Assignment 3 Walking FbF

Assignment #3: Frame-by-frame (FbF) Walk cycle
Students will be able to draw out a walking sequence through a
frame-by-frame (fbf) animation.
Students will use prior lessons to help them with the walking cycle
fbf project, like Photoshop skills, creating and using symbols, and
drawing and sketching.
Students will properly draw out a walking cycle with proper body
shape and size, as well as angles of joints of limbs in the walking poses
You will draw out a walking cycle sequence in a frame-by-frame
animation. You must have at least 16 poses (the first and last should be
the same) and the animation should be 8 seconds long (24 fps). You may
repeat the 16 poses to create the walking cycle. The body should look
like a human walking so it must have mass/volume; no stick figures!
Attach a scenic background to make the project more interesting. You
will be graded on craftsmanship, background image, completion of the
list below, creativity, and class effort. The entire project is due the
Tuesday April 16th, but there will be check points along the way. Again,
you will be graded by peers and Ms. Kim and we will be watching each
others’ works.
Step 1: Draw two long lines across your long paper, one inch above the bottom of the page and
another on the top of the page. These are your markers as to how tall and long your drawings
should be. Then draw a line in between the two border lines (this line will help you know where
to place the hips for the legs).
Step 2: Draw poses 1-4 on your first page, 5-9 on your second page, 10-14 on your third page,
and 15-16 or more on your final page. The character drawings should all be evenly spaced.
***Hint: draw the poses in stick figure first before you sculpt the body out into an outline; draw
Check Point #1: The drawings are due between next Friday and Monday, 3/22 & 25.
Step 3: When all your stick figures are completely drawn out, then outline your committed lines
with a blue pencil/ or black Sharpie lines.
Step 4: Once all drawings are outlined, erase any pencil marks. You should have clean papers
before scanning.
Step 5: Scan all of your drawings. If you’re waiting for the scanner, work on Step #10 in the
meantime: your background layer.
Step 6: Take your scanned drawings into Photoshop, and correct the lining. Grow, stretch or
shrink the lines and shapes accordingly so that all the character drawings match up in size and
height. Save each drawing as a layer: every pose should be its own layer.
Check Point #2: Your digital drawings will checked on Tuesday and Wednesday, 4/9-10, right
after spring break.
Step 7: Transfer your layers into Flash CS6. Align your drawings into each frame by itself,
receding back each layer and frame at a time. It should look like an upside down pyramid.
Step 8: Convert your layers and drawing into a symbol.
Check Point #3: Your layers and symbols will be checked on Monday, 4/15.
Step 9: Delete all of your layers (since you converted them into a symbol already), and create a
new layer and insert your symbol onto the stage of Flash CS6. Make your character walk across
the screen, must be at least 8 seconds long (same as your walk and talk cycle)
Step 10: Insert a scenic background drawing (must be colored, must look GREAT!)
Step 11: Test your animation: how does it look? Does it fit the rubric? Look below for grading:
Grading Criteria:
1.) Completion: Do you have:
1.) a walking cycle using frame by frame and symbol
2.) a background drawing
3.) is 8 seconds long.
2.) Craftsmanship: Are the body, legs, and arms moving smoothly, and is the drawing welldone? Good colorings? Smooth animation?
3.) Background: Is the background well drawn, colorful and interesting?
4.) Class Effort: Graded by Ms. Kim’s discretion: did you use your class time wisely and use
her advice and directions? Late work will lose points if your work is not completed by the check
5.) Creativity: How was the overall animation? Amazing, good, okay, or meh?