The Rapture - Stone Mountain

Teaching Notes
Texts: 1 Thess. 4:13-18; Jn. 14:1-4; Titus 2:11-13
1. Definitions
a) Origin (of the word)
– Rapio
– Harpadzo
– Snatched away;
Taken out;
Caught up
b) Instances (of use of the word)
- Jesus vs. His Sheep
Jn. 10:27-28
- Philip vs. the Eunuch
Acts 8:38-40
- Paul vs. 3rd Heaven
2 Cor. 12:2
c). Examples (in Old Testament)
- Enoch [Gen. 5:24]
- Elijah
[2 Kings 2:11]
6. The End Times
Recall Statue of Daniel 2
 Gold
 Silver
 Bronze
 Iron
 Iron and Clay [EU?]
→ Stone cast to crush
2. Symbolism
 Rainbow
 God’s faithfulness
 Up [Heaven] and Down [Earth]
 Colorful event for the Church
 Seen only by Church
 Partaken by those who watch
 Deliver from wrath [cf. rains]
 True identity [1 Jn. 3:1-3]
3. Rapture vs. Second Coming
1 Thess. 4:13-18 cf. Rev. 19:11-16
Second Coming
1. Appears
1. Returns
2. For Church
2. With Church
3. Deliverer
3. Warrior
4. Love
4. Wrath
5. Bridegroom
5. King
4. End Time Events
- Rapture
- Tribulation|Bema Judgment
- Second Coming
- Millennium
- Eternity
5. Timing of the Rapture
Imminent  a timeless event
Mt. 24:42, 44; 25:13; Luke 12:35, 40
Signs of the End Times
a) Nature
b) Society
c) Spiritual
- Positive, Negative
d) World Politics
e) Technology
f) Israel
g) Modern Day Signs
- Re-gathering in Unbelief
[Isa. 11:11-12]
- Re-establishment of Israel
[Isa. 66:7-8] (May 14 1948)
- Re-occupation of Jerusalem
[Zech. 8:4-8] (June 7 1967)
- Re-focusing on Jerusalem
[Zech. 12:2-3]
(UN, EU, US, Vatican, Arabs)
Modern Day Signs
Computer and Laser
Population Explosion
Nuclear bombs
Technology (Satellite)
7. The Message?
Watch out!!!
Luke 21:28, 36; 1 Thess. 1:10; 5:9
Maranatha! Come Lord Jesus!!
Elder Emmanuel Owusu
Teaching Notes
Elder Emmanuel Owusu