swissuniversities Effingerstrasse 15, Postfach 3001 Bern www

Effingerstrasse 15, Postfach
3001 Bern
Application for a grant
For a cotutelle de thèse between a Swiss university and a partner university abroad 1
Important: The General Secretariat of swissuniversities must receive five copies of the application sent by the responsible office
at your university by 31 March 2016 at the latest. (Please note that some universities set their own deadlines – be
sure you submit all necessary documents on time). The cooperation agreement between the two partner universities
and other required documents form an integral part of the application.
A) Data and curriculum vitae of applicant
Personal data
Last name:
First name:
Private address in Switzerland:
Postal code / city:
Date* and place of birth:
Nationality: **
Residence permit: **
Attachment *: Applicants older than 35 at time of the submission deadline (31 March 2016) are required to submit a motivation letter (see
the Criteria for selecting projects and awarding financial aid , individual requirements).
Attachment **: Foreign applicants holding a permit B, C or G are required to submit a copy of their residence permit.
Other grants
Do you receive other funding?
If yes, please name (institution and type of funding):
What is the amount?
annual for
The call for 2016 is open to cotutelle de thèse projects with partner universities in countries in the Bologna Area
( and with partner universities in Israel, in accordance with the current practice of the European research
Application for a grant
For a cotutelle de thèse between
a Swiss university and a
partner university abroad
Curriculum vitae
Start here and insert additional pages if necessary. Section B must start on a new page.
Attachment: Applicants without a Swiss university degree (Bachelor’s, Master’s) are required to submit a confirmation of their matriculation at a Swiss university or a copy of their student ID confirming the duration of study in Switzerland.
Application for a grant
For a cotutelle de thèse between
a Swiss university and a
partner university abroad
B) Organisation of the cotutelle de thèse
B1) Universities concerned
Swiss university
Name of the Swiss university:
Faculty responsible for the cotutelle de thèse:
Postal address:
Name of the rector or president:
Partner university abroad
Name of the partner university abroad:
Faculty responsible for the cotutelle de thèse:
Postal address:
Name of the rector or president:
B2) PhD supervisors
PhD supervisor at the Swiss university
Last and first name, title:
Unit (department, institute etc.):
Postal address:
PhD supervisor at the partner university abroad
Last and first name, title:
Unit (department, institute etc.):
Postal address:
Application for a grant
For a cotutelle de thèse between
a Swiss university and a
partner university abroad
C) PhD project
C1) Commencing work
Title and discipline
Title (working title) of the PhD project:
Start of the PhD:
Date of your matriculation at the Swiss university
«Cotutelle de thèse»:
Date of the last signature on the cooperation agreement as well as
Date of start of cotutelle de thèse according to the cooperation agreement, if defined
C2) Completing work
Expected date to complete the work: (thesis defence) :
If defined in the cooperation agreement: the latest possible date for completion...
The exact designation of the degree must be given, including a reference to the cotutelle de these
Doctoral degree awarded by the Swiss university:
Doctoral degree awarded by the partner university abroad:
Application for a grant
For a cotutelle de thèse between
a Swiss university and a
partner university abroad
C3) Summary of the thesis
Description, maximum 1 page
Application for a grant
For a cotutelle de thèse between
a Swiss university and a
partner university abroad
C4) Stays at the two partner universities
Information about the planned distribution of work between the two partner universities as well as the content and
the aims of the stays.
Please indicate any long stays planned (e.g. a semester or several weeks or months) as well as regular shorter
stays (e.g. for regular discussions or participation in courses or conferences).
At the Swiss university
Duration of stay / period:
Research aims and content:
At the partner university abroad
Duration of stay / period:
Research aims and content:
D) Reasons for the cotutelle de thèse
Importance of the subject and of the collaboration between the two partner universities in this particular project.
Statement from the PhD supervisor at the Swiss university
Attachment: Enclose a letter from your PhD supervisor at the Swiss university.
Statement from the PhD supervisor at the partner university abroad
Attachment: Enclose a letter from your PhD supervisor at the partner university abroad.
Application for a grant
For a cotutelle de thèse between
a Swiss university and a
partner university abroad
E) Grant
E1) Planned use of the grant from the Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI)
Travel expenses of the applicant
Living expenses of the applicant in the country of the partner university
Travel and living expenses of the PhD supervisors
Others – please describe
Expenses backdated up to 1 year from the deadline for the application will be reimbursed. This only applies to expenses incurred after all
responsible parties from the participating partner universities have signed cooperation agreement.
E2) Grant disbursement
The grant will be paid to the central administration of the Swiss university. The required information to transfer the
funds will be requested at a later date.
E3) Use of grant and settling accounts
The PhD supervisor is responsible for ensuring the correct use of the allocated funds. He/she will forward a statement of incurred expenses to swissuniversities (receipts on request) following the thesis defence. The university’s
central administration must reimburse any unused grant money to swissuniversities. Pertinent details are regulated
in the separate disbursement agreement.
Swiss university
The PhD supervisor:
The applicant:
Mandatory documents:
 Cooperation agreement between the two partner universities
Letter from the PhD supervisor at the Swiss university
Letter from the PhD supervisor at the partner university abroad
If required, the following documents must be enclosed:
Persons older than 35 at the time of the deadline (31 March 2016): motivation letter (see the Criteria for selecting projects and awarding financial aid, individual requirements)
Persons of foreign nationality: copy of residence permit
Persons not holding a Swiss university degree (Bachelor’s, Master’s): confirmation of matriculation at the Swiss
university or copy of their student ID card confirming the duration of study in Switzerland