Hiring Process - University of Hawaii at Hilo

Pacific Islander Student Center (PISC)
Last updated: August 13, 2012
Pacific Islander Student Employee
1. Review the PISC website for AANAPISI job requirements:
2. Send an email to Vid Raatior (raatior@hawaii.edu) with the subject line:
"AANAPISI Job Request" and attach:
A) Cover Letter (Recommended) – short description of your goal, type of work you
are looking for, and your work or leadership experiences.
B) Resume (Required)
C) Current Class Schedule (Required) - downloaded from MyUH or Star
3. Follow the RCUH Step-by-Step Hiring Procedures (see below)
4. Follow the RCUH Timesheet Submission Procedures (see below)
5. Maintain all AANAPISI eligibility requirements (see website above)
PISC Director
Approve / Reject AANAPISI budget allocation for partner departments
Verify student’s eligibility for AANAPISI funding (e.g. financial need, GPA, etc)
Verify I-9 Employment Eligibility Form
Set up partnerships with departments on campus for job placements
Send resumes of eligible students to department supervisors
Coordinate basic Job Training Workshops for student employees
Department Supervisor
1. Submit AANAPISI Funding Allocation Request Form to Vid Raatior
2. Create appropriate Job Description(s) for the student position including Job Title,
Hourly Rate, Purpose, Narrative of Duties, Supervisor’s Name & Contact Info,
Start / End Dates for job)
3. Submit Job Description(s) via email to Vid Raatior
4. Set up interview with eligible student applicants (if needed)
5. Email Vid the full name of the student, position title, hourly rate of the AANAPISIfunded student selected for the position
6. Provide appropriate on-the-job training and other normal supervisory duties
7. Sign RCUH Timesheets for student employees
8. Monitor and stay within allocated AANAPISI budget
Once a student has been selected to work at a department, the following steps must be
taken to ensure the student is officially hired at RCUH.
1. Vid sends to Mary Jo (maryjo@hawaii.edu) the following documents: a) student
resume, b) student position title, c) student class schedule
2. Student receives an email from RCUH Human Resources with a link (and
passcode) to the Online New Hire Documents. The student should complete
the documents as soon as possible. Be prepared to submit the following items
online via the Online New Hire Documents:
a. A bank document (scan and uploaded to the Online New Hire Documents
page or emailed directly to Sharon Vong (svong@rcuh.com). The bank
document needs to show the student's name, bank account number, bank,
and whether it's a savings or checking account. This is needed for direct
deposit of the student's paycheck. Feel free to bring your documents to the
PISC and we’ll scan them for you.
b. Download the I-9 form for the list of acceptable ID to bring in person to Vid
Raatior for employment eligibility verification purposes.
3. Student should complete the I-9 form and bring it along with 2 forms of acceptable
ID to Vid Raatior in the Pacific Islander Student Center, Campus Center 307. If Vid
Raatior is off-island, please bring all I-9 form and documents to Yolanda Andres in
the Research Office located in PB 9, Room 6. (A list of acceptable forms of
government-issued ID can be found on the I-9 form.)
4. Vid reviews and signs the I-9 and sends it to Sharon Vong at the RCUH Human
Resources Office in Honolulu.
5. Once all those documents are submitted, reviewed and approved, the student and
Vid Raatior will get an email indicating the student is approved to start working.
6. Mary Jo emails student a timesheet with instructions on how to fill it out.
7. Vid contacts the supervisor authorizing the student to begin work.
8. Student and Supervisor should agree on a Work Schedule.
9. Vid also provides a copy of the timesheet deadlines and pay days to the student,
and also try to review how to fill out and submit the timesheets.
10. Vid authorizes the Supervisor to sign the timesheets by sending a message to
Mary Jo.
Once the student has completed the RCUH Hiring Procedure and in order to get paid, it
is the student’s responsibility to follow these steps:
1. Receive the blank timesheet by email from Mary Jo (maryjo@hawaii.edu) at the
beginning of the pay period.
2. Fill out the timesheet accurately
3. Obtain Supervisor’s signature on timesheet by the timesheet deadline
4. Email a scanned copy or fax a copy to Mary Jo by the timesheet deadline,
5. Drop off the original signed copy in Mary Jo’s mailbox at PB 14-6 by noon of the
timesheet due deadline. The student must drop off the original completed /
signed timesheet!!!
More Information:
Vidalino Raatior (raatior@hawaii.edu), 808-933-3857, www.hilo.hawaii.edu/pisc