HUM 2210 Instructor: Paloma Rodriguez Summer 2010 http

HUM 2210
Instructor: Paloma Rodriguez
Summer 2010
Chapter 1: Prehistory
Homework worksheet
-Review the lecture, your class notes and read your textbook (pp.1-33) in order to complete this
1. According to the stone implements found we divide prehistory in three major cultural
periods. Place them in the appropriate time frames: Mesolithic, Neolithic, Paleolithic
From 2,500.000- 10,000 BCE
From 10,000 BCE- 8,000 BCE
From 8,000 BCE- 3,000 BCE
2. Indicate if the following statements are TRUE or FALSE:
_______ 1) Human development is a very recent event in the history of Earth.
_______ 2) The homo sapiens was more fully developed physically and mentally than
other hominids.
_______ 3) Cooperation and food sharing were essential parts of the social organization
of Paleolithic people.
_______ 4) The homo sapiens utilized verbal communication, buried their dead, painted
and sculpted.
_______ 5) The Chauvet drawings confirm the natural progression of human art from
more simple beginnings to more artful and skilled forms.
_______ 6) There isn’t any representation of the human body in Paleolithic parietal art.
_______ 7) The paintings of bison and horses intended to represent female fertility.
_______ 8) The Ice Age had little impact in the lifestyle of Prehistoric people.
_______ 9) The most important event of the Paleolithic period is the discovery of
agriculture and animal husbandry.
______ 10) The Neolithic period finishes around 3000 BCE when the first metal
implements appear.
3. Provide at least three interpretations of the function of Prehistoric cave paintings. Explain
the ideas of “agency” and ritual in association with these works of art.
4. Name five characteristics of Paleolithic people (physical, cultural, religious, technological…)
5. Place the following items in the appropriate location:
- early use of pottery
- megalithic monuments
- civilizations developing around rivers
- cultivation of corn and squash
- early Neolithic fortified towns
Asia/ Middle East