive.
All items must be completed before the Course Review System will accept the final submission. When
“N/A” is applicable it is required. Upon submitting the form there will be a confirmation of success, or
a list of items that need to be revisited.
Sample - Higher Ed Course Representative Worksheet Higher Education
Please click the 'Save Worksheet' button occasionally, while editing the worksheet, so you don't lose
Course Representative:
Name is pre-populated
Tidewater Community College
Course Title & Number (e.g., CIS101):
a. Course Title: Course title pre-populated
b. Course Number: Course number pre-populated
Discipline Area:
Discipline area pre-populated
Questions 1-4 have been completed automatically through the course review application
5. Has the course been offered at least twice? (This is for informational purposes only and
is not a requirement.)
Select yes, TCC only reviews “mature” courses that have been taught a minimum of two times.
6. Is the course stand-alone or part of a sequence with the same structure and technology?
Select “Stand-alone” or “Part sequence” (i.e., ENG 111/112 represent a sequence)
First in sequence using same structure/technology
Second or third in sequence using same structure/technology
If "Other" was selected, please explain.
Enter “N/A” unless other, then explain
7. Is this course used as a “master” course; that is, is this course duplicated for different
faculty to teach?
Select “No” unless this course was Center for eLearning approved and designed as a course to be
shared across the college.
If yes, the submitted instance of the course should include all course components including
instructor specific information.
If “Yes” enter information. If “No” enter “N/A.”
8. Is the syllabus set by the institution or may the instructor modify it?
Generally, faculty modify the syllabus at Tidewater Community College, with the exception of course
outcomes. Select “May be modified by the instructor.”
Set by institution
May be modified by the instructor
9. On which learning management system (LMS) platform, if any, does the course reside?
Insert “Blackboard” unless you also use a publisher’s LMS. Then add the appropriate LMS (such as
10. Are learners required to complete a tutorial on the use of the LMS prior to beginning
the course?
Select “No” unless you require a tutorial
11. Is the course fully online or blended? (See QM Course Format Chart)
Currently, TCC only reviews “fully online” courses. Fully online may include proctored assessments.
Fully Online
12. If blended, what is the approximate proportion of face-to-face time (e.g., 50% or
Enter “N/A.”
13. Is the course a competency-based course? (See QM Glossary for definitions.)
For competency-based courses, answer the following questions:
14a. Identify the staff roles that support the competency-based learner (e.g., facilitator,
coach, assessor).
Enter “N/A.”
14b. What is the range of time within which the course may be completed?
Enter “N/A.”
15. Is the course a MOOC (Massively Open Online Course) that is offered initially for
Select “No.” TCC does not currently offer MOOCs.
MOOCs for which credit is not initially offered should be reviewed using the Continuing and
Professional Education Rubric.
16. List navigation features that cannot be changed in this course. (Specific links or buttons
that are built into the LMS and cannot be changed. If all links and buttons built into the
LMS can be changed, enter "N/A.")
The topic is under discussion at the college. At this time, insert “Student Resources” or “N.A.”
17a. Provide a list of the course-level objectives (or competencies for competency-based
courses) used in this course. The objectives or competencies listed here must match those
found in the course.
*Note: It is not possible to complete the course review if measurable learning objectives or
competencies are not present. Please consult your QM Coordinator for more information.
Upload Document:
Create a Word document listing the course-level objectives, click the browse button to find the
document and the file will upload when submitting the worksheet.
View Current File
| Delete Current File
(By selecting a new file the old one will be automatically deleted)
17b. What is the source(s) of the course objectives or competencies?
Select “Mandated by the Institution.”
Created by the Instructor
Mandated by the Institution
If "Other" was selected, please explain.
If "Other" was selected, please explain. Otherwise, enter “N/A.”
18a. Provide a list of the module/unit objectives (or competencies) for one or more course
modules/units. The objectives or competencies listed here must match those found in the
*Note: It is not possible to complete the course review if measurable learning objectives or
competencies are not present. Please consult your QM Coordinator for more information.
Upload Document:
Create a Word document listing the module/unit objectives (for one or more modules/units—listing all
is recommended but not required), click the browse button to find the document and the file will upload
when submitting the worksheet.
View Current File
| Delete Current File
(By selecting a new file the old one will be automatically deleted)
18b. What is the source(s) of the module-level objectives or competencies?
Select “Created by the Instructor.” TCC has required course level outcomes for most courses (see iINCURR) but not module-level objectives.
Created by the Instructor
Mandated by the Institution
If "Other" selected, please explain.
Enter “N/A”
19. Explain opportunities provided in the course that enable learners to track their
learning progress. (If no opportunities are provided, enter "N/A.")
This may include practice quizzes, the opportunity to modify and resubmit assignments or multiple
opportunities to complete assessments.
20a. List the major instructional materials required in the course (e.g., textbook, etc.):
Insert the textbook (using standard style) and any other required course materials
20b. Comment on the currency of the instructional materials:
Insert a statement referencing currency of the instructional materials.
20c. Comment on the variety of instructional materials used:
Insert a statement referencing variety ofinstructional materials used in the course.
21a. Are publisher materials used in this course?
Select the appropriate response. This may include course cartridges or publisher websites.
21b. If “Yes,” provide instructions for reviewers to access these materials (or enter "N/A"):
Include access code provided by the publisher representative, or note “information to be provided to
the review team by Lynn Rainard, assuming you have made arrangements for the publisher
representative to contact him. If the answer to 21a. was “No” enter “N/A.”
22. Are third-party tools or social media used in this course?
Select the appropriate response. If “Yes,” remember standard 6.5 requires a link for privacy policies
for all external tools. Contanct Lynn Rainard if you need assistance adding privacy policy links to
Student Resources.
23a. Does the course include any real-time instructor-learner interaction?
Select appropriate response
23b. If "Yes," list the synchronous activities. (The interaction may include synchronous
events such as web-based meetings using web conferencing tools.) (Or enter "N/A.")
If yes, explain. If no, above, enter “N/A”
23c. If "Yes," is participation in the real-time component required, or may learners access
these events asynchronously?
Select appropriate response.
Required of all learners
May be accessed asynchronously
24. In what ways are learners required to interact online with the instructor?
Explain, or enter “N/A” if there is no student-instructor interaction.
25a. Are learners asked to introduce themselves to the class?
Select appropriate response. Keep in mind that QM regards student introduction as a 1 point standard
(the item is pre-loaded with the TCC template).
25b. If "No," please explain why learner introductions are not appropriate for your course
(or enter "N/A").
If yes, enter “N/A”, if no insert an explanation
26a. Is learner-to-learner interaction (e.g., on discussion boards, in forums, or in group
work) appropriate in this course?
Select appropriate response.
26b. If "No," please explain (or enter "N/A").
If yes, enter “N/A”, if no insert an explanation
27a. Are any course instructions, activities, or instructional materials provided by
individual emails or by other tools or platforms outside the primary online classroom?
Select appropriate response.
27b. If "Yes," please summarize what they are and how reviewers can access them (or
enter "N/A").
If yes, summarize how reviewers can access location for “learner-to-learner” interaction. If “No”
insert “N/A.”
28a. Was this course designed specifically to meet QM Standards?
Select appropriate response.
28b. Have the course developer(s) received professional development (training) in the
application of QM Standards?
Select “All.” QM training is required for online teaching certification at TCC.
28c. Was this course pre-reviewed (unofficially) with QM Standards?
Select appropriate response.
29. Identify any particular aspects of this course you would like specific feedback on from
the Review Team. (If none, please enter "N/A.")
This is an opportunity for you to direct reviewers to an area you are especially interested in having
examined for the purpose of feedback. Insert response below. If none, enter “N/A”
30. Please provide any other information you want to communicate to the Review Team
about your course. (If none, please enter "N/A.")
Free response opportunity. If none, enter “N/A”