Registration Information - American Baptist Churches of Nebraska

Registration Information
The cost for the weekend at Camp Rock will be $70 per person. This covers all your lodging, food, and
a very small portion of the costs incurred in putting this event together.
First Baptist Church of Scottsbluff is hosting this event, along with the cooperation and help of ABMen
of Nebraska.
While at the Conference, you will also have the opportunity to join ABMen of Nebraska. Information
from this immensely worthwhile organization will be available.
Knowing that traveling distance is not only a factor for Nebraska men, but also for our ABC brothers in
eastern Wyoming and northern Colorado, we are inviting men from our ABC churches in Sterling, CO,
Cheyenne, Wy, and Torrington, WY, to join us in this event. “Welcome, our brothers in Christ!”
Registration: (We like to keep things simple)
Registration cost - $70 per person.
Name: _________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________
State: _______________ Zip:_________ Phone: _______________
Email: ____________________ Church: _____________________
I have enclosed $_______________ for ________ registration(s).
Please mail to:
First Baptist Church, 3009 Avenue “I”, Scottsbluff, NE 69361
Western Nebraska Men’s Conference
(A joint effort of Nebraska American Baptist Men and
First Baptist Church of Scottsbluff)
April 10-12, 2015
Camp Rock
Located 35 miles southeast of Scottsbluff, or 20 miles west of Bridgeport
“The Holy Spirit is Not for Sissies:
Real Men Need the Holy Spirit!”
Men - you are invited to attend an incredible weekend of
challenge, reinvigoration, fellowship, teaching, and great food in
the company of brothers in the Lord.
To that end, be ready to share what is happening in your church
fellowships, and any insights and discoveries about what works
for you. Thanks!
Tentative Conference Schedule: (very fluid!)
Friday, April 10:
4pm – Registration begins
6pm – Supper
7pm – Get acquainted
7:30pm – Clay’s first session
9pm – Campfire
Saturday, April 11:
8am – Breakfast
9am – Clay’s second session
10:30am – ABMen stuff,
reports, etc.
Noon – Lunch
1pm – Free time, adventure
groups, work groups,
4pm – Personal sharing, testimonies, possibilities…
6pm – Supper
7pm – Clay’s third session
8:30pm – Games
Dr. Clay Ford – the executive director of Holy Spirit Renewal
Ministries of ABC-USA, will be speaking on the purpose and
work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of men who want to be all that
God intends for them. Clay, who has been a pastor for over 35
years, is a dynamic and gifted speaker who can clearly
communicate the power available through the Spirit to those who
seek a fuller, more meaningful and purposeful life.
(For more info on Clay, check out and click on
The purpose behind this gathering is to encourage participation
in ABMen’s fellowship and work. It is understood that distances
often keep us apart. But as American Baptist men, we are bound
together not only through our relationship to Christ, but as
brothers in our denomination, no matter which Region we are in.
By bringing our gatherings to the farthest parts of our areas, we
help strengthen that bond.
8:00am – Breakfast
9:00am – Round-up
9:45am – Head to FBC in
10:30am – Worship at FBC
With Clay
Noon – Lunch at FBC
Sunday: April 12:
Directions to Camp Rock:
From Scottsbluff: Hiwy 71 south to Hiwy 88 – east to the camp
Google maps: key in Redington, NE – the town is the camp
Check out