Waverley Tennis New Junior Squad Head Trainer Appointment

Waverley Tennis
New Junior Squad Head Trainer Appointment
Sadly East Burwood Tennis Club will no longer be the venue for the Waverley Tennis Junior
Development Squads after a period of over 30 years as the prime venue for the Training Squads.
Special thanks to the Committee of East Burwood (and more particularly Lyn & Colin Jeffery) for
making it feel like home and for their assistance over this time. With the change of
leadership/direction commencing from term 3, 2014, we will also be changing the venue.
Waverley Tennis is pleased to announce the appointment of Peter Taylor to the position of Head
Trainer at our new Whites Lane Tennis Club venue. Peter’s Assistant will be Michael Ilett (Tennis
Australia Junior Development Coach) of a Wednesday and Thursday night. Friday night squads
will be taken by Peter alone.
Below are details of Peter Taylor’s tennis career Certifications:
Tennis Australia Club Professional Coaching Qualification
Working with Children Check
Australian Sports Commission qualified
First Aid Level 2
Coaching experience:
Involved in the tennis industry for 20+ years.
Responsible for designing and implementing term and yearly coaching programs for
beginner players as well as elite players including; advanced squads, kids group lessons,
adult and kids private lessons, junior tournaments and holiday tennis clinics.
International coaching throughout the USA, South America, Asia and Europe at several
premiere academies and camps.
Players worked with:
Marinko Matosevic - ATP 39
Rubin Statham - ATP 280
Nick Lindahl - ATP 180
Matt Fox - ATP 1200
Andrew Gregory - ATP 900
Peter’s Contact: 0420 946 465
Email: tennis@flictennis.com.au
****NEW IN TERM 2 & TERM 3. We have immediate vacancies available in all Squads. Why not
contact Lyn Gillen (9802-1002) or ggillen33@optusnet.com.au to discuss your particular situation and
arrange a try out session.
Lyn Gillen
Junior Squad Co-ordinator