
---------------------------------- Wichtige Hinweise ----------------------------------
Die gelb markierten Stellen in der Vorlage dienen zur individuellen Anpassung
gemäss Original-Leistungsausweis. Nichtzutreffendes soll entfernt werden.
Die Übersetzung des Leistungsausweises wird vom Dekanat nur unterschrieben und
abgestempelt, wenn sämtliche Angaben mit dem Original übereinstimmen (inkl.
Beim Datum ist jenes des Original-Leistungsausweises einzusetzen.
Ihr Name, Geburtsdatum und die Dokumentnummer sind auf jeder neuen Seite
Bitte beachten Sie die Schalteröffnungszeiten. Mitzubringen ist der aktuelle
Leistungsausweis im Original.
----------------------------------- Important Notes -----------------------------------
The texts marked yellow in the template have to be modified in a way to match the
original transcript of records. Please cross out what is not applicable.
A translation of the transcript of records will only be stamped and signed by the
Dean's Office if all information in the translation corresponds to the original (incl.
failed attempts).
The date of the original transcript of records must be inserted in the date field.
Your name, date of birth and the transcript of records number have to be inserted on
every new page.
Please be aware of the office hours of the Dean's Office. The original of the current
transcript of records must be presented.
University of Zurich
Transcript of Records
This document is a translation only. It is solely for information purposes and has no legal validity. For any
case of legal proceedings the German version ALONE has legal validity.
This translation refers to the original transcript of records number 000000000000000000000.
Ms. / Mrs. / Mr.
First name(s) Last name(s)
Street, Street number
Postal code, City
First name(s) Last name(s)
Date of birth: DD/MM/YYYY
Student ID number: 00-000-000
Enrollment for the spring / fall semester YYYY
Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics
Degree program:
MA UZH in Business and Economics (RO 2006) / MSc UZH in Informatics
(RO 2006)
Business and Economics / Informatics
Economics / Business Administration / Banking and Finance / Management and
Economics / Multimodal and Cognitive Systems / Software Systems / Information
Completed coursework
Module specification
Module title
ECTS credits
Grade UZH
Spring / Fall semester YYYY
Spring / Fall semester YYYY
Spring / Fall semester YYYY
First name(s) Last name(s), date of birth
Transcript of records number: 000000000000000000000
Zurich, dd/mm/yy, Page 1/2
Completed coursework
Module specification
Module title
ECTS Credits
Grade UZH
Spring / Fall semester YYYY
Spring / Fall semester YYYY
Spring / Fall semester YYYY
Total completed coursework ECTS credits
University of Zurich
Faculty of Business,
Economics and Informatics
Rämistrasse 71
8006 Zurich
Examination results are assessed with the grades 6 to 1. The different grade values have the following
6 = excellent, 5.5 = very good, 5 = good, 4.5 = satisfactory, 4 = sufficient (=passed), below 4 = insufficient
(=failed). Quarter grades are allowed. Coursework that is not graded is rated with "Passed" or "Failed."
First name(s) Last name(s), date of birth
Transcript of records number: 000000000000000000000
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