ACRL-IS-ILBP Rubric Draft for Review

ACRL IS ILBP: Evaluation Rubric
This rubric will be used to identify programs that exemplify categories of the “Characteristics of
Programs of Information Literacy that Illustrate Best Practices”
Performance Level 1:
Performance Level 2:
Performance Level 3:
Advancing, Significant
Model Program
Category 1: Mission
Performance Description: The IL Program has a
An IL Program statement The IL Program’s mission
The Information Literacy general statement at the defining IL is publicized statement defining IL is
Program’s mission
library or institutional
on the library or
publicized on the library
statement includes a
level, or is working on
institution’s web site or in or institution’s web site
definition of information one.
relevant publications.
and in other relevant
literacy; is consistent with
publications and
standards set out in
institutional documents.
ACRL's Characteristics of
The statement clearly
Programs of Information
reflects the contribution
Literacy that Illustrate
of institutional
Best Practices: A
stakeholders and is
Guideline; integrates with
aligned with the library’s
the library’s and the
and institution’s mission
institution’s mission
statements; and is
promoted by the library
and the institution.
Category 2: Goals and
IL goals, objectives and IL goals, objectives and IL goals, objectives and
Performance Description: measurable outcomes
measurable outcomes
measurable outcomes
The IL Program has
are in development to
are in place, are aligned are in place, are aligned
determined its goals and align with the library and with the library and
with library and
objectives and its criteria institution’s mission,
institution’s mission and institution’s mission and
for measuring outcomes goals & objectives. Input goals, and take into
goals, and take into
in alignment with the
is sought from
account all learners at
account all learners at
library and institution’s institutional
the institution. Input
the institution. IL skills
missions, goals and
from institutional
are presented
objectives. Input from
stakeholders is
sequentially and are
institutional stakeholders
integrated across the
is accommodated, and all
curriculum. Input from
learners at the institution
institutional stakeholders
are taken into account.
is accommodated.
Category 3: Planning
Performance Description: The IL Program is
The IL Program has
engaged in a process of
developed a plan that
exploring opportunities
addresses the other
and challenges for a
Characteristics categories campus wide strategy,
The plan is written and
has been shared with
campus stakeholders; it
addresses the categories
outlined in the
The plan has been
adopted by the
institution and
incorporated into the
curriculum; the plan's
while adapting them to a but has not yet
Characteristics in a way
unique institutional
completed a written plan. suited to the institution's
unique context. Certain
aspects of the plan have
been adopted, while
others are in progress.
Category 4:
Administrative &
IL is not incorporated in IL has been (or will soon
Institutional Support
the institution or library’s be) incorporated in the
mission, strategic plan or institution’s mission or
policies. IL Program
strategic plan or policies.
Administration within an leadership is not clearly IL leadership is assigned.
institution incorporates IL defined. Mechanisms do Staff contributions to the
into the institution’s
not exist (or have not yet IL Program are
mission, strategic plan, been implemented) for recognized, supported
policies and procedures. recognizing, providing
and rewarded.
IL Program leadership is support for, or rewarding
clearly assigned. The
staff contributions to the
IL Program.
recognizes, supports, and
rewards staff
contributions to the IL
Category 5: Articulation Criteria:
within the Curriculum
There is little articulation
Performance Description: of IL competencies at the
The IL Program is formally discipline level, but it is
articulated within the
evident at the course
curriculum at the
level. There is little
discipline and course
integration of IL into the
level with appropriate
academic programs.
sequences and changing There is no formalized
competencies at each
dissemination of IL
level of the student’s
competencies or
academic career. There standards.
is evidence of advocating
for institution-wide
integration into all
academic or vocational
Category 6:
Forms of communication
Performance Description: and alignment are
embodiment of all the
Characteristics makes it
an exemplary model to
IL has been fully
incorporated in the
institution’s mission,
strategic plan or policies.
IL Program leadership is
clearly assigned and
responsibilities are
assigned to appropriate
librarians, faculty and
staff. Staff contributions
to the IL Program are
formally and fully
recognized, supported
and rewarded. This may
include funding and
support for appropriate
staffing levels, teaching
facilities and professional
The ability for a student There is a clear
to gain IL competencies is articulation and defined
articulated and defined at sequential progression
the course level. There is for the student to gain IL
a level of IL integration competencies at both the
within a few academic
academic discipline and
programs. There is some individual course levels. IL
dissemination of IL
is highly integrated within
competencies and
a variety of academic
programs due to a
formalized dissemination
of IL standards and
competencies that
charges specific programs
and courses with their
Mechanisms are in place A fully operational
for continuous
system of communication
The IL Program staff
emerging among
works continuously to
instructional faculty,
improve communication librarians, and other
among disciplinary
faculty, librarians and
other stakeholders with a
focus on enhancing
student learning and
developing skills for
lifelong learning. IL is
aligned with disciplinary
content to achieve IL
Category 7: Pedagogy
Performance Description: Efforts are emerging to
The IL Program staff
attend to diverse
supports diverse
approaches to teaching
approaches to teaching and learning and to the
and learning and
use of appropriate
integrates current
learning theories and
relevant technology to
support pedagogy.
Collaborative and
experiential activities are
used to promote critical
thinking, reflection, and
recursive learning.
Category 8: Staffing
Performance Description: The institution is
Staffing, which includes beginning to work on
librarians, library staff
issues of staffing in
and collaborators such as support of IL, but current
disciplinary faculty and staffing is less than
adequate. Staffing does
specialists, is sufficient in not yet include
quantity and
collaborators, such as
qualifications to support faculty, instructional
the IL Program and its
designers, etc. There is
continued growth and
an indication of some
development support.
communication with
some focus on enhancing
student learning. Efforts
are underway to align
disciplinary content to
achieve IL outcomes.
is in place and
contributing to student
learning and skill
development consistent
with the use of
disciplinary content to
achieve IL outcomes.
Diverse approaches to
There is clear evidence of
teaching and learning can diverse approaches to
be seen, as can some use teaching and learning,
of appropriate
including collaborative
technology in pedagogy. and experiential activities
that incorporate
appropriate technologies
for the purpose of
enhancing critical
thinking, reflection and
recursive learning.
Staffing levels can
support the current IL
Program and allow for its
continued growth and
improvement. At least
one member of the staff
is knowledgeable in
instruction, curriculum
development and
Collaboration is under
development with
disciplinary faculty, or
other potential program
staff and collaborators.
Staffing levels can
support the current IL
Program and allow for its
continued growth and
improvement. A librarian
has training or expertise
in instruction, curriculum
development, and
assessment and is
positioned to advocate
for information literacy.
Staff regularly engage in
development and
training. Collaborations
with, for example,
disciplinary faculty and
educational technology
Category 9: Outreach
Performance Description: The program’s outreach
The IL Program clearly
activities are described
defines and describes its for targeted audiences
outreach activities,
within the institution.
including the value these There is some evidence
activities have for their of collaborating with
targeted audiences. The institutional units to
program is marketed
disseminate IL. The
creatively to relevant
program is marketed
stakeholders within and utilizing standard
outside the institution, publicity materials,
utilizing varied
primarily focused on the
communication methods institution.
for outreach. The
program collaborates
with other institutional
units to programs and
workshops related to IL.
Category 10: Assessment Criteria:
and Evaluation
The IL Program conducts
Performance Description: assessment and
The IL Program utilizes a evaluation of one-shot
variety of appropriate
library sessions and
assessment and
freshman orientation
evaluation approaches to components of the IL
measure both its own
Program using a few
success in meeting its
quantitative approaches.
goals and objectives (see
categories 1 and 2) and
student success in
achieving learning
specialists are in place
and encouraged.
The program’s outreach The program’s outreach
activities are described activities are clearly
for its targeted
defined and described for
audiences, peers,
its targeted audiences,
stakeholders, and
peers, stakeholders, and
collaborative partners
collaborative partners
within the institution.
both within and outside
There is clear evidence of the institution. The
collaboration with other program collaborates
institutional units to
with other institutional
provide programs and
units to provide programs
workshops on IL. The
and workshops related to
program is marketed
IL. The program is
using a variety of
successfully marketed
methods, including
through a variety of
formal and informal
communication methods,
networks and publicity including formal and
informal networks, social
media, traditional media
and publicity materials.
The IL Program conducts The IL program conducts
assessment and
assessments and
evaluation using
evaluations at the course,
measurable objectives. program, and
The program and student institutional levels using
learning outcomes are
measurable objectives for
assessed using
program success and for
appropriate quantitative student learning.
and/or qualitative
Appropriate quantitative
methods. Results of
and qualitative designs
assessments and
are utilized. Multiple
evaluations are used to methods are
improve the IL program. incorporated to assess
student learning across
the curriculum. Results
of assessments and
evaluations are used to
improve the IL program.