
Parent Signature:_____________________
o Read the paragraphs below.
o Label the land and water below as warm or cool.
o Label the air above the land and water as warm air or cool air.
o Label the picture as daytime or nighttime.
From our lab today in class we learned that sand (land) absorbs heat quicker than water, but also
loses heat quicker than water. We also know that when air is heated up, it becomes less dense and
starts to rise. So, during the day at the beach, the sand heats up quickly, which heats up the air above
the sand causing it to become less dense and rise. This creates an empty space above the sand
causing the cooler air over the cooler water to rush in to fill that empty space. This creates a sea
breeze. Because cool air over the ocean moves towards the land, this creates empty space over the
oceans too. Cool air is denser and sinks, filling in that empty space. Below is a diagram of what this
process looks like during the day. The arrows indicate which direction the air/wind is moving.
In the evenings (at night), the opposite happens. Because the land loses heat quicker than the
water, the land becomes cooler than the oceans. The warmer oceans heat the air above it
causing it to become less dense and rise. This creates an empty space above the ocean
causing the cooler air over the cooler land to rush in to fill that empty space. This creates a
land breeze. Because cool air over the land moves towards the oceans, this creates empty
space over the land too. Cool air is denser and sinks, filling in that empty space. Below is a
diagram of what this process looks like during the night. The arrows indicate which direction
the air/wind is moving.
1. Which absorbs heat quicker?
A. Land
B. Water
2. Which holds heat longer?
A. Land
B. Water
3. During the day, which would you expect to be warmer? Think about our lab experiment today.
A. the land
C. Neither, they would be the same.
B. the oceans
D. Not enough information to tell.
Explain your answer. __________________________________________________________________
4. During the night, which would you expect to be warmer? Think about our lab experiment today.
A. the land
C. Neither, they would be the same.
B. the oceans
D. Not enough information to tell.
Explain your answer. __________________________________________________________________
5. While at the beach in the morning, a student woke up and was super excited about spending the day on the beach!
What he didn’t realize, was that it was still only 5:00 am. The sun hadn’t even come up yet! But, he headed out to the
beach anyways, hoping it wouldn’t be long before sunrise. He took his beach towel and umbrella and set them up in the
perfect spot. It was still a little cool outside, but he knew it would warm up as soon as the sun came up.
Describe how the temperature of the sand and water will change as the sun comes up and starts to heat them…
Sand: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Water: ____________________________________________________________________________________________