Medical Care and Emergencies - Parents

a. Attention to student medical treatment and care was a common discussion point for
many freshman parents on FB throughout the fall semester 2012. It is a good idea to
prepare for the fact that sending your student to college is similar to sending them to
kindergarten—they will likely pick up every bug that goes around until they develop
b. Prior to moving to campus, have the conversation with your student about what to do
and where to go when they are experiencing a medical situation. Be sure to send your
student with appropriate health insurance and prescription plan cards.
If your student gets sick and is having difficulty figuring out what to do, s/he should
contact the RA for his/her house.
b. The RA’s are not supposed to give their contact information to the parents (so that they
are not overwhelmed by calls.) It is probably a good idea to get your student’s
roommate’s cell phone number in case you cannot find your student in an emergency.
c. Even a common cold can drag a student down and cause a loss of focus on academics
temporarily. Take the time to promote the importance of your student being their own
advocate. Encourage them to seek help from the professionals staffing the Student
Health and Wellness Center as well as The Office of Student Life. Many times
extenuating circumstances due to health related issues are considered during test and
exam periods. The Office of Student Life will work with students to advocate for
adjusted due dates. Please keep in mind that all academic decisions are left to the
discretion of individual professors and faculty members.
d. Some parents have advised that their students received help getting to local pharmacies
through the Campus Safety & Security.
a. The Johns Hopkins University Student Health and Wellness Center (SHWC) – The SHWC
is the primary health care facility for full- and part-time students on the Homewood
campus. Students do not need JHU medical insurance to use the Health Center and
there is no fee to see a doctor or nurse practitioner. Appointments are necessary.
b. Some parents have sought out private doctors in lieu of sending their student to the
SHWC. This is not a recommendation. However, Johns Hopkins Community Physicians
– Wyman Park is closest to campus. Rite Aid Pharmacy is associated with this practice
and located in the Wyman Park Building (but note it is not open on weekends.)
c. MedStar Union Memorial Hospital is the closest hospital facility to campus located at
201 East University Parkway. In the case of an emergency, this is where your student
will be taken.
d. Local Pharmacies – link will provide a comprehensive list.
i. Rite Aid Pharmacy is located on campus in the basement of the Wyman Park
Building across from Mason Hall.
ii. Tuxedo Pharmacy is located nearby in Roland Park and will deliver.
iii. Giant Food Pharmacy located on E. 33rd Street.