2012-07-12 FWC Board Minutes - Franklin Watershed Committee

The Franklin Watershed Committee, Inc.
Board of Directors Meeting
Franklin Homestead FELCO Room
July 12, 2012
Participants: Jim Cameron, Bruce Bushey, Sue Clark, Martene Gates, Peter
Benevento, Lucille Rainville, Ron Danyew, Lisa Bourgeois, Paul Stanley, Bruce
McGurk, Larry Myott, Amy Soriano.
The meeting commenced at 7:07PM.
Approval of Minutes: The minutes of the June 14th Board of Directors Meeting were
reviewed. Bruce Bushey made a motion to approve the minutes. Martene Gates
seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report: Martene Gates gave the Treasurer’s Report. The check book
balance is $3,771.48 and bills paid totaled $3,553.26. The balance of Sec. 319 Grant
money to be spent totals $32,993.43 and local funds available equals $8,000.00. Bruce
Bushey made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Peter Benevento seconded
the motion. The motion passed.
Water Sampling Presentation: Amy Soriano and Peter Benevento gave a PowerPoint
presentation on the water sampling results from 2011.
President’s Report: Jim Cameron gave the President’s Report. He reported that the
FWC met with Karen Farmer regarding the inclusion of Franklin watershed projects in
the Missisquoi River Basin Plan. He cited the need for the group to follow up on this
initiative. Jim also reported that the group will meet in two weeks to devise a plan to
reactivate the Hammond Shore Project.
AmeriCorps Report: Amy Soriano gave the AmeriCorps Report.
 Conservation Funds: A meeting to discuss Conservation Funds is scheduled for
July 25th @ 6:00PM.
 Annual Meeting: Chuck Ross, the Secretary of Agriculture, is the tentative
speaker for the Annual Meeting. David Mears, the ANR Commissioner, was also
mentioned as a possible speaker. The Annual Meeting will also include an Ice
Cream Social.
 Shoreline Buffer Project: A shoreline buffer work plan for the NCCC crew is
being devised. There are 17 potential projects but only 6 will be funded.
 NCCC AmeriCorps Volunteers: The NCCC crew will be here for four weeks
beginning August 4th. In addition to the shoreline buffer project they will also
work on the Hammond Shore Project, the Water Conservation Project, Trail
Maintenance at the State Park and the Town Beach.
 Data Collection Project: Amy is working with Rick Hopkins to develop data for
the project consultant.
Water Conservation Project: Aerators and water efficient shower heads will be
distributed free of charge. Water conserving toilets will also be offered on a 50%
cost share basis. Arrangements have been made with a plumber to install the
The meeting adjourned at 8:45PM.
Respectfully submitted:
Peter Benevento, Secretary