Template for Electronic Submission to ACS Journals

An example zoomed portion of three different views of a mass spectrum produced from an F =
0.5 apodized transient (subsequently zero-padded twice) in magnitude mode, absorption mode
(‘Unfiltered’) and absorption mode where the negative portions have been divided by 100
(‘Filtered’). The inset shows the full intensity range. Three spectral artifact peaks are circled.
These three peaks can be easily identified as artifact peaks because they are not phase
corrected, whereas all the other peaks surrounding them are. One can tell they are not phase
corrected because they are not symmetrical. In magnitude mode, they appear to be genuine
Only in absorption mode can their true nature be determined. However, if the absence of the
magnitude mode (for comparison) and if the absorption mode baseline was replaced with the
magnitude mode baseline, it would be very difficult for a user to determine that these peaks are
not genuine.