Dr-Ihsan AL-Kardi*********..******..Parasitology

Dr-Ihsan AL-Kardi………………………..………………..Parasitology
Order : Pseudophyllidea .
Family : Diphyllobothriidae .
Genus : Diphyllobothrium .
Species : D . Latum .
Diphyllobothrium latum is called Fish tape worm .
Known also as the human broad tape worm .
Parasite causing a disease is called ( Diphyllobothriasis ) .
Final host : human , dogs , pigs , foxes , cats and bear .
Intermediate host : having two intermediate hosts :1- Firest intermediate host ( Crustacean like cyclops ) .
2- Second intermediate host ( Fresh water fish like trout ) .
- Site in final host : small intestine .
Morphology :
1- Very long tape worm reach up to10 meter in length .
2- The scolex is unarmed with no rostellum or hooklets and have two muscular
with one dorsally and one Ventrally longitudinal grooves is called Botheria .
3- The mature segment sequre shape with central genital pore ( wide than long ) .
4- Gravid segment have Coiled Rosette Tube the Uterus centrally located .
5- segments & eggs found in the intestine and found in the feces of the human .
6- Eggs is ovoid in shape possess an operculum ( plug ) within thick , brown shell .
Dr-Ihsan AL-Kardi………………………..………………..Parasitology
Life cycle :-
Adult worm in final host ⟶ eggs ⟶ coracidium ⟶ ingested by 1st I.M.H
Under cooked infected fish
(crustacean like cyclope )
ingested dy final host
Develop of plerocercoid ⟵ The infected 1st I.M .H
Found in fish muscle
ingested by 2nd I.M.H
⟵ develop to procercoid
in crustacean body cavity
Dr-Ihsan AL-Kardi………………………..………………..Parasitology
Pathogenesis :1234-
Pernicious anemia due to absorption of vitamins B 12 by adult worm .
Eosinophilia .
Slight leukocytosis .
Intestinal inflammation due to attachment of the Scolex .
Epidemiology :1- World wide distribution especially north Europe , Japan , Canada and
2- Several factor are need to complete worm’s life cycle e.g. insect
(crustacean and Cyclopes ) and fish ( like Salmon and trout ) .
3- Eating raw fish meat lead to spread the infection .
Diagnosis :1- Detection of eggs in stool .
2- Blood picture ( anemia ) .
Treatment :1- Praziquantel 10 mg / kg. b.w .
2- Niclosamide one oral dose 2gm.
3- Supportive therapy ( vitamins) .
Control :Cooking of fish meat before eating by final host .
Dr-Ihsan AL-Kardi………………………..………………..Parasitology
Genus : spirometra
Genus contains species e.g. 1- Spirometra mansoni Adults live
In feline small intestine (length 60-100 cm) , larva ( 30 cm (
2- S. mansonoides .
Characters :
1. It causes a disease called Sparganosis.
2. Members of genus Spirometra similar to Diphyllobothrium genus, both had
1st intermediate an arthropods .
3. Differences between Spirometra & Diphyllobothrium are :
A- 2nd intermediate host of Spirometra are Frogs , snakes , Amphibian &
mammals , unlike in Diphyllobothrium as Fish .
B- The 2nd Larval stage called ( Sparganum ) .
C- Spirometra definitive host are Dogs & cats .
- Human may play role as 2nd host especially those who eating raw meat of
frogs or snakes in orients regions , or when drinking contaminated water by
intermediate hosts .
- Sparganum is the old name for the plerocercoid .
- Life cycle of spirometra is similar to Diphyllobothrium .