Wildlife Biology Syllabus - West Ada School District

Mrs. Hannaford - Wildlife Biology
Contact Information:
Hannaford.tara@westada.org Room: 426
Grades: Will be posted weekly, it is the responsibility of the student to check the website to make sure
all grades have been entered and are correct. If a student believes that a mistake has been made, it is
the responsibility of the student to bring proof of the error to the instructor in a respectful manner.
Course Description: In this class we will be studying how and why scientists study animals in the wild
and how we classify those animals. We will be concentrating on species that are native to Idaho.
Learning Goal: By the end of the semester students will understand the importance of sustaining
healthy wildlife in Idaho.
Textbook: In this class we will be using the textbook Biology (Prentice Hall) Miller & Levine.
Supplies: spiral notebook or composition notebook, paper, pencils, highlighter, black/blue pens,
calculator, colored pencils, ruler, and flash drive.
Semester Grades:
Classroom Assignments/Labs
Final Project
Absences & Late/Missed Work: Students are responsible for getting all missed work from absences
from the missing work bin in the classroom (students can check the class calendar to see what work was
missed during their absence), this should be done before/after class, if student has any questions
regarding the assignment this should also be done before/after class or before/after school. Late work
carries a penalty of 10% per week that the assignment is late, the penalty begins at the end of the day
the assignment was due, no name counts as late.
*I am available for student assistance Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday before school from 7:15 –
7:40 and after school by appointment. I can be located before and after school in room 426.
Food & Drink: Students may NOT eat or drink anything other than water in class, all water bottles need
to have a lid.
Expectations: Students are expected to be respectful to the instructor and each other, be on time and
prepared for class daily.
Electronic devices will not be turned on during class time unless it is part of that day’s lesson.
Wildlife Biology Class Outline
Taxonomy & Classifications
Ecology & Habitats
Reptiles & Amphibians (body structure, habitat, defining characteristics)
Fish (body structure, habitat, defining characteristics)
Birds (body structure, habitat, defining characteristics)
Mammals (body structure, habitat, defining characteristics)
Final Paper and Project
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