Minutes of a meeting of the Petrolia Joint Health and Safety

Petrolia Heritage Committee
Minutes of a meeting of the Petrolia Heritage Committee
Held Wednesday, January 21, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. at Victoria Hall, Petrolia
Present: John Phair, Liz Welsh (Council Representative), Jean Bradshaw, Heidi McNabb, Dave
Hext, Susan McEwen,
Martin Dillon
Martin called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Previous Minutes
Moved to accept by: J. Bradshaw
Seconded by: J. Phair
THAT the minutes from the previous meeting were accepted. (December 10, 2014)
PHC – 01 - 21/01/2015
1. 2015 Levee considered a success. Approximately 60 in attendance. Some from out of Town.
Suggestion for 2016 - have some displays
2. Arena mezzanine Pictures
Hold the next Petrolia Heritage meeting in the arena mezzanine and create a layout for
hanging current pictures and additional items.
3. Dave Hext has photos from former Petrolia photography studio. he will take the albums to
local care homes for possible identification.
4. Petrolia Heritage Open House Saturday February 28, 2015 10:00am - 2:00pm. Victoria Hall.
Lambton Archives, Petrolia Photo Club and Lambton OGS confirmed.
Liz will talk to Laurissa about creating a poster and placing advertising and a Facebook post
The public will be invited to bring their photos and memorabilia to share and have digitized.
Especially those with streetscapes. Petrolia Photo Club will take museum quality photos of
artifacts brought in - Lambton OGS will attend with scanner for photos and documents and
Petrolia Heritage Committee
genealogy information. Lambton Archives will bring displays and help the public upload photos
to HistoryPin
5. Water Tower Signage
The Independent newspaper has done a story about the signage but will give us more
coverage at the official "unveiling". Liz will work with Mary Jane Samela to provide a write-up
for the paper as well as other publications.
6. Hillsdale Cemetery Tour
Petrolia Heritage and Petrolia Community Theatre have decided to wait until 2016 for
our next Hillsdale Cemetery Tour. This will give us more time to research and prepare scripts.
7. Petrolia Discovery
Two formal ATIP requests have been filed with respect to information about Petrolia Discovery.
One to Federal Economic Development for SW Ontario and one to the Canada Revenue Agency.
Information from the requests is expected to be received by the end of February 2015.
8. Susan will explore funding opportunities with respect to possible interpretive signage
regarding the Japanese Internment Camp that was located at Greenwood Park during WW2. Liz
will contact the Petrolia and Enniskillen and talk with Town Administration about possible
locations for the sign.
9. Moved by M. Dillon
Seconded by D. Hext
Too approve DRAFT 2015 budget.
PHC – 02 - 21/01/2015
10. Moved by S. McEwen
Seconded by H. McNabb
To pay invoice received from Clouse photo for Arena mezzanine photos on mounting board.
PHC – 03 - 21/01/2015
11. Correspondence
(a) Community heritage Ontario newsletter
(b) Thank you from Vilnis Cultural Designs
Petrolia Heritage Committee
currently sitting on the Plympton Wyoming Museum Committee and gathering information and
Moved by: Heidi McNabb
Seconded by: Jean Bradshaw
THAT the meeting of the Petrolia Heritage Committee be adjourned.
VPPAC - 04 – 21/01/2015
Martin Dillon