Abstract of the dissertation Name of the candidate: Mag.rer.nat

Abstract of the dissertation
Name of the candidate:
Mag.rer.nat. Monika Komon-Zelazowska
Names of the examiners:
Priv. Doz. Dr. Irina S. Druzhinina
Doz. Dr. László Kredics
Ao.Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Peter Gärtner
Title of the dissertation:
Molecular ecological aspects of Trichoderma that should
be considered prior its application in agriculture and
The mycoparasitic filamentous fungus Trichoderma is frequently listed among the most
economically significant microorganisms because of its key role in the production of
industrial enzymes such as cellulases and hemicellulases that becides other roles are proposed
for the second generation biofuel production. Even more importantly Trichoderma is
intensively used in agriculture as an agent of biological control of plant pathogenic fungi
(biocontrol) and as biofertilizer. On the contrary there are also known adverse effects of the
mycoparasitic activity of Trichoderma as some species of the genus are pathogenic to the
commercial mushrooms. Furthermore, at least two species of the genus are important to
mankind as opportunistic pathogens of immunocompromised humans.
The focus of this thesis is put on the possible negative effects of the genus Trichoderma such
as (i) the investigation of causative agent(s) of the mushroom green mold disease; (ii)
production of putatively toxic secondary metabolites and (iii) ability to cause invasive
mycoses in humans.
Some properties, like mycoparasitism, are characteristic of a wide variety of species in the
genus. Other properties, like opportunistic attacks on mammals with immunodeficiency or
green mold disease, seem to be restricted to certain taxa. Thus, the great diversity of
applications combined with ecological adaptability of the genus Trichoderma makes for a
deeper understanding of its ecology and diversity the worthwhile.