2016 Obama`s America

2016: Obama’s America
Coming to a theater near you. All of the reports on this movie have had
rave reviews; of course this is from the people not wanting to go in the direction
Obama is taking our country. This movie will be shown in Toledo at the
Westfield (Franklin Park) Cinema on Friday. Several of us are planning on going
to the showing at 7:30 PM. You can go on-line and order tickets.
I just found out that the movie will also be shown at the Sandusky
Cinemark Theater from Friday thru Thursday next week. Friday, Saturday,
Sunday and Tuesday it will play at 12:05, 2:20, 4:35, 7:00 and 9:40. On Monday,
Wednesday and Thursday it will be shown at 12:05, 2:20, 4:35 and 7:00. I hope
you can make it.
If you are interested in joining our group attending the Toledo showing,
we will be meeting for supper before the show. Let me know if you want to
join our group and make an evening of it.
We will have our next regular meeting on the 2nd Sunday of September,
the 9th at 7 PM, because of a conflict on the 16th. If you have any questions, let
me know. Any one who did not make the meeting this past Sunday missed a
good meeting. Lots of information was shared and we have info on Issue 2 on
the ballot. Find out how you can help out in the upcoming election. Stop by
the Republican Booth if you get to the fair. Stop in the office for copies of
“Unfit to Rule”. We have plenty so pick up copies to share with friends and
Marion Bower