Flood Attenuation Flusher

Flusher Flood Attenuation - Setting New Levels in the Fight Against Flooding
With flooding from both high fluvial flows and intense rainfall events becoming an increasing
problem across the country, any product or solution that can help to minimise the damage and
disruption caused by these events will be welcomed by local authorities and other organisations
endeavouring to protect both property and critical infrastructure.
One of the most innovate solutions to hit the market is a specifically designed variant of the unique
“flusher” drain and sewer cleansing system. Developed by Infotec, partial flusher flood prevention
devices can be easily installed into new or retro-fitted into existing manhole chambers. The device
allows, where practicable, storm water to be retained in the upstream areas of any drain or sewer
catchment utilising more effectively unused storage capacity. This slows the delivery of high intensity
rainfall events to the lower reaches of the catchment, protecting low lying areas or properties that
may be at risk of flooding elsewhere within the catchment.
By effectively utilising more of the existing capacity within the drainage catchment networks, the
need to construct additional flood alleviation schemes and incur the associated costs of such a major
construction project will be reduced if not avoided completely. In addition, the development of
effective flood defence programmes will accelerate without the need for extensive consultation and
planning delays. The cost of installing these virtually maintenance free devices is significantly less
than current attenuation systems that are utilised, with the added benefit of improved operational
performance of an areas drainage network.
Another benefit of the flusher flood prevention system is a significant reduction in the requirement
for additional off-line tank storage capacity, making them a valuable and viable addition to many
sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS).
Infotec is already working with clients keen to review their current or planned schemes with
the flusher flood prevention systems also being considered for tackling similar problems on highway
drainage networks and culverted rivers and watercourses.
For further details on these systems, please contact Infotec or Aquobex.