NMPi update – July 2015 Layers since 1st April 2015 Physical

NMPi update – July 2015
Layers since 1st April 2015
Physical Characteristics - Waves and Sea Level – Wave Exposure Index
Healthy and Biologically Diverse
o Protected areas
 RSPB Reserve Boundaries
 Scottish Wildlife Trust (SWT) Reserves
 MPA and SAC management - Draft Marine Conservation Orders June 2015
 MPA and SAC management - Draft fisheries measures - June 2015
o Seals - Grey seal pupping sites
o Economic Analysis - Marine Employment 2012 by Local Authority
o Oil, Gas, Pipelines and Gas Storage
 DECC - Onshore licensed blocks (Coastal) - April 2015
 DECC - Onshore blocks offered under 14th round (Coastal) - April
o Waste Disposal (Waste Water Treatment and Industrial Outfalls) Industrial (SPRI) marine discharges
o Maritime Transport (Ports and Shipping)
 Anchor berths and anchorage areas - October 2014
 Navigation channels (Recommended Routes and Fairways) - March
o Leisure and Recreation
 Scottish Canals
 Keep Scotland Beautiful - Blue Flag and Seaside Awards 2015
o Telecommunications cables - Historic cable infrastructure (sections may
remain on seabed)
o Historic and Cultural Heritage - NTS property Boundaries
o Limits
 Scottish Marine Regions Order 2015 (a downloadable data set)
 EEZ Global (WMS)
Regions – North Coast and Orkney
38 layers to cover the Draft Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters Marine Spatial
Plan maps June 2015
Draft PFOW MSP Map 1 - Plan Area
Draft PFOW MSP Map 1 - Locations
Draft PFOW MSP Map 2 - International Nature Conservation Areas
Draft PFOW MSP Map 3 - National and Local Nature Conservation Areas
Draft PFOW MSP Map 4 - Grey Seals - Grey Seal Haul Out and Breeding
o Draft PFOW MSP Map 4 - Grey Seals - Grey seal Usage
o Draft PFOW MSP Map 5 - Harbour Seals - Harbour Seal Breeding Colony,
Haul Outs and SAC
NMPi update – July 2015
Draft PFOW MSP Map 5 - Harbour Seals - Harbour Seal Usage
Draft PFOW MSP Map 6 - Landscape Designations
Draft PFOW MSP Map 7 - Bedrock Geology
Draft PFOW MSP Map 8 - Seabed Habitat
Draft PFOW MSP Map 9 - Water Environment - Shellfish Harvesting
Waters and Water Protected Areas
Draft PFOW MSP Map 9 - Water Environment - Water Abstractions
Draft PFOW MSP Map 10 - Coastal Archaeology - World Heritage Sites,
Scheduled Monuments, Gardens and Designed Landscapes and
Conservation Areas
Draft PFOW MSP Map 10 - Coastal Archaeology - Listed Buildings
Draft PFOW MSP Map 11 - Submerged Archaeology
Draft PFOW MSP Map 12 - Integrating Coastal and Marine Development
Draft PFOW MSP Map 13 - ScotMap - Monetary Value
Draft PFOW MSP Map 14 - ScotMap - Number of Vessels
Draft PFOW MSP Map 15 - Aquaculture - Shellfish Harvesting Waters and
Water Protected Areas
Draft PFOW MSP Map 15 - Aquaculture - Active Aquaculture Sites
Draft PFOW MSP Map 16 - Oil and Gas - Wells and Coastal Installations
Draft PFOW MSP Map 16 - Oil and Gas - Licenced Blocks and
Hydrocarbon Fields
Draft PFOW MSP Map 16 - Oil and Gas - Hydrocarbon Pipelines
Draft PFOW MSP Map 17 - Renewable Energy
Draft PFOW MSP Map 18 - Recreational Activities - Recreational Dive
Sites, Surfing, Windsurfing, Visitor Yacht Moorings and Marinas
Draft PFOW MSP Map 18 - Recreational Activities - RYA Cruising Routes
and Canoeing and Sea Kayaking
Draft PFOW MSP Map 18 - Recreational Activities - RYA Sailing Areas
and Canoeing and Sea Kayaking
Draft PFOW MSP Map 19 - Recreational Shipping Density
Draft PFOW MSP Map 20 - Non-Recreational Shipping Density
Draft PFOW MSP Map 21 - Ports, Harbour Areas and Ferry Routes harbour Areas, St Margaret's Hope Jurisdiction and Pier Harbour Areas
Draft PFOW MSP Map 21 - Ports, Harbour Areas and Ferry Routes - Ferry
Draft PFOW MSP Map 21 - Ports, Harbour Areas and Ferry Routes Ports, Harbours, Piers, Slips, Visitor Yacht Moorings and Marinas
Draft PFOW MSP Map 22 - pipelines, Electricity and Telecommunications
Draft PFOW MSP Map 23 - Marine Aggregates - Construction Aggregate
and Fill Aggregate
Draft PFOW MSP Map 23 - Marine Aggregates - Open Disposal Sites
Draft PFOW MSP Map 24 - Defence - Firing Danger and Navy Exercise
Draft PFOW MSP Map 24 - Defence - Firing Range
NMPi update – July 2015
Layers since 1st April 2015
Clean and Safe
o Spills, Casualties and Search & Rescue - Search and Rescue
(coastguard, lifeboat stations, and helicopters) - April 2015
o Aquaculture
 Active Seawater Finfish and Shellfish Sites (01/07/15)
 Disease Management Areas - April 2015
 Guidance on the location of marine fish farms - June 2015
o Telecommunications Cables - International Cables (hidden when zoomed
in past 1:25,000) - April 2015
o Waste Disposal (Waste Water Treatment and Industrial Outfalls) Location
and type of waste water treatment plants (2012)
o Renewable Energy and Power Cables - Power Cables (hidden when
zoomed in past 1:25,000) - April 2015
o Oil and Gas
 DECC - Hydrocarbon Fields - April 2015
 DECC - Significant Discovery Not Yet Developed - April 2015
 CDA - Hydrocarbon Pipelines – April 2015
 DECC - Offshore Licensed Blocks – April 2015
 DECC quadrants
 DECC - Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) areas
o Defence - MoD Establishments
o Maritime Transport - Ferry routes (indicative courses) 2014
C. Layers in preparation
The following layers are in preparation:
1. Port / harbour limits
2. Shetland regional layers
3. Seabird foraging routes
4. Broad habitats
5. Climate change (various layers)
NMPi update – July 2015
D. Identified gaps and areas where data are sparse
Activity / data area
Port / harbour limits
Updated shipping (AIS) data
Mapping of inshore fishery activity
Local fishery restrictions
In preparation
In preparation
Possible sources will be explored
Will be considered as regional data layers
In preparation from local data
Local sailing clubs in Shetland not part of
the RYA data set as not RYA members
Improved leisure and recreation data
Detailed hazardous substances data
Number of studies underway
NMPI points to MERMAN interactive map
which has full hazardous substances data
Data will be added as /when available
Data will be added as /when available
Coastal Character layers
Species / habitats of regional / local
importance (if not PMFs)
New / updates to PMF records as they
are found
Mobile species protected by other
international legislation (e.g. EPS and
basking sharks).
Local areas that are important to mobile
Invasive species mapping
Sea level rise and storm surge data
Actual water depths for bathymetry
Data will be added as /when available
Data will be added as /when available
Data will be added as /when available
Data will be added as /when available
Climate change data layers being sourced
Data will be added as /when available
E. Recent NMPI technical changes / enhancements
These are:
1. Introduction of a messaging service - see top right hand of the screen at initial
start-up. A ‘Frequently Asked questions’ tab has been added.
2. Log-in procedure. Now, as is usual practice with web sites, you log in using
your e-mail address and password rather than a separate user name. A
‘Forgot password’ function is now in place.
3. A loading indicator now appears in screen centre when a user has requested
a layer. This ensures the user knows that something is happening in the event
of any delay to data being displayed, especially in the event of a large data
set being requested to draw.
4. Layers harvested by WMS (Web Map Services) feed can now be interrogated
using the ‘Feature Information’ button and have an enhanced legend (subject
to the legend being made available by the service provider).
5. NMPi now handles WMTS feeds so allowing faster display rates.