Phase 2: Employability Skills Training: Form 2.0 - HW

Employability Skill(s) Training
Job Developer
Form 2.0
Participant Name:
Client ID #:
Please list the date in which each domain was
Assistance Date
General Topic
Self – Assessment of skills (personal, traits, transferable skills, functional skills)
Disclosing Disability (when, how, etc.)
Communications with Employers (letters, emails, phone, in-person contacts)
Appearance Related to Employment
Resume Development and Employment Applications
Developing Work History & Working with References
Create and Customize Resumes for Positions
Identify and Address Potential Work History Barriers (Terminations , gaps in employment)
Dealing with Criminal History & background checks
Employment applications (completing, analysis, etc.)
Job Researching and Job Searching
Research Labor Market & Matching Skills and Jobs
Networking, Identification of Potential Employers and Employment contacts.
Job Searching (Internet, newspapers, Work source, workforce employers)
Interview Skills (preparing, answering questions, personal presentations, etc.)
Pre-Employment Testing (drug testing, proficiency, background, physical etc.)
Salary, Benefits and ADA/Accommodations Negotiations
Assistance Date
Assistance Date
Assistance Date
Professional Etiquette (professional dress, hygiene, and behaviors)
Employment Plan/Goals
IPE Goal:
☐ Full Time (Hours____)
☐ Part Time (Hours____) ☐ Weekdays ☐ Weekends ☐ Split Shift
☐ Daytime Only
☐ Evening Only
Supplemental Documentation
Resume (if checked in referral by VRC, mandatory):
Cover letter (if checked in referral by VRC, mandatory):
Pocket resume (if checked in referral by VRC, mandatory):
NM DWS Registration (if checked in referral by VRC, mandatory):
Work Key Assessment (if checked in referral by VRC, mandatory):
Reference list (if checked in referral by VRC, mandatory):
Completed: Yes ☐
Completed: Yes ☐
Completed: Yes ☐
Completed: Yes ☐
Completed: Yes ☐
Completed: Yes ☐
N/A ☐
N/A ☐
N/A ☐
N/A ☐
N/A ☐
N/A ☐
Job Developer Comments:
Working Together
________ (initial) Job Developer will contact Participant at least weekly
________ (initial) Participant will contact Job Developer at least weekly
Job Developer Signature & Date:
Participant Signature & Date:
Phase 2: Please submit Form 2.0 with Authorization when billing, please verify that form is complete. Please submit all
VRC requested documents with this form to receive payment. This phase will not be paid until all required documentation
is submitted.