
Topic: Chapters 16, Lesson 8
Questions/Main Ideas
Chapter 16, Lesson 8
What is the scrotum? What are the two
jobs of the scrotum?
Reproductive System – the body system containing the organs that make possible the
How many sperm can fertilize the female
egg (Ova)?
Testes – male reproductive gland that has two main jobs:
1. Produce the male hormone – ________________________
2. Produce the male sex cell – ___________________ (they produce about 50,000
sperm a minute)
Epididymis – network of tubes located behind the testes – sperm are stored there to
become mature
What’s another name for the Uterus?
What’s another name for the Vagina?
Vas Deferens – when the sperm leave the epididymis, they travel through these two
tubes. There they mix with secretions from the seminal vesicles, the prostate gland,
and the Cowper’s gland. The mixture of fluids and sperm is called semen. Semen
exits the penis through ejaculation – a series of forceful muscular contractions.
Hernia – occurs when an internal organ ___________________ or through a
surrounding cavity wall.
Where does fertilization take place?
Ovaries – the female reproductive gland that has two main jobs
1. Produce the female hormone – estrogen and progesterone
2. Produce the male sex cell – ova (females are born with all their eggs)
What is the main reason a female goes
through menstruation?
Fallopian Tubes – two tubes that carry eggs from the ovaries to the uterus
Uterus – shelter and nourishes the fetus
1. Endometrium – the lining of the uterus
Cervix – the opening of the uterus
What are two examples of how boys can
take care of their reproductive systems?
Vagina – is a muscular passage way from the uterus to the outside of the body
Fertilization – when a male’s _____________ cell joins with the female’s ____________
Ovulation – the release of one ___________________________- cell each month
What are two examples of how boys can
take care of their reproductive systems?
What are two examples of how both boys
and girls can take care of their reproductive
Menstruation – when the _______________ material, the __________________ egg,
and some ______________ flows out of the body. Usually lasts from 5-7 days and
happens about every 28 days.
Menstrual Cycle – ____________________ changes that occur in females from the
beginning of one menstruation to the next.
Problems of the Females Reproductive System
1. Infertility – is the inability to get pregnant. It may be due to blocked fallopian
tubes or a failure to produce eggs.
2. Ovarian Cysts – these are growths on the ovary. Symptoms of ovarian cysts
include a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen and abdominal pain, swelling, and
3. Sexual Transmitted Diseases (STDs) – these diseases are spread through
sexual contact