A meeting of the Council of the Township of Enniskillen was held on Tuesday September 6
2011 at 7:00 pm at the Enniskillen Council Chambers.
Present: Jim Burns, Kevin Marriott, John Phair, Mary Lynne McCallum and Kathy O’Hara
Mayor Burns chaired the meeting.
Pecuniary Interest
Mayor Burns requested that each member of Council declare an interest at the appropriate time
within the agenda where an interest may exist.
A. Minutes
Moved by Councillor Marriott
Seconded by Councillor O’Hara Wilson
That the minutes of the meeting of August 23 and 25 2011be adopted as circulated.
B. Interview Public Works
The Road Superintendent reported on the County of Lambton communications
concerning salt availability in 2011. He noted that a tornado had damaged Sifto Salt’s
storage facility.
He also reported that the Township would normally purchase winter salt based on the
County of Lambton purchasing process.
Moved by Councillor McCallum
Seconded by Councillor Phair
That the Township of Enniskillen purchase salt through the County of Lambton
purchasing agreement from Sifto Salt at $67.38 per tonne.
The Road Superintendent recommended that the speed limit on Discovery Line be
reduced to 50 kilometers per hour.
Moved by Councillor O’Hara Wilson
Seconded by Councillor McCallum
That first and second reading be given to Bylaw 60 of 2011 a bylaw to establish a speed
limit for Discovery Line.
Moved by Councillor Phair
Seconded by Councillor Marriott
That third and final reading be given to Bylaw 60 of 2011.
The Road Superintendent requested Council direction to undertake resurfacing of Rokeby
Line in the area damaged by recent trucking activity. He estimated that the work would
cost approximately $66,000.
Concern was expressed that the work should be left until the next year to insure that no
further damage would take place to the road surface by trucking activity in the area.
Councillor O’Hara Wilson recommended that only a portion of the work be undertaken.
Moved by Councillor Marriott
Seconded by Councillor Phair
That the Road Superintendent be authorized to undertake repairs to Rokeby Line.
The Road Superintendent noted that the licensed water staff would be attending a
conference in London on October 4th and 5th 2011.
The Road Superintendent reported that the two new pickups would be delivered in the next
The Road Superintendent reported that he had discussed with Ross White ditching of the
roadside ditch along Rokeby Line. He noted that the surface water would be directed to
a recently installed catchbasin.
1. Petition-Drainage Act D. Rumbold 2669 Marthaville Road
Moved by Councillor Phair
Seconded by Councillor Marriott
That a site meeting be held with Councillor O’Hara Wilson as Council representative
in regards to the petition for drainage submitted by Mr. and Mrs. Rumbold.
Ray Dobbin reported on the tender results for the 27 Side road Johnson Drain, 8th
Concession Drain and Roddick Drain.
27 Sideroad Drain & Johnson Drain.
Bruce Poland
Murray Mills Excavating $26,802.06
Van Bree Drainage
A.G. Hayter
$ 28,882.80
J& L Henderson
McKenzie & Henderson $16,770.09
8th Concession Drain
Bruce Poland
Murray Mills Excavating $59,405.79
Van Bree Drainage
A.G. Hayter
J& L Henderson
McKenzie & Henderson $33,063.80
Roddick Drain
Bruce Poland
Murray Mills Excavating $9,661.50
Van Bree Drainage
A.G. Hayter
J& L Henderson
McKenzie & Henderson $5,359.59
Moved by Councillor Marriott
Seconded by Councillor McCallum
That the low tender from Bruce Poland for the 27 Sideroad and Johnson Drain be accepted
That the low tender from J & L Henderson for the 8th Concession Drain be accepted and
That the low tender from McKenzie & Henderson for the Roddick Drain be accepted subject
to no appeals.
The Engineer reported on the site meeting for the Adair Drain. He noted that those present
requested that the open drain be cleaned.
Moved by Councillor O’Hara Wilson
Seconded by Councillor McCallum
That tenders be advertised for the clean out of the Adair Drain.
The Engineer reported that the cleaning of the Perry Drain had been completed. Leveling of
the mud had not been completed.
The Engineer reported that the cleaning of the open portion of the Cook Drain was not
The Engineer reported that the Howlett Lane Drain report was not completed.
The Engineer reported that a portion of the Noble Wooley Drain had been cleaned by Bruce
Poland. No further work was required on the drain.
Councillor Marriott requested that the leveling of portions of the Osborne Drain had not been
completed. The Engineer reported he would speak to the contractor.
E. Correspondence for information
1. Sarnia Heavy Equipment General Meeting Sept 13 2011
2. Jardine Lloyd Thompson Risk Reporter August 2011
3. County of Lambton
a- Warwick History Website Launched
b- Third Crow Tests Positive for West Nile Virus 4
4. Restorative Justice Week
5. MPAC New President and CAO
6. London Health Sciences Opening of North Tower Sept 27 2011
7. Coalition secures Commitment to discuss Impact of OPP Costs
8. SWEA Finance Minister Supports Southwestern Ontario Development Fund
9. Ontario Landowners Association Crown Patent Land
10. AMO 2011 Municipal Insurance Survey Results
11. CUPE Child Care Worker and Early Childhood Educator Appreciation Day
12. Premier’s Awards for Excellence in the Arts
13. Sports Day in Lambton
14. Lambton Fencing Re: Discovery Line
Moved by Councillor McCallum
Seconded by Councillor Marriott
That correspondence items 1-14 be received and filed.
F. Correspondence requiring motions
1. Upland Game Bird Chapter letter of support of Bob White Quail Release Program
Moved by Councillor Marriott
Seconded by Councillor O’Hara Wilson
That a letter of support be provided to the Upland Game Bird Chapter concerning the
reintroduction of Bob White Quail release program.
2. Application for Reduction of Assessment- 5383 Shiloh Line
Reduction of RT to $265,375 from June 30- Dec 31-11
Councillor Marriott declared an interest in that he owned the property that was affected
by the application.
Moved by Councillor McCallum
Seconded by Councillor O’Hara Wilson
That the recommendation of the assessor be approved reducing the 2011 RT
assessment to $265,375 from June 30 2011 to December 31 2011.
3. Resolution Petrolia donation for Goderich
Moved by Councillor O’Hara Wilson
Seconded by Councillor Phair
That a donation of $250 be provided to the Town of Goderich to assist in the
tornado damage recovery.
A tile loan application was received from Ian and Jaclyn Sager for Lot 6 Concession 6
in the amount of $27,600.
Moved by Councillor McCallum
Seconded by Councillor Marriott
That the tile loan application from Ian and Jaclyn Sager for Lot 6 Concession 6 in the
amount of $27,600 be approved subject to the availability of funds.
A letter was received from Ken Girard concerning the collection of drainage
assessments for the Edward’s Drain. Mr. Girard requested that he be permitted to
have the levy collected over a five year term.
Moved by Councillor Marriott
Seconded by Councillor O’Hara Wilson
That Ken Girard be permitted to repay the Edward’s Drain assessment over a five year
term with interest.
A notice was circulated indicating that a public meeting for the designation of the Oil
Heritage District would take place on October 25 2011.
Court of Revision Roddick Drain 7:30 pm
Moved by Councillor O’Hara Wilson
Seconded by Councillor Phair
That the Council open as Court of Revision for the Roddick Drain.
Present: Lorne and Eileen McKay
The Engineer reported that there were no appeals received concerning the assessments on
the drain. Mrs. McKay noted that they had no concern with the assessments in the report.
Moved by Councillor O’Hara Wilson
Seconded by Councillor Marriott
That the assessment in the Roddick Drain report be confirmed.
Moved by Councillor McCallum
Seconded by Councillor Marriott
That the Court of Revision be adjourned to an open Council meeting.
G. Accounts
Moved by Councillor McCallum
Seconded by Councillor O’Hara Wilson
That the accounts be paid as circulated;
Cheque: 3727-3758: $260,265.09
Cheque: 3759-3783: $46,477.75
H. Bylaws
1. Bylaw 59 of 2011 Confirmation Bylaw
Moved by Councillor O’Hara Wilson
Seconded by Councillor Marriott
That first and second reading be given to Bylaw 59 of 2011.
Moved by Councillor McCallum
Seconded by Councillor Phair
That third and final reading be given to Bylaw 59 of 2011.
I. Other Business
1. Penny Phillips- report on July 23 2011 storm event
A discussion took place about the inability of the emergency co-ordinator to
communicate during the storm event. Mayor Burns requested that recommendations be
made for Council during the emergency measures exercise.
2. Lighting Towers Marthaville and Krall Park
Randy Short had undertaken a review of the park lighting systems.
3. Memo – Road Closure Procedures
The Clerk noted that a road closure procedure would be prepared for Council review.
4. Commercial Signs
Mayor Burns noted that the planner had not been able to submit a report on the sign
bylaw. A report would be circulated for a future meeting.
5. Memo to Council Bus Shuttle Service
6. Memo to Council B Boyle Retirement Event
Councillor O’Hara Wilson noted that the matter of a donation for the 4H program
should be left until after the event.
Moved by Councillor O’Hara Wilson
Seconded by Councillor Marriott
That all members of Council be permitted to attend the retirement event for Brian
7. Livestock Valuer’s Report J Bell
8. Inwood Fire Agreement Meeting September 26 2011
The Clerk reported that a meeting was to take place on September 14th with the Fire
Marshall rep to review the proposed bylaw and the simplified risk assessment.
9. Memo to Council Landfill Dumpsters
The Clerk reported that the Waste Management Site operator had indicated a change
would take place in January of 2012. Enniskillen residents using the site would be
required to identify themselves at the trailer prior to using the dumpsters.
Moved by Councillor O’Hara Wilson
Seconded by Councillor Marriott
That correspondence items 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 and 9 be received and filed.
D. Court of Revision Pringle Drain 7:45 pm
-appeal Keith Woods
Moved by Councillor Marriott
Seconded by Councillor McCallum
That the Court of Revision for the Pringle Drain be opened.
Present: Keith Woods
It was noted that an appeal had been received from Keith Woods in regards to the Pringle
Drain. Mr. Woods noted that his assessment was excessive on the N1/2 Lot 7. He noted
that the deepening and widening was necessary for upstream properties. He reported that
Not all upstream land was assessed into the drain.
Mr. Dobbin noted that in 1988 he had undertaken a survey of the property owners to
determined the drainage areas. He reported that he had spoken to Mrs. Anderson to
confirm the tiling in the area. He noted that he had referred to aerial photography to
visual determine if tile were visible in the fields.
The Engineer reported on the method that was used to establish the assessments for the
property owners in the drainage area.
Mr. Woods noted that the open drain proposed was of no benefit to him but was necessary
for the upstream landowners.
The Engineer reported that the open drain would provide outlet for the tile drainage
system in his assessed property.
Mr. Woods noted that the south eastern portion of the Anderson property was tiled into the
Mayor Burns requested clarification from Mr. Woods of the timing of the tiling of the
Anderson property. Mr. Woods was unable to provide more detailed information.
Councillor O’Hara Wilson noted that the Keith Anderson property had a greater land area
than Mr. Woods but was assessed less.
The Engineer reviewed his methodology for creating assessments for outlet and benefit.
He noted that his work was consistent with prior reports.
Councillor Marriott questioned whether a change in Mr. Woods’s assessment would affect
the allowances provided in the report. The Engineer reported that the allowances would
not change.
Keith Woods noted that he wanted the dirt trucked from the drain. The Engineer reported
that the tender for the work would provide for trucking. The Engineer noted that Mr.
Woods would pay the additional cost of the trucking.
Moved by Councillor McCallum
Seconded by Councillor Marriott
That the assessments in the Pringle Drain Report be confirmed.
Moved by Councillor O’Hara Wilson
Seconded by Councillor Marriott
That the Court of Revision of the Pringle Drain be adjourned.
Councillor O’Hara Wilson recommended that Penny Phillips be permitted to attend the
Diamond Municipal Conference the last week of September.
J. Adjournment
Moved by Councillor Marriott
Seconded by Councillor Phair
That the meeting be adjourned.