two homework sheets

Chapter 12 atmosphere test review
Use the following questions and the two homework sheets for chapter 12 to prepare
for the test.
1. What percent is oxygen and nitrogen in our atmosphere?
2. Define: Density, green house effect, coriolis effect, ozone, thermometer, water
vapor, altitude
3. What do we use to measure air pressure?
4. How does air pressure change with altitude?
As up go up in altitude air pressure gets less and less density
5. Does cool air rise or sink? Why?
Cool air sinks because it is more dense than warm air
6. Compare and contrast local and global winds.
Local in a small area, usually near water; global on a large scale across the globe
7. What is the formula for density?
8. What does ozone protect us from? Where is it located?
UV radiation it is located in the upper stratosphere
9. How do we classify the layers of the atmosphere? List the layers in order.
By temperature; troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere
Tell what layer the following are in: ozone, meteoroids burn up, where
people live, contains most of the mass, shallowest layer, has weather
Ozone-stratosphere, meteoroids burn up-mesosphere, people live – troposphere,
most mass – troposphere, shallowest layer –troposphere, has weather troposphere
What are the prevailing westerlies? Which way do they move?
Major wind belts over the continental US. They push air masses west to east
The Earth’s surface radiates some energy back into the atmosphere as
Infrared radiation
Explain convection, conduction and radiation. Give an example of each.
Convection- in a fluid (Hot air rises in a room), conduction- must be touching
(when you touch a hot spoon the heat is transferred to your hand), radiation- can
travel in a vacuum in rays or waves (when you get a sun burn).
Energy from the sun that reaches Earth is mostly in the form of what?
Infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet radiation
Compare an aneroid barometer and a mercury barometer.
Aneroid – has a metal chamber that is sensitive to pressure changes, Mercury –
has a cup filled with mercury and a tube that the mercury gets pushed into as
pressure gets higher
As you climb a mountain explain why it gets harder to breath.
Less oxygen molecules the higher you go
Draw a diagram showing a land breeze and showing a sea breeze.
Land breeze – temp of land less than temp of water
Sea breeze – temp of water less than temp of land
On a summer day, the Sun heats land near the ocean. This causes the air
over the land to rise into the upper atmosphere. Describe what affect this will
have on the breeze in that area and what will it cause?
A sea breeze occurs as cooler air over the ocean replaces some of the rising air.
Explain this statement: At night, a sea breeze often switches direction and
becomes a land breeze.
The temp of the water changes much more slowly than the temp of the land
Which substance in the stratosphere absorbs sunlight and causes the
increase in temperature with altitude?
How do greenhouse gases affect the troposphere?
Greenhouse gases absorb heat radiation from Earth’s surface