two summative assessments parallel lines

Working With Parallel lines Cut by a Transversal
Name ___________________________________________________
Use the following figure to answer questions 1–4.
1. Is line d a transversal? Why or why not?
2. Is line y a transversal? Why or why not?
3. Is line t a transversal? Why or why not?
4. Is line r a transversal? Why or why not?
State whether the following statements are true or false.
5. Perpendicular lines always form multiple right angles.
6. The symbol " " means parallel.
7. Transversals must always be parallel.
8. Perpendicular lines can be formed by intersecting or nonintersecting lines.
Complete the sentences with the correct word: always, sometimes, or never.
9. Parallel lines are __________________________ the same distance apart.
10. Parallel lines ______________________________ intersect.
11. Parallel lines are ___________________________ cut by a transversal.
12. Parallel lines that are cut by a transversal _____________________ form right angles.
Name ________________________________________________________________________
In the following figure, m ll n and s ll t. For questions 1-6, (a) state the special name for
each pair of angles then (b) tell if the angles are congruent or supplementary.
1. 2 and
a. _________________________________________________ b. ___________
2. 6 and
a. _________________________________________________ b. ___________
3. 13 and
a. _________________________________________________ b. ___________
4. 11 and
a. _________________________________________________ b. ___________
5. List all angles that are equal to
6. List all angles that are supplementary to
For questions 7–10, use the measure of the given angle to find the missing angle. State
the special name for the angles. Use the diagram above
7. m 2 = 100°, so m 7 = ________ _____________________________________________
8. m 8 = 71°, so m 12 = ________ _____________________________________________
9. m 5 = 110°, so m 7 = ________ _____________________________________________
10. m 2 = 125°, so m 11 = ________ _____________________________________________
Complete the statement for practice problems 11-16.
11. Alternate interior angles are similar to corresponding angles because
12. Alternate interior angles differ from corresponding angles because
13. Same-side interior angles are similar to alternate interior angles because
14. Same-side interior angles differ from alternate interior angles because
15. Same-side interior angles are similar to corresponding angles because
16. Same-side interior angles differ from corresponding angles because