Grade 8

Level 5
Mathematics Grade 8 FCAT 2.0 - Expressions, Equations, and Functions
Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
1. Analyze and interpret
tables, graphs, and
models successfully to
represent and solve
linear equations and
solutions to systems
of linear equations
2. Analyze and apply
concepts related to
linear equations,
including interpreting
slope, domain, range
and intercepts
3. Interpret graphical
representations of
linear or non-linear
4. Solve and graph
inequalities in one
variable, including
inequalities with
negative and/or
fractional coefficients
and compound
5. Solve literal equations
with multiple
operations for
specified variables
1. Analyze and interpret
tables, graphs, and
models to represent
and solve linear
equations, including
those with rational
number slopes and
solutions to systems
of linear equations
2. Interpret concepts
related to linear
equations, including
slope, domain, range,
and intercepts,
3. Interpret graphical
representations of
linear or non-linear
4. Solve and graph
inequalities, including
1. Use tables, graphs,
and models to
represent and solve
routine linear
equations and
systems of linear
Level 1
1. Identify the solution 1. Performance at this
to a system of
level indicates an
equations when
inadequate level of
given a graph
success with the
challenging content of
the Next Generation
Sunshine State
Standards for
2. Identify the slope,
intercepts, or
equation of a line
from a graph
2. Identify concepts
related to linear
equations, including
domain, range,
slope, and intercepts
given a table, graph,
or model
3. Solve and graph
3. Solve and graph
inequalities in one
one-step linear
variable, including
solving one-step
4. Solve literal
equations for
specified variables
5. Solve literal equations
with multiple
operations for
specified variables
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Level 5
1. Analyze and apply
similarity and/or the
Pythagorean theorem
to solve problems that
include heights and
2. Analyze and determine
the measures of angles
in problems that
require multiple steps
to solve
3. Compare and convert
units of measure,
including dimensions of
area, volume, and
capacity, both within
and between
measurement systems
Mathematics Grade 8 FCAT 2.0 - Geometry and Measurement
Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
1. Apply similarity
and/or the
theorem to solve
problems that
include heights and
2. Analyze and
determine the
measures of angles
1. Use similar triangles
to solve routine
1. Use similar triangles
to solve routine
problems where the
triangles have the
same orientation in
2. Use the Pythagorean
theorem to solve
routine height or
distance problems
3. Compare and
convert units of
measure both within
and between
3. Classify and
determine the
measures of angles,
including angles in
polygons and angles
created by
intersecting lines
2. Use the
theorem to solve
routine height or
distance problems
when given the
measures of both
3. Determine the
measures of angles
in triangles and
identify the
measures of angles
that are
corresponding or
4. Convert units within
a system of
measure and linear
units between
4. Compare and convert
units of measure
within a system of
measure and linear
units between
Level 1
1. Performance at this
level indicates an
inadequate level of
success with the
challenging content of
the Next Generation
Sunshine State
Standards for
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Level 5
Mathematics Grade 8 FCAT 2.0 - Number: Operations, Problems, and Statistics
Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
1. Solve problems that
1. Represent and
include performing
compare numbers
operations on numbers
using scientific
written in scientific
Level 1
1. Represent numbers
using scientific
1. Identify the correct
1. Performance at this
exponent when
level indicates an
converting a number
inadequate level of
greater than one in
success with the
standard form to
challenging content of
scientific notation
the Next Generation
Sunshine State
2. Perform operations
2. Perform one-step
Standards for
on real numbers,
operations on real
including, but not
numbers, including,
limited to, radical
but not limited to,
expressions and
radical expressions
absolute value
and absolute value
3. Simplify real number 3. Identify a positive or
expressions using the
a negative trend in a
law of exponents
scatter plot
2. Represent and compare 2. Perform operations
numbers using scientific
on real numbers,
including, but not
limited to, radical
expressions and
absolute value
3. Identify and/or apply
3. Simplify real number
generalizations about
expressions using the
the effects of
law of exponents
operations on real
4. Perform operations on 4. Select, organize, or
4. Identify trend lines in 4. Identify the mode
real numbers, including,
construct the most
a scatter plot
and range from a
but not limited to,
appropriate display
data display
radical expressions and
for a given data set,
absolute value
including box-andwhisker plots, scatter
plots, and lines of
best fit
5. Simplify real number
5. Generalize statements 5. Identify the measures
expressions using the
about data, including
of central tendency
law of exponents
data displayed in a
from a data display
scatter plot or boxand-whisker plot
6. Select, organize, and
6. Determine how
6. Determine a missing
construct the most
changes in a given set
number in a set of
appropriate display for
of data impact the
data given the values
a given data set,
mean, median, or
of the measures of
including box-andmode of the data set
central tendency of
whisker plots, scatter
the data set
plots, and lines of best
7. Generalize statements 7. Determine a missing
about data, including
number in a set of
data displayed in
data given the values
scatter plots or boxof the measures of
and-whisker plots
central tendency of
the data set
8. Extrapolate data from a
given display to solve
9. Analyze how the
measures of central
tendency and variability
of a data set are
affected by including or
excluding additional
data points
10. Determine a missing
number in a set of data
given the values of the
measures of central
tendency of the data
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